View Full Version : NC Wtb - 1995 sr20 s14

12-04-2014, 09:41 PM

I'm looking to pick up a decently specced pre 1996 SR20 swapped S14 in the Raleigh/Durham area, although I'm happy to travel for the right car.

Budget is $4-10k depending on what's on offer.

Ideally I would like 270-300hp
5 Speed only
Daily Drive-able
Kouki front end would be a bonus but not a deal-breaker.
Heater and AC would be a plus.
It needs to have a clean title, sub 200k miles and be in a good condition (free from rust).
I'm not interested in S13's, KA's, V8's or CA's.
I'm not interested in unfinished projects or shells.
Nothing abused, nothing leaking.

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section, mod's feel free to move it as necessary.

Contact me via PM if you've got anything that fits my criteria.

12-10-2014, 09:14 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10423692_10204750250863743_2271864117751637740_n.j pg?oh=056a5de201a692a65b079d816ead73cd&oe=54FC7030&__gda__=1430670933_007bc2e93f57de9462a68998932ab94 3

Managed to pick this badboy up on the weekend! Built SR20..cleanest s14 chassis/build I've ever seen. Cheers for the messages and offers folks.