View Full Version : S13 Winking headlights.

10-01-2014, 06:31 PM
So guys I've been working on this project to make the headlights on my S13 wink with the push of a button for a while now. Currently I am still testing my design in a simplified form that just does sleepy eyes, but once i have this prototype finished (waiting on a order of P-channel mosfets) I will start make PCBs that fit in the Factory headlight timer box.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10175013_10202881741100557_5640089768998307353_n.j pg?oh=33b0c95244c30b4281be7cfd92f2974b&oe=5483E75C&__gda__=1422499249_4fbcbecb4fb7856b162e082d6936169 4
https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1660429_10202881757220960_6804656706604950779_n.jp g?oh=f384ee6d0122987729d5166a32d586bc&oe=54C99B5E I will be making this in 2 versions.

The 1st version will be just a Plug and Play sleepy eye controller, with one wire that will have to be connected to 12v (R/B wire on the time control module right next to it). It will function just like a Pivot RHU-M which are now getting very rare and expensive.

The 2nd will be the Wink board it will connect and function the same, but will wink of course, just like the first board but it will require slight modifying of the chassis harness. Which will require rewiring the 2 relays that cut the headlight grounds while the headlights are opening. To selectively disable the headlight motors to wink ether headlight. No wires will added, just a few wires will be cut, spliced and/or grounded at both headlights and the driver side engine bay relay box.

Right now in just trying to gauge what kinda of interest there is out there for these. Once i get these parts in it'll be about a month till I’m ready to start producing the Boards.

10-01-2014, 08:26 PM
I like your efforts....

be warned though, you will damage the headlight motor gears if they are not locked UP or DOWN.

Ideas like this or the PIVOT controller have been flawed, imo, since day 1. Popup headlights are not designed to be partially up/down, and the headlight optics will jounce.

10-01-2014, 08:39 PM
I don't see how the gears will be damaged as internaly it is a free floating worm gear ( headlight motor shaft has some axial play built into it) driving the arm and will absorb the vibrations of the headlights jouncing while sleepy eyed. If so we would have a lot of broken headlight motors that would free spin with out lifting the headlights. Winking will not hurt them though.

10-01-2014, 08:46 PM
Been looking at this idea, the pivot style, myself. Good luck!

10-01-2014, 09:10 PM
Thank you. Not a whole lot of work left now, got the hardware figured out today now after finding out i need to change some resistor values and that N-channel mosfets are only good for switched ground today. Now all that is left is finishing and maybe debugging more code. All thats really left now is learning to make PCBs again, made a few back in high school, but its been a while.

10-01-2014, 10:05 PM
Ah yes, I remember the days when I was 21 messing around with the Arduino and my car's wiring LOL.

I don't see how the gears will be damaged as internaly it is a free floating worm gear ( headlight motor shaft has some axial play built into it) driving the arm and will absorb the vibrations of the headlights jouncing while sleepy eyed. If so we would have a lot of broken headlight motors that would free spin with out lifting the headlights. Winking will not hurt them though.

Have you ever partially lowered your headlight manually with the knob, and then wiggled the headlight up and down with your hand, its got enough play to cause flickering of the headlights and over time from normal suspension travel on public roads, will ruin the motor gears like Mike has stated.

Fact is, people usually sell or total their cars before they get to experience this problem.

10-02-2014, 10:11 AM
interested in outcome