View Full Version : Manual transmission gasket? What is this?

01-02-2015, 03:19 PM
So I was reading on the 5 speed swap and I have or thought I had everything.
Then I came across this...
What is this part known as a "Manual Transmission Gasket" and do I need one? If so, where do I get one?

01-02-2015, 03:32 PM
it's a dust cover

01-02-2015, 04:09 PM
it's a dust cover

Do I need it?

01-02-2015, 04:19 PM
Its a must. Keeps bugs off your new clutch.

01-02-2015, 05:28 PM
where do I get one short of a junkyard?

angel mkiv
01-02-2015, 05:43 PM
It's more like a spacer/plate that goes between the block and trans..just know if your doin a 5speed swap that spacer has to be for your trans/bell housing so a ka24 one won't work on a sr20.

01-02-2015, 10:17 PM
It's more like a spacer/plate that goes between the block and trans..just know if your doin a 5speed swap that spacer has to be for your trans/bell housing so a ka24 one won't work on a sr20.

I know. I have a KA24DE and a ka24e trans.

01-02-2015, 11:39 PM
yes, you need it

fucking retard

01-02-2015, 11:42 PM
The input shaft on the transmission can hit the crank without it. Sounds like crank walk when you let the clutch out.

01-03-2015, 12:33 PM
yes, you need it

fucking retard

K. Thanks. never done any sorta transmission work in my life other than fluid/filter.

Been building computers since I was 8 years old. Turbo'ed my first car myself within a year and a half of getting it with my own custom kit and knew nothing about cars when I got it (mitsu-4g69 engine). And to top it off, tought myself everything I know about both subjects.
I have made tens of thousands of dollars doing car/computer work for people and I am 19, I have no certifications, and no formal education just am smart and know what I am doing so word of mouth spreads my name.
I like to think of myself as the farthest thing from a fucking retard mind you.
Thanks for being a fucking asshole.
Putting it together without an integral part would be stupid so I asked a question before doing something I wasn't sure of. Not sure how that makes me a retard when search didn't help me.

Zilvia is awesome but there are some mean ass people who just don't need to say anything if they don't contribute in a good way.
Unless your just really dumb and really, really, rice out your shit or something equally as stupid. Then flame war. All day. Don't disgrace the car, just yourself.

I would have assumed with the amount of dust the clutch makes, that a dust cover that from the pictures I could assume only works to keep dust off of the side of the engine and NOT the output of the crankshaft, would be almost worthless as the bell housing area is covered heavily in clutch dust and nasty shit anyway when you take it off after being used.
Being an ex DSM guy, I know ALL about crank walk. I had no idea this could cause something like that.

I know now that this part is important and needed but no one has told me where to find such a part online or in store.
I can't find any 5-speed 240s in junkyards that haven't had their 5-speed goodies raided yet.

01-03-2015, 12:57 PM
it'll be ok

01-03-2015, 01:41 PM
I know now that this part is important and needed but no one has told me where to find such a part online or in store.
I can't find any 5-speed 240s in junkyards that haven't had their 5-speed goodies raided yet.

Where are you located in VA? I have a bunch of these laying around from various part outs/swaps. You can have one for 10 bucks if you come pick it up. PM me if your interested.

01-03-2015, 08:38 PM
Been building computers since I was 8 years old. Turbo'ed my first car myself within a year and a half of getting it with my own custom kit and knew nothing about cars when I got it (mitsu-4g69 engine). And to top it off, tought myself everything I know about both subjects.

Bud, you dont turbo a car when you dont know the basics of automotive parts. Turbo is advanced math and you're talking math 101.


Its not a gasket, its a plate. A gasket is for sealing.

All of these parts are OEM and can easily be looked up online. Asking where to buy an OEM part is fucking retarded.

So next time, dont be retarded

01-04-2015, 12:08 PM
Holy fuck, retard or not, his level of butthurt over 2 words is up par to level infinite.

01-04-2015, 07:43 PM
Holy fuck, retard or not, his level of butthurt over 2 words is up par to level infinite.

Its funny cuz I am not butthurt nor will I ever will be from stuff over the internet.
Just sick of mean people on forums when people ask a question.
People come to forums to learn and discuss and when people try to learn by asking a common or in your opinion obvious question, tons of people flame and attack them. I'm just sick of seeing it. It needs to stop. It degrades the community and doesn't help anyone.
Maybe the reason we have all these "retards" is because of this principle.
Now this is totally OKAY if the question is In an FAQ or a READ THIS BEFORE POSTING or was already asked 4 times a day and could be found by searching.

It takes less effort to say
Its a dust shield
You need it
"insert website here"
and be done with it than to start shit and be an asshole and continue this thread WAY longer than it has to be.

01-04-2015, 08:15 PM
It's actually easier to start shit and never see you again in a few months when you decide to sell your car and buy a 2012 Hyundai Elantra. Problem solved. Most of the people who have been around this forum and these cars have been around since you were in diapers.

01-04-2015, 10:11 PM

Denying butthurt with more butthurt is never the answer. Welcome to Zilvia, Spectre420.

01-04-2015, 10:47 PM
OP you got a point, but..........
avoid things like this by posting shit like this in the tech section IF you already searched for a similar thread .

Don't buy an elantra, I got herpes that way

01-04-2015, 10:58 PM
I think more educated people on this site need to be teachers. Next time a question like this comes up I'm asking the originator of the question "what do YOU think it's for and if it's needed". That way we don't give a dumb ass fish, we teach him HOW TO fish, or in this threads case, how to use their brain.

And dude!!! I know what you mean about the Elantra!!!

01-04-2015, 11:07 PM
I don't think OP question was dumb at all, homeboy needed to know
Members, including a moderator, answered respectfully

But for some reason OP choose to write a paragraph explaining why he isn't a retard
All ixfxi really said was "good morning"

Elantra; Spanish for herpes

01-04-2015, 11:36 PM
Bud, you dont turbo a car when you dont know the basics of automotive parts. Turbo is advanced math and you're talking math 101.


Its not a gasket, its a plate. A gasket is for sealing.

All of these parts are OEM and can easily be looked up online. Asking where to buy an OEM part is fucking retarded.

So next time, dont be retarded

That's exactly what I was about to say! Lol

OP said he has made ten of thousands of dollars working on people cars and shit...... I call bullshit!

01-05-2015, 11:16 AM
That way we don't give a dumb ass fish, we teach him HOW TO fish, or in this threads case, how to use their brain.

Precisely my point. You may not like how the answers are given, but the answers _are_ given. Think what a memorable experience this will be years from now, assuming you really are an enthusiast who plans on staying as opposed to a fly-by-night trendy douchebag who bought the car because <super street> <motor trend> <fast and furious> <etc>

If indeed you had the knowledge and experience, you would know the difference between a gasket and a plate - and more importantly, you would know its an OEM fucking part that can easily be looked up at any NISSAN dealer website that lists schematics.

Maybe you didnt know, but now you DO know.

Welcome to the forum. You're now 1% smarter which makes you less of a retard.

01-05-2015, 01:36 PM
...You're now 1% smarter which makes you less of a retard.

You know Mike... Some times I want to give you a hug. :bigok: