View Full Version : is it normal for a cop to pull up to your house 2 times within 24 hours?

07-26-2004, 08:40 AM
is it normal for a cop to pull up to your house 2 times within 24 hours? yesterday night i walked outside towards my car. a cop passes by casually, however, making a u-turn and parking somewhat a distance from my house. perhaps a house away from mines. i went to go get some belongings in my car. i go in the house, and the cop floors his car knowing that he didn't accomplished shit.

this morning, i fire up my ol' datsun to give it some morning love. i see a cop pass by my house. oh okay, another cop. i walk outside to check on the exhaust fumes of my datsun and it looks a-ok. the damn car is idling high so i tap the gas a bit to get it settled. the car's warmed up. time to turn my baby off and go back in. i turn it off got outside closed the door and locked it. i start to walk to my doorstep starting from my datsun. my caravan is in blocking sight of the otherside of the drive way(i.e., left datsun middle dodge caravan, right another car). i see a cop in front of my house, in front of my damn 240 that's parked out on the street... what the hell is going on...? i walk in the house and that fuck face floors it off knowing that he didn't accomplished shit.

do all cops floor their damn cars after leaving from park? fucking infuriating to know that cops are up my ass for no reason at all. is this normal? or are they onto me? anyways, its' 7:40 and i'm off to school. i hope i don't get pulled over for driving a fucking 240.

07-26-2004, 09:16 AM
You might ;). And to answer your second question. Yes they do floor it. I think they want to nab you in your Datsun. Is it Legal?

07-26-2004, 09:39 AM
Yeah,cops floor it all the time around here,my uncle is one and he speeds like a fucking madman no matter if hes in the squad car or his mustang.

Just watch how you drive,and etc for a little while when the cop is still around. Don't do too many illegal things,maybe hes not watching YOU personally,how many neighbors do you have?People live in your house with you?

My g/fs neighbor is a cop,and he ALWAYS follows me home when its late or whatever

07-26-2004, 09:41 AM
id be careful, same thing happened to me a couple years ago. i was used to being hassled by the cops back then and shrugged it off as normal harrassment. but i got pulled over by two cops the next day and they raped me with illegal eqpt charges.

07-26-2004, 09:43 AM
happened to my friend before. i hate campers. they wait in the same spot. dont get fraged.

07-26-2004, 09:45 AM
maybe they want to get you for your drugs. i dont think theyd wait outside your house 2 days in a row just to see if youre gonna drive the datsun or your 240. but if youve got some dealings a brewin and youre well known around your area...i wouldnt be surprised if they are around more than you notice. of course they would most likely be in the narc car not a squad car if they were being sneaky. you didnt say which car they were in so..

07-26-2004, 10:08 AM
Hows the area you live in anyway? Is it known for any "fun" (drug) activities? Maybe the cop doesnt like datsun/nissan! heh i dont really know. Maybe it's just you he doesn't like :(

I've gotten pulled over in my driveway... i was about to open the door and get out, and the comp is standing right next to my car. im like WOAH wtf. it's happened a few times now.

Profiling happens all the time.

07-26-2004, 10:36 AM
2 simple solutions:
maybe next time you should walk out to their car and ask them. or you could call your local police dept. and ask them if youve done anything wrong.

if you havent done anything wrong, its likely that they're not interested in you and that youre just being paranoid.

07-26-2004, 10:43 AM
next time you notice the cop... Just tape the whole thing...

get it on tape and if they harrase you then you have it on tape!

it's your house and your property... you have the right to put up a "survalence camera" ;) so it's not illegal is you record it without telling the cop that you are...

07-26-2004, 10:57 AM
i heard if you walk towards the police, you are endangering yourself. i almost got shot by a police for walking towards my datsun my friend drove, which got pulled over by on the freeway shoulder. i was driving my 240

07-26-2004, 11:02 AM
that is if you packing something. if you are asking a question from a far and you keep your hands clearly out of your pockets or your back you are ok.

yea make sure they can see your hands clear at aLL time when you talk to cops. its very natural for them to get paranoid, do you know how easy for them to get shot? especially in the hood?

FastBack 240
07-26-2004, 04:33 PM
If it were drugs the DEA would be in an unmarked car. Maybe the neighbors called on your driving techniques through the neighborhood. Any drug lords in your hood?

07-26-2004, 04:37 PM
not that i am aware of. good clean neighborhood despite the fact that almost all of us are vietnamese. i guess that means we're not clean.. aha i'm just kidding

07-26-2004, 08:05 PM
happened to my friend before. i hate campers. they wait in the same spot. dont get fraged.

haha thats funny

07-26-2004, 09:33 PM
Is the datsun illegal? The 240 really hopped up? Are you thugish looking? meaning do you walk around in a fubu shirt,with a bling chain,like your badass? Or what? Sounds like hes watching somebody else,or something you've done or something about the way you look has got him.

Another thing I just thought of,my grandmother is single,and lives in the last house on a dead end in a neighborhood full of old people like herself,she had a homeless person break into her shed in the back yard,and left remenants of food/alocholic beverages,and footprints. My uncle who is a police officer and though not blood related still cares about her,did his paperwork in her deadend/on her street for about two and ahalf weeks until this guy dissapeared. He works at night too,so he'd be parked there most of the night,just to bascially keep the guy from doing anything to my grandmother and to keep her from being scared.

Might be ALOT more to it than it seems....

07-27-2004, 10:29 AM
the grandmother story is possible. but if the cop speeds away when you go back inside, i doubt its that. if he were watching for something suspicious, he would wait. and it seems like the cop was watching only psychedelicbeats and not anyone else.

idk man, just tape him and see what happens. maybe hes just tryin to bust ya cuz you have a nicer car than he does. or maybe some kid in a 240 that looks like yours did something stupid so the cops looked for the "stupid" car and found yours. maybe hes just waitin for you to do something.

07-27-2004, 08:35 PM
IMHO they are not watching you or they would stay put. They are def in your hood for a reason. you keep spooking them by staring at them.

07-27-2004, 10:19 PM
here's the deal today.... i went outside and saw the cops at the end of the street. hopefully it wasn't ME that they're waiting for. i didn't dare drive my 240 AND my dime for obvious reasons... carpooling to work is a charm.

07-27-2004, 11:09 PM
im serious..if youre so curious just walk over and ask them. they'll tell you. either that or you can call the police department and ask whats going on in your neighborhood.

07-28-2004, 12:58 AM
good clean neighborhood despite the fact that almost all of us are vietnamese...
That's it right there, you are a minority in a mostly minority inhabited neighborhood...

07-28-2004, 01:19 AM
be sure to have someone with a video camera around you next tim, just in case they try and pull a rodney king...