View Full Version : *FREE SHIPPING*ISIS Performance Pro Series Suspension Arm Package

Enjuku Racing
09-29-2014, 10:25 AM


https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1229983_714032901985444_7610363511165371574_n.jpg? oh=9f9c25859f54651cae15bb10b52056d7&oe=548B566A&__gda__=1422947415_fee115262668b8184bc07abdd0a7483 5

*FREE SHIPPING* ISIS Performance Pro Series Suspension Arm Package
Every Year around this time Enjuku Racing has a team building weekend. This year we will be closed from Thursday, September 25th Thru Monday, September 29th. We will reopen on Tuesday, September 30th. All orders will be processed and shipped as quickly as possible, when we return.
During these few days Please take advantage of our FREE Shipping Sale on all non Freight type items (Aero, Hoods, cages, etc..) on orders over $150. Free shipping available within the Continental US only. No Coupon Code Needed!!
Click here to order S13 ===> http://www.enjukuracing.com/products/isis-performance-pro-series-suspension-arm-package-nissan-240sx-89-94-s13.html
Click here to order S14 ===> http://www.enjukuracing.com/products/isis-performance-pro-series-suspension-arm-package-nissan-240sx-95-98-s14.html