12-04-2014, 11:37 AM
Super Advan V1 18x8.5 +35 (pair) 5x114.3
Super Advan V2 18x8.5 +30 (pair) 5x114.3
Trade for other wheel pairs, set, S14 suspension links, cool stuff that I don't need but want.
I was going to have these resized to 12" wide with 7" lips but I fell in Love with other wheels and so yeah.
If you don't know these wheels you are too young. Lol
I want to keep the trades local. You can cash me out on these pairs for 600.00 firm. g?oh=73fec837ae45b9b7ef1786880404a343&oe=5508CDFF g?oh=b55d5135e6e5f1d814460d92f29386b9&oe=5513925F&__gda__=1426070325_ba035576184a8f5da884b53323f2aa2 c
Super Advan V2 18x8.5 +30 (pair) 5x114.3
Trade for other wheel pairs, set, S14 suspension links, cool stuff that I don't need but want.
I was going to have these resized to 12" wide with 7" lips but I fell in Love with other wheels and so yeah.
If you don't know these wheels you are too young. Lol
I want to keep the trades local. You can cash me out on these pairs for 600.00 firm. g?oh=73fec837ae45b9b7ef1786880404a343&oe=5508CDFF g?oh=b55d5135e6e5f1d814460d92f29386b9&oe=5513925F&__gda__=1426070325_ba035576184a8f5da884b53323f2aa2 c