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View Full Version : 93 S13 Clutch interlock relay blowing IGN SW fuse?

08-28-2014, 09:24 AM
Okay so its a 93 SE coupe, RB25 swapped,

Lately it has been having issues starting, sometimes ill turn the key and the car will shut down completely, eventually it would actually crank and start fine.

Anyways, two days ago the IGN SW fuse blew when I tired to start it, whole car was dead. Put a new fuse in, and dash lights came back but would not start, the clutch interlock relay however was making an odd repearing clicking noise. Until that fuse blew as well.

Do you guys thing its the relay itself? Or the ignition switch or clutch pedal switch? Or something new altogether?

And also should I just bypass it? I feel like the relay is going to be hard to find

08-28-2014, 12:42 PM
Who did your wiring?

As for the clutch relay, it won't be hard to find. either go to your local junk yard and pocket it, or you can even go to Nissan, they should have it, or at least be able to get one for you in a couple of days.

There is a chance that the issue is inside your starter also. You may have an internal short causing the blown ignition fuse.

Just be sure to check all wiring to make sure there isn't a short anywhere. With 20+ year old wiring, almost anything can happen.

08-28-2014, 12:50 PM
Wiring as in the engine harness or the starter wiring? All the power supply and starter wires I hooked up myself, ive checked those and all the grounds. All seems okay ive checked out the harnesses and nothing looks exposed or burnt.

A buddy of mine might have a relay on one of his parts cars.

Hopefully not the starter. Should I temporarily bypass the clutch interlock to test and narrow it down?

08-28-2014, 02:20 PM
As far as bypassing the clutch interlock system, the switch on the pedal is pretty straightforward, the relay however, most people seem to just jumper the two wires on the relay, in my mind this tells me the relay gets stuck open/closed (whichever) and doesn't actually bypass it, if the relay is faulty im not sure that would get me anywhere. I'm kind of a noob when it comes to wiring

08-31-2014, 09:54 AM

Okay so by jumping the B/W to B/Y wires I completely bypass the clutch relay and switch, correct?

I was digging around on that relay yesterday, and the previous owner had cut and spliced the wires before, and the BR/W wire from the clutch switch is now a yellow wire. It was wrapped around the pigtail coming out of the relay and taped together. Theres maybe 3/8" of wire coming out of the plug on the relay for the clutch signal wire.

Some jank ass shit going on with it.

08-31-2014, 10:55 AM
Bypassed the relay. Fired right up