View Full Version : Weird shutting off problem

08-26-2014, 12:30 PM
Hey guys and gals. I have a weird problem with my car (91 240sx all stock). I tried searching Google but nothing I found was having the same symptoms. The last week coming home from work I was turning from a stop sign and gave it some gas to burn tires a little bit. It squealed a little bit then it just died. When I pulled over and tried to restart it it started idled then kind of bounced up and down 100 rpm at a time till it died. When I would try to give it gas it was like the pedal wasnt even connected and didnt make any difference. Maf was still connected battery terminals were tight. Got back in and it started. It happen again this morning. The weird thing is I've had this car for almost 2 weeks and it doesn't always do this and starts runs and drives awesome. Anyone have an idea of where to start looking for the problem? I remember my buddy's coupe used to randomly shut off while driving but he said he never had the problem hard launching it sideways from a stop.

08-26-2014, 05:25 PM
Check and make sure fuel pump is not cutting off. I would start looking at the wiring around your fuse box, and do a second check of all the grounds.

08-26-2014, 08:39 PM
Thanks I'll give it a look tomorrow before I go into work tomorrow. It's weird the only time it does it is when I dump the clutch and turn from a stop. I can dump the clutch going straight and it not do it

08-26-2014, 08:50 PM
I'd continue with basic maintenance and adjustments of the TPS. Also check MAF voltage. FSM has all the procedures/methods. If you find something out of whack, adjust or replace.

08-26-2014, 09:34 PM
Is there a place to buy or download a fsm?

08-26-2014, 09:42 PM
Also the first thing i checked the first time it happened was the maf plug. The metal clip is gone and there's a zip tie in its place it was tight when I wiggled it and and wiggling didn't seem to help. I sat there for a couple minutes and it fired back up. This morning when it happened I turned the key on and off on and off it seemed to come back alive quicker

08-26-2014, 10:01 PM
it seemed to be simply an honest opinionhttp://pettit.cldcomputer.com/1.jpg

anti tyler
08-27-2014, 05:38 PM
Be sure you're getting spark. In other words like mentioned before do maintenance. Sometimes it can be as simple as a wire with a bad connection, as far as MAFs? I don't really think so personally.

Check along the lines of the ignition coil. Had an issue like this myself and a replacement coil fixed the problem.