View Full Version : Chasebays brake booster delete kit

12-20-2014, 12:08 PM
Is anyone running this kit, I'm trying to decide whether or not to go boosterless. The main reason I would is because I have the vh45 swap in my s14 and the booster doesn't allow for clearance over the valve cover bolts and when installing and removing the motor it gets hung up on the booster. So if anyone is running this what are your opinions, what are the advantages, what are the drawbacks. Please let me know ASAP I'm almost ready to buy.

12-20-2014, 10:19 PM
Don't do it ! Keep the booster. I deleted it when tucking and cleaning up the bay. I ran Wilwood fronts , z32 rears . Tried single reservoir and car wouldn't stop , went to dual reservoir and car would stop but no , "oh shit " stop if someone pulls out in front of you. Cannot emphasize enough....don't do it - set up is only for car shows.

12-22-2014, 09:54 AM

Brandon Wicknick has 0 issues with his. I think the abuse Formula D drivers put those through are testament enough to answer your question.

12-22-2014, 10:13 AM
Ok thats all fine and dandy for off the road applications but in normal highway and town driving and in emergency stop situations how does it perform. Single line master cylinders are dumb and not safd..they offer no backup like dual setups incase of a leak in the system.

12-22-2014, 11:12 AM
Well I want to know if anyone here has used it I want to get an opinion from someone who uses it on a daily basis

12-24-2014, 11:37 AM
from experience, everything chase bays i own is utter garbage. Customer service was a pain in the ass and i will never buy anything from them again.

A close friend also had the same experience, one of the things he has is the brake booster delete kit. If im not mistaken he has stoptech front BBK and z32 rears, he asked chasebays if his setup would work with the brake master they sell and the answer was yes. He ordered, installed and has never liked his braking ever again. I havent driven the car, but his opinion was besides the obvious "no booster" feeling, he always complains they feel weak like when using a stock master for z32 brakes. He installed one a brake bias valve and got it a bit better feeling, but he says the cars track days are gone since he has no confidence in the brakes performing in a "oh shit" moment.

Just to make it clear, those are his words and opinions. He drives the car around mountain roads everytime he uses it, cause he lives in a mountain town that i bet has no more than 2 straight roads. These are not my opinions/experience nor do i have explanations to his opinions.

12-24-2014, 01:32 PM
^^^And your friend just keeps on driving it like that? I'm not sure if its courageous or stupidity.

12-24-2014, 02:52 PM
from experience, everything chase bays i own is utter garbage. Customer service was a pain in the ass and i will never buy anything from them again.

A close friend also had the same experience, one of the things he has is the brake booster delete kit. If im not mistaken he has stoptech front BBK and z32 rears, he asked chasebays if his setup would work with the brake master they sell and the answer was yes. He ordered, installed and has never liked his braking ever again. I havent driven the car, but his opinion was besides the obvious "no booster" feeling, he always complains they feel weak like when using a stock master for z32 brakes. He installed one a brake bias valve and got it a bit better feeling, but he says the cars track days are gone since he has no confidence in the brakes performing in a "oh shit" moment.

Just to make it clear, those are his words and opinions. He drives the car around mountain roads everytime he uses it, cause he lives in a mountain town that i bet has no more than 2 straight roads. These are not my opinions/experience nor do i have explanations to his opinions.

The brake master cylinder is willwood. Not chase base.. you could correctly comment if they chase bays adapter didnt fit correctly or the lines were a touch too short.

12-24-2014, 03:22 PM
The point of a brake booster is to lessen the effort needed to be applied by your leg to stop. Its a assist. Much like power steering. You can still steer without it but you have to drive differently. Such as moving while your trying to turn the wheel. Now on that note the proper bore mc needs to be used. And a brake bias valve needs to be used. Youll get used to the new pedal feel and change your braking habits and follow distances behind cars. Do not buy the single.line master cylinder..its not safe if you.were.to ever have a leak in your brake system lines.. go dual its morenmoney but.safe and easyer to route lines and adjust..

12-29-2014, 11:11 AM
Also the booster is there for daily driving when the system is under vacuum. That's how the brake booster works is the engine creates the vacuum and the booster utilizes the vacuum to reduce mechanical effort. If you wanna go see what it's like go cap off the booster supply line from the engine and drive your car. Just be super careful and have plenty of room to stop if you do this...

12-31-2014, 05:18 PM
well, he drives it cause why not? it's not undriveable, the pedal feeling is crappy but the only thing is he wouldn't use it on a track car per his opinion. And i never said the master was "chasebays brand" i said the one that comes with the kit, the OP asked about kit thats means they have investigated it and would know what master and stuff comes with the kit.

Now WHY does he keep the brake kit.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10690177_1001438463216426_2524228914199429901_n.jp g?oh=d8444e84e737aab5442c26f0c386c95a&oe=5543CE2E&__gda__=1429126935_ea9c498a327c2dc700bbbd03e4d728b c
he didn't really have any option with his setup, and was tired of cooking the brake fluid to fast with he booster/master setup.