View Full Version : IN JIC Magic Force 5 18x9.5 +15 5x114.3

11-13-2014, 06:28 AM
Up for grabs is a full set of 4 JIC Magic Force 5 wheels
Specs 18x9.5 +15 offset on 5x114.3/ 5x4.5 brand new 225/40-18 kumho tires
I've had these wheels since new they will be coming with all center caps an the original metal valve stems and metal caps. Two of the wheels have some light rash from getting close to a curb . Asking 1800$ Or trades for Gulf Stich wheels or possibly work Meisters. Willing to put some cash on top for the right deal.
I don't have pics of the curb rash on my phone but will post asap .
Okay phone and computer won't let me post pics right now will edit an post photos later or I can send them upon request sorry for inconvenience. Fastest way to contact me is 260-579-6757

derek king
11-13-2014, 02:22 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10349220_10203958859024872_543948496057558006_n.jp g?oh=20837b029e4ea2e91ffc25f455a08f05&oe=54D2C16C&__gda__=1423168597_ca323cc98397c32f76abc29b679b511 e