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11-28-2014, 09:20 AM

What's your thoughts/opinions on the upcoming trilogy? I'm pretty optimistic after this trailer.

11-28-2014, 10:15 AM
Like anything that has a strong following, the hardcore fans will publicly express how they do not like anything and talk a bunch of shit but still watch it over and over again like they did with the prequels. "So much CGI, not enough story telling, oh God Padme wants that Darth D, God the Emperor is so hot, etc etc."

The teaser really is a teaser. I know that sounds retarded but some trailers try to excite the audience too much by revealing some of the plot. Personally, I'm excited that the story goes on but I'm a bit skeptical about JJ Abrams...sticking to the Sci Fi theme, I wasn't a fan of Star Trek but we'll see.

11-28-2014, 10:32 AM
I am extremely skeptical of JJ Abrams. I hate what he did with Star Trek. Too much damn time travel. It's not Quantum Leap, man... And his 2nd Star Trek movie was even worse than the 1st one. It does seem like he's sticking closer to the series roots for Star Wars though, so I'm a little more optimistic that its not totally his own re-imagining of that universe.

Young Sileighty Kev
11-28-2014, 12:03 PM
Can't wait!! Only one way to find out if it will be good

11-28-2014, 01:16 PM
Had a mini nerdgasm when the lightsaber came out n looked like a broadsword with a hilt.

11-28-2014, 01:39 PM
Yeah I can see the concerns from both viewpoints of mega-nerds and JJ Abrams critics. There's definitely a large chance of failure but from purely a trailer standpoint, all things look to be done well.

11-28-2014, 02:00 PM
The trailer looks awesome actually. I hope he doesn't ruin it

11-28-2014, 03:30 PM
Well, in the same way that Darth Maul's dual bladed lightsaber seemed wholly impractical to actually wield, I'm sure they've figured out some way to make that broadsword lightsaber make sense. But those stormtrooper helmets are definitely a new design. Makes me wonder why they received an update and the rebels are still rocking ancient X-Wings.

11-28-2014, 04:15 PM
Well, in the same way that Darth Maul's dual bladed lightsaber seemed wholly impractical to actually wield, I'm sure they've figured out some way to make that broadsword lightsaber make sense. But those stormtrooper helmets are definitely a new design. Makes me wonder why they received an update and the rebels are still rocking ancient X-Wings.
No, my nerdgasm was a good one. For some reason that just was so awesome to me. I may be in the minority, but when I first saw footage of Mauls dual lightsaber I went nuts. Loved the new idea they were bringing to the table.

11-28-2014, 05:05 PM
not digging that lightsaber, kinda looks impractical to me. But Im sure it will look "cool" to some viewers and fans, plus they gotta keep bringing new material. But all in all it looks good, that bike looks pretty outdated but then again, it is on tatooine. Gotta love those x-wings, are you guys sure they're still exactly the same?
Btw, why hasnt an Interstellar thread been started?

11-28-2014, 05:29 PM
As long as we're talking about impractical shit... I wanna see lightsaber nunchucks.

11-28-2014, 09:41 PM
Teaser trailer has set me up to have extremely low expectations of this movie.

Lead cast looks like they are pandering to the Twilight teenage crowd.

Expecting a rating equal to that of Episode I. :rolleyes:

11-28-2014, 10:55 PM

11-29-2014, 12:27 PM
Teaser trailer has set me up to have extremely low expectations of this movie.

Lead cast looks like they are pandering to the Twilight teenage crowd.

Expecting a rating equal to that of Episode I. :rolleyes:

Just a teaser. Definitely not enough to make negative assumption. I think it'll look good as far as CGI. And lets be honest here...the previous Star Wars movies all had terrible acting. All of them. It's the story of Star Wars, the culture, and the coolness of the idea of Jedi's vs Sith that make Star Wars great. Go watch the original movies, corny lines and and a cast where everyone looked 35 years old. Episode I-III had Natalie Portman <3, nuff said.

11-30-2014, 03:12 PM
Just a teaser. Definitely not enough to make negative assumption. I think it'll look good as far as CGI. And lets be honest here...the previous Star Wars movies all had terrible acting. All of them. It's the story of Star Wars, the culture, and the coolness of the idea of Jedi's vs Sith that make Star Wars great. Go watch the original movies, corny lines and and a cast where everyone looked 35 years old. Episode I-III had Natalie Portman <3, nuff said.

^ this the acting in episode l-lll was horrible and so was the story line. Jar-Jar Bink's!

11-30-2014, 06:26 PM

Teaser trailer done well IMO.

Not a die-hard fan, but I'm definitely looking forward to this movie.

12-04-2014, 09:58 AM
I'm just excited that there's going to be more Star Wars films. The whole mythology/world is too vast and detailed for there to only be 6 movies so far.

Probably some unnecessary over-analysis of the teaser if you guys want a quick read:

12-04-2014, 10:13 AM
That was a good read

12-04-2014, 10:32 AM
The whole mythology/world is too vast and detailed for there to only be 6 movies so far.

Since Disney tookover, all EU material is non-cannon is not considered part of the true story, according to Disney....

12-04-2014, 12:01 PM
I am extremely skeptical of JJ Abrams. I hate what he did with Star Trek...
I think JJ has a great bit of vision to his film making, but he kinda lost sight of it buying into the visual sci-fi imagery that every other blockbuster was cramming down our throats. (read: Lensflare mania) That being said, all visual choices aside, I enjoyed the Star Trek films, but perhaps that's because I never enjoyed the original incarnations of it. He drew me in to a universe that I had previously rejected, so he can't go too wrong here. Especially since, as you pointed out, he's working with a story already in play rather than a full fledged reboot.

Makes me wonder why they received an update and the rebels are still rocking ancient X-Wings.
Yeah, the only thing I can figure is he's trying to lend some credibility to the reasoning behind them being used in the original trilogy and episodes I-III all having much sleeker/more advanced looking spacecraft. Just as kind of a way to continue to sweep Lucas' oversight under the rug, as it were.

I'm super excited for the upcoming movies, but less-so the exposition flicks we're supposed to get in between the big releases.

12-04-2014, 12:19 PM
I'm pretty sure that Lucas is still playing a big role as a consultant or something in these movies as well. He isn't going to just sit back and let someone ruin his baby. All will be well.

12-04-2014, 12:24 PM
I think JJ has a great bit of vision to his film making, but he kinda lost sight of it buying into the visual sci-fi imagery that every other blockbuster was cramming down our throats. (read: Lensflare mania)

Let's be glad we didn't see this
