View Full Version : Tafi (TR)

08-31-2014, 02:48 PM
So I sold my used S14 ganadors in good shape to user Tafi (TR). Original for sale post is here http://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=574822
Before receiving the mirrors he decides he doesn't want them anymore and starts posting that he has some for sale because he found "new" ganadors on ebay for about $60 more. Once he receives the mirrors he immediately opens a paypal dispute (without contacting me about it first) and says he wants a full refund. I PM him and ask about what is wrong with the mirrors and he replies that the the left mirror is cracked and loose. He later sends pictures to my email showing this...
http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a229/livinglegendlll/image33.jpg (http://s12.photobucket.com/user/livinglegendlll/media/image33.jpg.html)
This is such a small nick in the mirror even my OCDness missed it (or it happened during shipping... although I did pack them very well).

He then shows a video of himself forcing the left mirror into each corner of the housing to try to show how its loose. Anyone who has ever had ganadors knows these mirrors can be loose... but when I shipped them they were not bad at all and would have held up perfectly fine.

So he then goes on to tell me that he paid close to $500 for "new" ganadors from ebay and that I ripped him off. I tell him that's fine that he would rather have new mirrors and to ship them back to me for a full refund.

Then this guy has the audacity to tell me I'm not an honest seller and that he's not going to ship them back until he receives his full refund.:picardfp:

I've been buying and selling parts online for over 12 years now and have never once had an instance where the buyer receives a refund before the seller has the disputed item in hand. We're basically at a stall by this point.
This will likely get escalated to a claim and because it's international I have no idea what's going to happen. All I can say is I will not be doing business with him in the future.

No 240.. No id
08-31-2014, 03:07 PM
contact paypal and explain to them.

have him ship them back and refund him minus the shipping fees. gl

08-31-2014, 03:31 PM
Did just that and they're going to send him a ship request. If he does not provide a tracking number in 11 days then paypal basically sides with me and closes the case.

Tafi (TR)
09-10-2014, 03:20 PM
L side mirror super loose which is not acceptable for my s14 project!

And seller never provided full pics of LH mirror even though I specifically asked for a pic and asked the condition of the LH mirror!!

I can provide proof of our messages with the seller and his replies regarding the condition of the mirrors, if anyone being dishonest it is the seller for trying to leave details out to sell the mirrors!

"I've never noticed" and "might not have been there" are not good enough. Where is the pic showing that there was no damage at that spot? Looseness of the mirrors is subjective and for me it is not acceptable. I am not exaggerating the situation, on the contrary you are trying to make it sound small for a part which costs $500. Eitherway you're bragging about your trader rating, I bought the mirrors and have sent you the payment, now I'm returning them while covering my a$$ due to distance and bad experiences, what is the problem? I should be the one complaining yet you and your sidekick are whining.

like I've not paid at first or not returning the item now, although you were misleading and I got your messages to prove that you where you could just call it a misunderstanding leave it at that instead of trying to badmouth me. As much as you have a seller rating I have a buyer rating and my project and the parts I have for it speaks for itself. I didn't manufacture all those parts in my garage, I bought all of them from different sellers and vendors and you're the only one complaining. Next time be more honest and descriptive about the parts you're selling. Don't sugarcoat it.

09-10-2014, 04:02 PM
Then this guy has the audacity to tell me I'm not an honest seller and that he's not going to ship them back until he receives his full refund.:picardfp:

That's not a fair statement considering your offer to refund the money once you receive the parts back. I have dealt with you before and everything went well. Good luck with paypal.

L side mirror super loose which is not acceptable for my s14 project!

And seller never provided full pics of LH mirror even though I specifically asked for a pic and asked the condition of the LH mirror!!

Dude, first and foremost, Ganador's are one of the worst made parts I have ever put my hands on.
1) I'm sure brand new ones feel and look sucky too
2) If they were made in china they would probably be made better
3) If there was a knock-off they would also probably be better than the originals

Honestly the mirrors in Ganadors look like shit anyways, they were to cheap to put an edge around the glass.

I bought some once and found a bunch of issues (some just because the mirrors are poor quality, some seller damage) the seller didn't mention the issues and when I came on here to complain, everyone on the site told me I was wrong and stupid. I sold them to someone else who told me i was stupid for being unsatisfied and guess what, when he got them he was not happy with them either. And he knew about all of the issues i had seen. Sucks to suck, live and learn some of these things aren't what you might expect.

You should be more fair though, I'd put money on az_240 giving you a refund like he said once he receives the part. I wouldn't expect that he intentionally sent them to you and hid that damage. I think he is aware of the fact that ganadors are a crappy part that look good in pictures, and you aren't yet. Your age says 35? If that's correct be an adult and work it out like a man, he gave you a fair offer, take a refund.

Or you can try and argue in here but I think you can see which way this is going to go.

Tafi (TR)
09-10-2014, 04:31 PM
That's not a fair statement considering your offer to refund the money once you receive the parts back. I have dealt with you before and everything went well. Good luck with paypal.

Dude, first and foremost, Ganador's are one of the worst made parts I have ever put my hands on.
1) I'm sure brand new ones feel and look sucky too
2) If they were made in china they would probably be made better
3) If there was a knock-off they would also probably be better than the originals

Honestly the mirrors in Ganadors look like shit anyways, they were to cheap to put an edge around the glass.

I bought some once and found a bunch of issues (some just because the mirrors are poor quality, some seller damage) the seller didn't mention the issues and when I came on here to complain, everyone on the site told me I was wrong and stupid. I sold them to someone else who told me i was stupid for being unsatisfied and guess what, when he got them he was not happy with them either. And he knew about all of the issues i had seen. Sucks to suck, live and learn some of these things aren't what you might expect.

You should be more fair though, I'd put money on az_240 giving you a refund like he said once he receives the part. I wouldn't expect that he intentionally sent them to you and hid that damage. I think he is aware of the fact that ganadors are a crappy part that look good in pictures, and you aren't yet. Your age says 35? If that's correct be an adult and work it out like a man, he gave you a fair offer, take a refund.

Or you can try and argue in here but I think you can see which way this is going to go.

Well I didn't know the issues with Ganador mirrors. But obviously people are throwing them to each other like hot potatoes. This does not mean I should just accept it and let my hands burn as well. All the whining is coming from the other end and his sidekick while I just want my refund. Some other buyer may find this part to be perfect quality but I'm sorry that won't be me.

i'm ok with the refund never said I didn't want a refund. Yes I'm 35 and I've been acting my age, can't say the same for some others ;)

09-10-2014, 04:52 PM
Well I didn't know the issues with Ganador mirrors. But obviously people are throwing them to each other like hot potatoes. This does not mean I should just accept it and let my hands burn as well. All the whining is coming from the other end and his sidekick while I just want my refund. Some other buyer may find this part to be perfect quality but I'm sorry that won't be me.

i'm ok with the refund never said I didn't want a refund. Yes I'm 35 and I've been acting my age, can't say the same for some others ;)

I don't even know the seller so how am I a sidekick , maybe if you waxed some of the hair from your ears you would put two and two together

Tafi (TR)
09-10-2014, 05:08 PM
I don't even know the seller so how am I a sidekick , maybe if you waxed some of the hair from your ears you would put two and two together

I didn't mention any names so how did you know it was you? LMAO :D Oh maybe because you're in every thread being smart, contributing nothing. I know you'd be happier if I accepted these piece of crap mirrors but sorry that's not going to happen. You're just making it worse for both parties.

09-10-2014, 05:55 PM
Well I didn't intend anything personally offensive, no reason to go there. My main point is I think you may be surprised at how little is different between those and the new ones. I was also not impressed, by the mirrors in general for their price. I vouch for az_240 being a good guy to deal with in my experience.

09-10-2014, 06:11 PM
You should get refunds from both parties, ganadors suck.
Cant even see out of them, better off with those little ricey carbon mirrors.

09-11-2014, 11:05 AM
Damn, where the hell was I? I would've bought them.

09-11-2014, 11:51 AM
Had zero problems with Seller when I bought stuff from him about 2 weeks ago. Packaged perfect (with proper "fragile" labels, markings on the box for which side is up, what imperfection was present on the box before shipment, the lot!) and pretty much all imperfections were disclosed.

When you buy used parts, no one should expect anything perfect, ESPECIALLY non-OEM things. I see the pics and for a used part, the imperfection is nothing.

Typical Zilvia. Want to pay used prices for a perfect part and then bitch and complain when they are shown reality.............And on top of this, it's a shittly made part to begin with!

Every single used part I have purchased had its own imperfection and I have come to realize this. If I want something perfect, I just simply buy it brand new. I have also come to realize buying most things brand new aint even worth it and keeping loads more $$$$ in my pocket is worth the little imperfections ;)

And screw a refund before the item is back in the seller's hands. If you payed the extra "fee" with paypal, that's what they are there for! If not, tough luck.........

09-12-2014, 07:07 PM
Sounds like he feels dumb for paying for the OP used pair when he saw the new ones, he bought those and now is making the excuses, well I also see the he won't chip them back to the OP til he gets his money back, so he wants the money first then he will keep those crappy mirrors, sounds like the buyer is trying to pull something.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Tafi (TR)
09-13-2014, 10:36 AM
Sounds like he feels dumb for paying for the OP used pair when he saw the new ones, he bought those and now is making the excuses, well I also see the he won't chip them back to the OP til he gets his money back, so he wants the money first then he will keep those crappy mirrors, sounds like the buyer is trying to pull something.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

This is so not the case, judging the situation on assumptions is wrong.

I have already sent the mirrors back and I'm not trying to pull anything, if I was I'm sure there are other ways to do it, instead of being reasonable and contactable.

09-26-2014, 12:15 AM
not taking sides, but from reviewing this thread, sounds like buyers remorse.

09-26-2014, 01:30 AM
Buyers remorse indeed. I have ganadors and they are in perfect shape. The build quality sucks but god damn do they look good. I've seen az_240s ganadors in person multiple times and honesty the ganadors that were sold in this dispute were in perfect shape minus paint and really didnt have any defects. Just like az_240 said he has extreme OCD (it's actually pretty annoying) when he sells and ships parts he makes sure everything is satisfactory and the items are just as described. In this case it seems like the buyer purchased these mirrors expecting something of better quality with out doing research on the flaws that ganador mirrors leave the production room with.