View Full Version : Help me and my Wife get married!

09-02-2014, 12:48 PM
Sup fellow Zilvians!! Me and my Wife have been planning on getting married for years now but Life has had different plans for us. I wanted to give her the best possible wedding i could possibly give her so here i am asking the local community to help a brother out. ANYTHING helps whether its 1$, 5$, or .50cents.

We are high school sweethearts and have been together going on 8 years now we share a beautiful baby girl together which is not so little anymore :*( .

Thank you guys in advance !

Please Share this link with all of your social Media like Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram!!



09-02-2014, 12:50 PM
Why do you need $ to get married? Seriously asking a car community for money to help you get married is a new low for Zilvia. I'm all about a long term relationship and a healthy marriage but geez.


09-02-2014, 01:00 PM
Its called trying to give my wife the best possible wedding i can possibly provide her because she deserves it. Don't get me wrong i'm a hard working citizen that works 2 jobs and already have money saved for the wedding but not enough to make it the dream wedding i want to make for her. I'm not begging anyone for money im simply putting the link on all of my Social Media sites so that more people see the link etc. Sorry for offending you bro that wasn't my intentions at all. Have a nice day sir

09-02-2014, 01:04 PM
Its called trying to give my wife the best possible wedding i can possibly provide her because she deserves it. Don't get me wrong i'm a hard working citizen that works 2 jobs and already have money saved for the wedding but not enough to make it the dream wedding i want to make for her. I'm not begging anyone for money im simply putting the link on all of my Social Media sites so that more people see the link etc. Sorry for offending you bro that wasn't my intentions at all. Have a nice day sir

No. It's called have a wedding you can afford. Your wife will appreciate whatever you can provide her, not whatever everyone helps you pay for. You're starting your life together on borrowed, heck not even borrowed FREE, money. Learn to live within your means and you'll be much happier. It's great to have higher standards and goals but accomplish them yourself. You don't go asking a bunch of fucking strangers who give no fucks about you for some free money.

09-02-2014, 01:09 PM
No. It's called have a wedding you can afford. Your wife will appreciate whatever you can provide her, not whatever everyone helps you pay for. You're starting your life together on borrowed, heck not even borrowed FREE, money. Learn to live within your means and you'll be much happier. It's great to have higher standards and goals but accomplish them yourself. You don't go asking a bunch of fucking strangers who give no fucks about you for some free money.


I just got engaged to my GF of 10 years and i wouldn't even dare to try this. Its not right.

Live within your means man.

09-02-2014, 01:13 PM
#1 divorce reason: Money.

Throw a backyard BBQ, get her a nice dress, have fun. Dropped $15K on my wedding; most overprice party ever. Mention the word wedding and tact on 80% upcharge. Seriously. Destination wedding or BBQ; trust.

GL and congrats.

09-02-2014, 01:16 PM
What he said. I spent about $45 on mine and I was fortunate enough to be able to pay cash for everything. Going into debt over a wedding and starting off in the hole together is stupid. However its still not as stupid as begging for free money from strangers on a car forum.

09-02-2014, 01:19 PM
#1 divorce reason: Money.

Throw a backyard BBQ, get her a nice dress, have fun. Dropped $15K on my wedding; most overprice party ever. Mention the word wedding and tact on 80% upcharge. Seriously. Destination wedding or BBQ; trust.

GL and congrats.

You guys got me really thinkin that is true....Thanks for all the advice everyone!

09-02-2014, 01:21 PM
I gotta agree with everything Exitspeed has said thus far...........

Money is by far and large the number one reason for divorce. And if it take syou spending ooddles of money to make her happy, then I forsee you guys lasting only as long as you have money (which may very not be very long............)

I spoke on this topic with my girlfriend and my idea?? A wedding is pretty much a glorified party for all our friends and family to drink/eat on our dime. Yes, its a celebration with family and friends, but to hell if I am losing my shirt and roof to afford it!

09-02-2014, 01:36 PM
Fucking elope, man.

My wife is a flight attendant, so we booked a trip to Hawaii in the middle of last year's polar vortex ice storm & got married on the beach for like $70 + $450 for pics. Spontaneous & romantic as hell.

Main reason we did is because every friend we asked about planning a wedding said they'd wished they'd had a small one & saved that money for something more important, like a house. We have one friend that spent $26k on their wedding. Now that couple is broke with 3 kids living on VA benefits. No sir. Not here.

Live within your means. Trying to keep up with the Kardashians is not worth it at all.

09-02-2014, 01:39 PM
If you wanna spend something for you and your wife to be,


Like what Ralliart said:

Those fancy ceremonies are basically just a party on your dime. It should not reflect your true love and devotion to your future wife.

09-02-2014, 01:40 PM
A blunt and a 40oz. That's all she really wants

EDIT : congratulations

EDIT #2 : fuck it, I gave you 5 lol

09-02-2014, 01:49 PM
If you wanna spend something for you and your wife to be,


Like what Ralliart said:

Those fancy ceremonies are basically just a party on your dime. It should not reflect your true love and devotion to your future wife.


We even had a party, had a Caterer from the Local BBQ joint and had the wedding on my grandpa's farm. had a Notary perform the service and rented some seats. Was super cheap compared to my friends who are now up to their eye balls in debt.

09-02-2014, 01:51 PM
The next one will be:

"Please help me fund for my wife's wedding ring..."

09-02-2014, 02:10 PM
Go to a notary or find a pastor that will handle it in his study, do this privately.
Have a cookout or something at the house - ask attendees if they might kindly pitch in - but asking strangers for fat cash is not ABOUT to fly.
I have removed the links from your original post and I expect not to see them anywhere else.