View Full Version : Girlfriend #2 is my Z / good aftermarket stereo?
Chris Jamison
10-21-2014, 04:44 PM
Loving her every day...Does anybody know any great aftermarket stereos for a 350 Z?
Clutch Dog
10-21-2014, 05:06 PM
fuck it looks like you just jumped straight outta NFS U2....
Answer:;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAGQAtAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAAIDBAYBB//EAFQQAAECBAMDBAsJCwoHAAAAAAECAwAEBRESITEGE0EiUWHRF BUyVHFzgZGhsdMHFjRCRFKSlLIjMzVTcoTBwtLi8CRDVWR0goO TosM2YmN14ePx/8QAGgEBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBv/EACoRAAICAQMDAwIHAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRBBIhEzFRQXGBofAFF CJCkbHx/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDHKqUy09Pvb51am5jdoCnFFKbledr59zx yzPRZz1YqTKGVOrQkPILjelykG17DTPnhkpKNzb9VQ8V4RNJIC NSbuf8AmJRRZLlLS3M3tmsYb26ThgMkZrVQ5HL7vuchnHH61UZ cHeqsbE5FJv5jDZ2ny7Uu4ttT4U2kkBZFtfBAkFKXFb3cKwkpU h14Jz4g8oERCz6l5OGf0ln34PcVL80L34O/OXFTdyB+R0360fawt1T+9Kb5JtXtYnBQt+/B3nXHffk7zKMVAxTuMpTz+dn2kd7Hph+TSQ8E4faROGC3783fm 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O4kH8TYXiaU9bUj8ZplkeIijvx3hK/Se9pDqDAHv0xy5gzvx3hK/Se9pHd+n+jpT6T3tIhzJAscg0X02/B8r9J72kW+xwVFKJamqI4B5+/24ruBmo5Gm3ASqypamA203z9/txU36bX7XSv0nvaRUAZGvkMFKYOVSz/Xj/tQZl21yj6HmO0IcSeSovLcCemylEeW0QvPPTlYkN4iRGB5Ch2E 1gTcqF7i2ash6IAo0X4Kvxh9QhR2igiVV+WfUIUAHZmRZROTt7 rQ68ouIXYpUcRIOmouc+k85iuadI96NenrhQoAXa6R70a9PXCN Oku9W/T1woUAI02RPyVv09cIU2RHyRs+G/XChQB0U+R70a9PXC7XyPebQ8F+uFCgBwk5ROks36euHhiWHyZr zGFCgBbiW71Z8x64W4lu9GfMeuFCgBwalxpKs+Y9cLdsd7M+Y9 cKFACwMd7M+Y9cLAx3s15j1woUALAx3sz5j1wt2x3sz5j1woUA LAx3sz5j1wt2x3s15jChQBzds/iG/NDkJQ2oKabQ2sdysJF0nnF+MdhQA6nUuXbYKUldsXOOYdEdhQo A//9k=
( wood+double+din&client=firefox-a&hs=BLk&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1876&bih=1057&noj=1&sa=X&ei=zOZGVMmHDJOPyASu14HoAg&ved=0COwDEPICMAA)
Kenwood DDX371 ( wood+double+din&client=firefox-a&hs=BLk&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1876&bih=1057&noj=1&sa=X&ei=zOZGVMmHDJOPyASu14HoAg&ved=0CO0DEPMCMAA)
10-21-2014, 05:16 PM
Did you put the underglows & wing on yourself?
10-21-2014, 05:31 PM
the smart answer would be "no"
Its like a flashback to the late 90s
10-21-2014, 05:55 PM
the smart answer would be to not even post a pic of that shit.
Fixed that for you. But at least he's come to the right place to learn some style.
10-21-2014, 07:14 PM
Loving her every day...Does anybody know any great aftermarket stereos for a 350 Z?
Don't take this the wrong way Chris, because in all honestly, unlike the rest of the people that are new (including myself) you really seem like you do care about your car, I can tell man. I'm a good mood, and I want to save you of a biblical like crucifixion.
First let me ask you this, if you want to really do her right...really treat her like a queen.
Remove that NFS:U2/FnF memorabilia off her right now.
Trust me, if you come to Zilvia and you looking to receive opinions about your ride. Your ride better be tighter then a fresh pair of virgins ass cheeks homie, cause this place here, is hard to please.
But, like I said, I see you actually care about your car man.
here are some threads.
The Pic thread! consists of random pics, lots of s-chassis, BUT you can definitely find lots inspirational Z-Chassis in there too
SMALL QUESTIONS THREAD! - I cannot stress this enough, you will crucified on this forum if you ask dumb, asinine, retarded, common asked, simple minded or anything that is not detailed kind of questions...please utilize this my man, and you will be solid.
and lastly the great
Tech Thread! - Any problems you have homie, make a thread regarding the problem, BUT SEARCH FIRST...somebody may have already had the same question. Other than that be extremely detailed as possible, post pics, diagrams whatever that can make one of the Zilvians job easier to answer and troubleshoot your problem...
Welcome to Zilvia! Remember, try not to take things personal and yourself. We will guide you to the right path.
AND to answer your question, there is tons of different options man, my personal favs are Pioneer, JVC and Kenwood. What are you looking for? single din? Double din? Flip out? Navi/Bluetooth? Just receiver no CD? Specify my man. I run a JVC bluetooth wireless receiver, so I have no wires or cords going to the front. Just turn on the bluetooth on my G2 or Nexus and I'm good to go. No CDs either.
10-21-2014, 07:33 PM
Impossible!!! I smell troll....
10-21-2014, 07:47 PM
Get some Sony Xplod in that bitch. Only sold at fine retailers like Wal-Mart and Autozone. You're totally "in the zone!"
Chris Jamison
10-21-2014, 10:57 PM
Don't take this the wrong way Chris, because in all honestly, unlike the rest of the people that are new (including myself) you really seem like you do care about your car, I can tell man. I'm a good mood, and I want to save you of a biblical like crucifixion.
First let me ask you this, if you want to really do her right...really treat her like a queen.
Remove that NFS:U2/FnF memorabilia off her right now.
Trust me, if you come to Zilvia and you looking to receive opinions about your ride. Your ride better be tighter then a fresh pair of virgins ass cheeks homie, cause this place here, is hard to please.
But, like I said, I see you actually care about your car man.
here are some threads.
The Pic thread! consists of random pics, lots of s-chassis, BUT you can definitely find lots inspirational Z-Chassis in there too
SMALL QUESTIONS THREAD! - I cannot stress this enough, you will crucified on this forum if you ask dumb, asinine, retarded, common asked, simple minded or anything that is not detailed kind of questions...please utilize this my man, and you will be solid.
and lastly the great
Tech Thread! - Any problems you have homie, make a thread regarding the problem, BUT SEARCH FIRST...somebody may have already had the same question. Other than that be extremely detailed as possible, post pics, diagrams whatever that can make one of the Zilvians job easier to answer and troubleshoot your problem...
Welcome to Zilvia! Remember, try not to take things personal and yourself. We will guide you to the right path.
AND to answer your question, there is tons of different options man, my personal favs are Pioneer, JVC and Kenwood. What are you looking for? single din? Double din? Flip out? Navi/Bluetooth? Just receiver no CD? Specify my man. I run a JVC bluetooth wireless receiver, so I have no wires or cords going to the front. Just turn on the bluetooth on my G2 or Nexus and I'm good to go. No CDs either.
Well thanks man for the honesty and advice in dealing with this site. Really appreciate it.
10-21-2014, 11:07 PM
lmao... go to bestbuy bro!
Clutch Dog
10-21-2014, 11:11 PM
Pretty sure you got that from the airport.. that's Rachael's ride! what are you doing in it!!
10-21-2014, 11:40 PM
this is awesome.
10-21-2014, 11:47 PM
#1 perfect first post
#2 underglow
#3 where has this guy been for the last decade that underglow is still acceptable
#4 convertible
#5 red tape for "time attack" style wheels
#6 again, where have you been? wing.
#7 misogynistic title for thread
you haven't done anything irreversible, and you'll likely find some direction through this forum. i would suggest a thorough browsing of both "you're doing it wrong" threads before you spend another dollar that isn't maintenance on this z.
fwiw, i think glow is kind of cool albeit cheesy.
10-21-2014, 11:51 PM
get a blaupunkt
if it's good enough for MacGruber, it's good enough for all of us.
Chris Jamison
10-22-2014, 12:23 AM
#1 perfect first post
#2 underglow
#3 where has this guy been for the last decade that underglow is still acceptable
#4 convertible
#5 red tape for "time attack" style wheels
#6 again, where have you been? wing.
#7 misogynistic title for thread
you haven't done anything irreversible, and you'll likely find some direction through this forum. i would suggest a thorough browsing of both "you're doing it wrong" threads before you spend another dollar that isn't maintenance on this z.
fwiw, i think glow is kind of cool albeit cheesy.
Lmaooo. ..i hear ya man....thats my baby tho....might have i got a lil carried away lmaoo
Chris Jamison
10-22-2014, 12:25 AM
Pretty sure you got that from the airport.. that's Rachael's ride! what are you doing in it!!
Clutch Dog
10-22-2014, 03:11 AM
Rachael Teller's Z... come on man havent you played NFS u2? You land at an airport this girl gives her car to you, you take off with it and start racing till someone rats you out and all the races go away
10-22-2014, 03:17 AM
get a blaupunkt
if it's good enough for MacGruber, it's good enough for all of us.
this thread is awesome
Chris Jamison
10-22-2014, 04:49 AM
Rachael Teller's Z... come on man havent you played NFS u2? You land at an airport this girl gives her car to you, you take off with it and start racing till someone rats you out and all the races go away
Lmaooooooo!!! Hell yeeaaaa I remember! Smh lol
10-22-2014, 05:19 AM
hurry someone grab these pictures and put it in the "Your doing it wrong" Thread
Good aftermarket stereo to blast music to cancel out the sound of laughter that your car brings everywhere?
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