View Full Version : H2Oi 2014!!!!

09-04-2014, 03:24 PM
What's up guys! Just doing a roll call for H2o this year to see who's going and potentially set up a get together or something. I'm taking my RHD RB S13 down for the first time and I'd love to meet up with some more 240 brothers considering it is a mainly a Euro event. Although, over the past few years, more and more imports are showing up which is great. I've gone each year for the past 4 years and each year is better and better and some of the best times of my life have been down there. One thing I'm worried about though, is the cops. I fully expect to get a ticket because of camber or poke, although not excessive, the cops get worse and worse each year. My question is if any of you have had or have heard of people getting shit for having a cage? I have a full cage out back and I just didn't know if people were getting shit from cages considering the OCMD PD completely BLEW last year.

Look forward to hearing from you guys and hopefully seeing you down there!
Oh and if you want to follow me and finishing my RB car, follow me on IG:


09-07-2014, 06:57 PM
Cops will only harass you if you're being an idiot (burn outs) and seems to be picking on the hella slammed crowd last year. As long as your car doesnt look like a pile of herpes thats dragging on frame rails down the stripe, they shouldnt mess with you too much.

09-08-2014, 12:00 PM
Haha mine is definitely not a shit pile. and i drive like a bitch aside from the track anyway. Who else is going?!

09-09-2014, 08:43 AM
Haha mine is definitely not a shit pile. and i drive like a bitch aside from the track anyway. Who else is going?!

im from lower de so i go to ocean city a lot over the summer. basically this is the only event that they really really really crack down on slammed cars and bs like that. basically if the bottom of your tires are poking out passed your car (excessive camber) then your got a chance of getting pulled over. same with being super low. if they see or hear you scraping, your gonna get pulled. they also have this dumb modified bumper law too. they can get your for too low of a bumper etc. its all about money down there. so basically get down there and park your car lol. just remember 3 tickets and they tow your car

09-09-2014, 09:06 AM
im from lower de so i go to ocean city a lot over the summer. basically this is the only event that they really really really crack down on slammed cars and bs like that. basically if the bottom of your tires are poking out passed your car (excessive camber) then your got a chance of getting pulled over. same with being super low. if they see or hear you scraping, your gonna get pulled. they also have this dumb modified bumper law too. they can get your for too low of a bumper etc. its all about money down there. so basically get down there and park your car lol. just remember 3 tickets and they tow your car

there's ways around it, they only assume that it's lower than it should be. if you can prove it's not lower than regulation (12 inches in VA) then their ticket holds no ground. Don't quote me on it, but I believe that's the same for all states.

I got pulled over a week ago because my car is "too low" I asked what his reasoning was, he said my bumper (cover) is too low to the ground. so I corrected him, my bumper is exactly 12.5 inches off the ground. I clipped my zipties, unbolted my shroud and removed the cover. Went to the back of the Z pulled out my tape measure (I keep it in the back of the car for this very reason) and proved him wrong. He tips his hat, closes his book, and drives off.

Sure, I did a bit more work than needed, but my point got across and he let me go.

09-09-2014, 10:18 AM
yeah thats not the case at h20i. they could care less where your from and all that jazz. you get a ticket and its your job to fight it after the fact i guessing. i saw a bunch of people from other states getting hassled bad.

they will pull you over for this ^^^ this plays into the excessive camber bullshit. they get away with it cuz they say your whole wheel must be inside the wheel well. then if they was behind you and they see/hear your exhaust or anything hit the ground they can get you for being too low

09-09-2014, 12:43 PM
^ thats actually a guy i know's car haha. My s13 isn't like SUPER slammed with shit scraping everywhere. Yeah, my kit occasionally hits but its nothing where im constantly dragging frame. As far as excessive camber, my camber on mine is pretty much right where his is, so that could potentially be an issue but if that's the only thing, I guess I can deal with it. All in all, I can't wait to get down there. I got a condo right on 45th by the Taphouse. Super stoked on that!

09-14-2014, 07:12 AM
Condo by Taphouse?!?! Can I hang out?!?! :p

09-17-2014, 10:37 AM
ill be there this year. hope to see some of you.

09-17-2014, 10:44 AM
Hell yeah man! I'll be down there if I can figure out this stupid wiring issue with my rhd. Where are you staying?

09-17-2014, 11:45 AM
got a house across the street of the tap house. so 45th street area.

09-17-2014, 11:54 AM
That's literally exactly where I am haha. My buddies got a condo across the street from the Taphouse. Hopefully the RHD will be making the trek if I can figure out this wiring issue.

09-17-2014, 11:55 AM
Condo by Taphouse?!?! Can I hang out?!?! :p

Haha, of course!

09-17-2014, 12:14 PM
Got a place on 46th, be there Thursday midday...hopefully the 14 is streetable.

09-17-2014, 12:39 PM
Awesome! I'm planning on heading out of here from NH Thursday morning, if all goes as planned. It'd be rad if we could all try and meet up some place.

09-18-2014, 08:51 PM
Sounds to me like ditchs14 has a red s14 zenki with a brown hood, black fender, and dented hood. Im jk but its true. Ditch, Ill let you figure out who this is

09-23-2014, 09:25 AM
I'll be down there this weekend. Unfortunately, the S14 isn't going to make it, even though I was so close to finishing it. So I'm taking my stock T/A instead.

09-23-2014, 09:26 AM
If I can get these brake lines to flare right, I'll take the rhd down otherwise I won't be there haha

09-23-2014, 10:43 AM
I have heard more horror stories than good when it comes to H2O.
They WILL pull you over for just about anything. They absolutely love, I mean LOVE when you are from out of state. I don't understand why they continue to hold the event there when they know its such an attraction for cops and tickets.

SOWO is probably the most disturbingly destructive event i've seen and the officers there are nothing but polite and nice. H2O, on the other hand, you could be on your best behavior and they still give you grief. Makes no sense.
I was planning on going, but for the cost to stay and drive there, + the unknown amount of tickets ill get i've opted out.
Hoping and Praying for a good year for all that go with little to no issues for everybody.

Have fun and be safe!

09-23-2014, 11:58 AM
Second guessing taking the 240 down...so far, I've had 5 of my friends that are already down there that they're giving tickets out like candy ALREADY. Camber, plates, exhaust, name it. And rumors are saying that second ticket is impound...

09-23-2014, 12:33 PM
Second guessing taking the 240 down...so far, I've had 5 of my friends that are already down there that they're giving tickets out like candy ALREADY. Camber, plates, exhaust, name it. And rumors are saying that second ticket is impound...

240 is almost done and I am hearing the same things. I think I will be driving the lexus instead....I don't care to pay for tickets :hs:

09-23-2014, 12:35 PM
Yeah they all told me not to take the 240. I might anyway because mine isn't obnoxious st all. 2* camber all around and not slammed

09-24-2014, 08:34 AM
people are getting fucked left and right down there, and they are impounding cars as well. this is bullshit. they never fuck with people this bad at ANY other car event down in oc besides this one. a few people i know are not taking there cars down. i will probably wont as well.

can anyone with legal knowledge confirm if they can actually impound your car if you are out of state for not complying with Maryland DOT requirements?

09-24-2014, 08:44 AM
That's what I've heard too man. I'm gonna Google the fuck out of MD laws and see what I can find

09-24-2014, 10:11 AM
can anyone with legal knowledge confirm if they can actually impound your car if you are out of state for not complying with Maryland DOT requirements?

yes they can 100% legally impound your car. With no problem.

That's what I've heard too man. I'm gonna Google the fuck out of MD laws and see what I can find

there is no need for this.
If your car is visibly modified you well get pulled over and handed a ticket.
You can fight it all you want, but you will leave your encounter with a ticket and the option to fight it.
If you are from out of state they will enjoy this even more knowing the likely hood of you appearing in court is slim to none.

Its a fight thats not worth starting. Tread lightly and at your own risk.
But according to past encounters and stories, there is a 85-100% chance you will be ticketed while there.
Everyone I know that goes totally is ready and expects getting a ticket while attending H2O.

just for the sake of information,
here is the site that you can read and look up all laws.


Just type in the search section
"Equipment of Vehicles"
you will find everything you would like to know

09-24-2014, 11:26 AM
but if you have an out of state plate/ins/taxes how can they legally justify ticketing, impounding your car? it's md state laws not federal right?

09-24-2014, 11:35 AM
^exactly. When I drive in mass, I've been pulled for ride height bit they don't ticket me because I'm out of state

09-24-2014, 12:35 PM
^exactly. When I drive in mass, I've been pulled for ride height bit they don't ticket me because I'm out of state

it dont matter where your from. your in there state sooooo.

09-24-2014, 01:16 PM
but if you have an out of state plate/ins/taxes how can they legally justify ticketing, impounding your car? it's md state laws not federal right?

So if you break the law in England, for the sake or conversation,
lets even say the law that was broken would require you to be detained and held in jail, because you are not a citizen of the country you are then "immune" to that countries laws and you are able to only conform to the laws of your country?
That wouldn't make any sense,
(now I understand that these are state laws we are speaking of and not federal, this was just a illustration to get my point across)

You decided to place the four tires of your vehicle on their state roads, it is up to them wether or not they see impounding your car justifiable or not,
but legally speaking they are aloud to take your vehicle if there is enough reason backing their decision to do so, just like they would be able to take you to jail if you broke their laws, without any issue.
There is no difference.

09-24-2014, 07:59 PM
um no buddy. if my state allows me to have tint. and I drive through another state that doesn't allow tint. then guess what, they CANNOT ticket me. you can't pull your tint off "oh iam going to iowa let me remove my tint".

just like there is ca smog and FEDERAL smog. states do not supercede other states(otherwise it would be federal).

they CAN ticket you for b.s. but it will not stand up in court because different states have different laws. just like with the health exchange, gay marrage, etc.

09-24-2014, 10:45 PM
2nd ticket is impound, 400$ and 4hr minimum basically a stancetank. Low, poke, stretch, camber, all are being ticketed

I'll be in my wagon, loaded to the max.
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