09-06-2014, 01:01 PM
$1000 plush shipping, custom textured bronze powder coat was $450
pics in a few
17 x 9.5 +18
17 x 10 +18
no tires, they have 3 X 235 45 Michelins ill leave on, and one mismatch tire, one Michelin has a bubble on sidewall, if I find a replacement ill throw it on, extra $200 for the tires just text me and ill explain 6097033562 I have pics on phone to but ill post some asap
im trying to upload pics right now mods ?oh=882fcea7b7a2eb2ab162dfae0c084c6a&oe=5490A369&__gda__=1418950287_c610dc7c3d0f4a73095e26e0f2ea99a 9
pics in a few
17 x 9.5 +18
17 x 10 +18
no tires, they have 3 X 235 45 Michelins ill leave on, and one mismatch tire, one Michelin has a bubble on sidewall, if I find a replacement ill throw it on, extra $200 for the tires just text me and ill explain 6097033562 I have pics on phone to but ill post some asap
im trying to upload pics right now mods ?oh=882fcea7b7a2eb2ab162dfae0c084c6a&oe=5490A369&__gda__=1418950287_c610dc7c3d0f4a73095e26e0f2ea99a 9