11-30-2014, 07:30 PM
So I have a set of x4 ssr agle minervas that are 17x7 +37 all around, i'm going to re-lip them but I would prefer a 17-18 stagger so if anyone has a set of x4 18 and wants the same, here's your chance! So im looking to trade x2 of my 17s for x2 of you 18s. you have the choice of any of x2 you want, the lips and barrels are still welded(how they came from SSR) I can have them cut for you before I send them if you would like, at 40$ a wheel. But you would have to sacrifice the lip(doesnt mattter if your going to re-lip anyway) or im sure you can have a local machine shop do it for you.
*Edit: i could throw some cash on top as well if necessary (
*Edit: i could throw some cash on top as well if necessary (