View Full Version : ENJUKU.COM - Zerolift Autolab RB25DET Conversion Mounts - Nissan 240SX S13/S14

Enjuku Racing
01-04-2015, 08:57 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10906381_761244357264298_5747925391846892361_n.jpg ?oh=2056f65c5521825775e91816e68ff069&oe=554461F9&__gda__=1430403109_172d2bee57a24d54d72f05bfa12d6d5 6

http://www.filledwithchi.com/images/sp/place-order.png (http://www.enjukuracing.com/products/zerolift-autolab-rb25det-conversion-mounts-nissan-240sx-s13-s14.html)

* NOW AVAILABLE * Zerolift Autolab RB25DET Conversion Mounts - Nissan 240SX S13/S14

Zerolift Autolab RB20/25 conversion mount kits. This mount kit is meant to utilize your 240SX Chassis Motor Mounts unlike other kits that require you to use a specific isolator style mount. This will allow you to expand into solid aftermarket mounts for racing purposes or if you prefer to keep the softer feel you may reuse the stock 240sx motor mounts.