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View Full Version : S13 SR20 blacktop oil leak near tensioner

09-30-2014, 05:26 PM
whats up guys. I FINALLY got my SR built and put back in my car. crank it on, everything looks great and then a sudden leak at the bottom after about 5-10 min of it running. I look around and find that the wall behind the alternator has oil running down it. I look higher and it looks like the head gasket is leaking or the tensioner. Has to be one of those two.

The leak is in the channel to the left of the tensioner so Im almost positive its not that. Since that gasket is easier to change than the head gasket I already have one on its way to replace that first and test it. Could it be the tensioner that leaks? it doesn't go slow but a steady flow where you can see it moving. This happen to anyone else?I

I've been reading like crazy but want to see if anyone else has some advise on this happening to them or if that is the area where the tensioner leaks from. thanks!

09-30-2014, 05:27 PM
sorry, image is suppose to be rotate 90 clockwise.

09-30-2014, 05:37 PM
I can't tell by the shitty pics, but it might be you're tensioner gasket.

Is it a new tensioner gasket? If not, then you need a new one.

It has happened to me when I installed cams, and put it back together with used gasket.
Bought a new one, installed it and boom! Problem solved.

Do that first since it's the easier of the two

09-30-2014, 05:54 PM
Yup! shitty pictures is an understatement lol, but only way to zoom in and show the leak. I'm not sure if its a new tensioner gasket because it was rebuilt for me, but I'm going to change it either way to make sure and pray its just that lol. did you use the regular studs on there or went with bolts?

09-30-2014, 07:07 PM
There are two nuts you take off then the tensioner pops out.

Are you mechanically inclined? If you aren't you shouldn't try this task.

If you are, and have done this kinda job before then it should be cake.

09-30-2014, 07:10 PM
Don't know what you are trying to say about the studs or bolts.

The OEM way come with studs attached, you loosen nuts only and the tensioner comes out.

09-30-2014, 07:23 PM
Oh yeah. Im very mechanically inclined but thanks for the heads up! Shouldnt be hard just takes a little time. As for the studs i read some people remove them and put bolts to get a better seal. I think the studs should be ok

Thanks for your help!

JDM king240
09-30-2014, 11:09 PM
new gasket for your tensioner an du can use gasket sealer if you want but i wouldn't recommend it for your tensioner