View Full Version : Adams Drift Open Practice Night 11/14

Adams Drift
09-26-2014, 02:21 PM
Hello So Cal Zilvia.net members. There will be an Open Practice for Drift only on Friday, November 14th from 5:00pm - 9:00pm. This is a Driver Appreciation event so the cost will only be $30 per driver and all drivers that competed in Sideway Sunday Rd 2 at Storm Stadium this year will receive free driver entry. We will place drivers into different run groups based on experience/skill level, Novice, Intermediate, and Advance. Advance group we be able to run the entire track including 'Big Monza'. There will be no gate fee for this event so come out and support your local drifters. There will be pit passes available as well as helmets for rent in our Pro Shop.
http://s30.postimg.org/t48oij8nx/rsz_flyer_ver_1.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/t48oij8nx/)