View Full Version : S15 3 Pin Headlight Connector for Headlight Conversions

10-31-2014, 08:33 AM
YEEEEAAAHHHHH!!!!!! So After a lot of digging and guessing and hair pulling I ran across the below 3 pin connector that is a direct fit for the S15 headlights. Now, anyone doing the conversion, does not have to ghetto rig or hack splice in the wiring for the turn signals and running lights on their S15 headlights. This connector has been eluding me for a while now and I just called Wiring Specialties to let them know to change their description of this connector so when people doing a web search for the proper connector, it should pop up. Roughly $12 shipped and well worth it!So to porperly wire in your S14 lights to S15 headlights the only connecotr you need is this one and then read the wiring diagram to properly run all your lights. I will be doing a semi in depth thread so that when others web search they have a new and updated "HOW TO". Enjoy.
