View Full Version : DillPickle

11-27-2014, 11:24 AM
Hey guys. I just wanted to let you all know my experience with this seller. While everything ended OK. It also was a horrible experience that took over a month to get the SR coilpacks and harness I had ordered.

The first contact with this seller was on October 26th. I had a WTB thread up for the coils and he contacted me with the best price. He kept regular contact and after I sent payment he said he was shipping them out.
That is the last I heard from him for 3 weeks after. I looked at his reviews even though it said 0 and another user on November had a dispute with him. This user said the same thing about him. He took his money and lost contact.
I persued a claim through paypal 3 weeks after no contact with DillPickle.
About a week after the paypal dispute was submitted I received the product in good working order. I closed the paypal case but still received absolutely no contact from DillPickle an apology, explanation or anything.

Like I said I just wanted to give a heads up and I put this in his profile feedback. Overall it could have been worse but it is still kind of scary when you loose all contact with a member and the items show up a month later.


11-27-2014, 08:15 PM
he didn't rip you off. It's in your possession. So, that's kind of effed.

11-28-2014, 01:05 AM
he didn't rip you off. It's in your possession. So, that's kind of effed.

Communication is key. 3 weeks with no response would have me irritated and suspicious too.

OP what was the post date on when he finally shipped the package?