View Full Version : *FREE SHIPPING*Sikky LS1 S13 or S14 Mount Kit

Enjuku Racing
12-15-2014, 09:04 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10847913_749703985085002_8677350525968199634_n.jpg ?oh=291555bd72fe173a5c6b36881ec7d45a&oe=55010575&__gda__=1430122189_e16f73b1071a4e1af28a8eb438d1013 9 (http://www.enjukuracing.com)

Sikky LS1 S13/S14 Mount Kit *FREE SHIPPING*

New Formula D rules do not allow notching or modification of crossmember / subframe. With the Sikky kit there is no notching or modification of factory crossmember / Subframe. Competition Legal, direct drop in kit.

Click here to order S13 kit ===> http://www.enjukuracing.com/products/sikky-ls1-s13-mount-kit.html

Click here to order S14 kit ===> http://www.enjukuracing.com/products/sikky-ls1-s14-mount-kit.html