View Full Version : so... could a SR 240 beat a 99 cobra?

07-06-2004, 10:29 PM
well me and this guy are gonna race, and i admit to when i see threads like this im just like, "race him and find out", but i will in time...
anyway, im curious if anyone here has raced a cobra, i have had a taste of one, which ended in his favor by a little, but they have ~292rwhp and 302rwtq or so and w/ the guy in it it weighs ~3700lbs
this is to my s13 2700lbs 225rwhp, 232rwtq, now what do you think will happen? when i do race him i hope someone can video-tape it to show what kind of beating one gets...

ps: feel free to leave smart-ass comments as to because they are expected

07-06-2004, 10:52 PM
I know 225 rwhp SR can beat a stock mustang GT....
A friend of mine did...
But a Cobra? hmmm... I dont know, I guess we'll have to wait and see huh

07-06-2004, 11:30 PM
yea a GT isnt too much, but a cobra, would be amazing... im just hoping i can hold up against him in a good fight... btw i was wanting a 1st gear roll (brakeboost ;)) since i havent had much practice launching

07-07-2004, 12:33 AM
I was chasing one today in my rb20 car , but the guy was driving like a crazy man, weaving through cars like a moron so I let him go. Runing 10.5psi, (210rwhp?+heavy ass hatchback) stock with just intake down pipe , exhaust and and no cat and 96 octane, Im sure he would have spanked me like a bitch, but I wanted to show him I could still trail behind him somewhat. Anyways, my rb26 car will be on the road in the next couple of weeks, then he will be my bitch.

07-07-2004, 12:38 AM
you have access to 96 octane fuel??

07-07-2004, 12:43 AM
No, cheap ass octane booster

07-07-2004, 12:50 AM
no, cobra will hand its ass to the stock sr. but in your case you might wanna try, also if his is an auto, gives you a lil bonus. cobras are heavier (duh) as well. :Ownedd:

07-07-2004, 01:06 AM
Him = 3700/292 = 12.67lbs per hp
Him = 3700/302 = 12.25lbs per lb tq

You= 2700/225 = 12.00lbs per hp
You= 2700/232 = 11.663lbs per lb tq

This is a rough guesstimation, with the varient of power bands to consider (snail lag)


07-07-2004, 01:40 AM
how bout 104 octane, do you guys have that shit.

07-07-2004, 02:23 AM
cobras are scary..i doubt that a stock sr could take out a cobra which is a whoppin near 300 rwhp...but speed is mostly on how much torque u got

07-07-2004, 02:59 AM
Did he tell you that he's putting down that much to the wheels? If not then I can tell you that the 99 was the weakest of the DOHC V8 Cobra Motors. When they first came out they had huge problems with some cars dynoing at around 230-245 at the wheels. Anyways...ford did a recal and fixed the problem but they still only dyno around 270ish stock for the most part. Usually run the quarter mile in the low 14second time range with a decent driver. In 2000 ford didn't make a regular Cobra because of the 99 fiasco. Anyways...have fun, you guys aren't racing for money I suppose so it's all in fun.

07-07-2004, 06:41 AM
i think youll be able to walk him if hes close to stock...
kid around here has a 99 w/ exhaust and ran a 14.1, but i doubt that he was anywhere near 300whp. but it was like month or so after he got the car....so im sure a better driver can get better times.
you do have a few hundred pounds on him, shouldnt be too bad for ya.

07-07-2004, 06:45 AM
i'm pretty sure cobras aren't near 3700lbs. hell,, i don't think the cobraR is that heavy and it has a much larger motor...

07-07-2004, 07:12 AM
99 cobras are slow

07-07-2004, 08:07 AM
The only cobras that are remotely fast are the '03+ supercharged ones. The N/A cobras are barely more powerful than a regular mustang GT, which by itself is still hardly a fast car.


07-07-2004, 08:27 AM
sssshit, i soo killed my friends automatic GT, its sooo slow, so heavy. :jerkit:
and thats with no boost, only i/h/e

07-07-2004, 08:27 AM
he said that he dyno'd that stock, hes an older guy and doesnt sound like a bullshitter, and he also said his cars weighs about 3700 w/ him in it so.. i guess we shall see

07-07-2004, 08:44 AM
well me and this guy are gonna race, and i admit to when i see threads like this im just like, "race him and find out", but i will in time...
anyway, im curious if anyone here has raced a cobra

I got to race a 98 cobra svt in my 93 fastback with sr20, fmic, exhaust, few other things but stock boost of 7 psi. We raced from 50 mph in 3rd gear. he took off first. i caught him immediatly and i proceded to pull on him hard as hell. I Eased up when i redlined 4th gear and i had him by id say at least 5 cars. Im not even lying or exagerating with that. He then proceded to do the ricer fly by but the race was clearly over. I owned one at stock boost at 94 octane gas. Im sure you will own him.

07-07-2004, 09:12 AM
No, cheap ass octane booster
are you talking about using octane booster on 91 pump gas to make it 96? Octane booster doesnt boost it up that much...

07-07-2004, 09:46 AM
are you talking about using octane booster on 91 pump gas to make it 96? Octane booster doesnt boost it up that much...

Yup. Octane booster that claims "5 octane points" means it'll make 91 octane gas 91.5 octane gas.

If you want a (semi)cheap way to raise the octane of your gas, look into Xylene or Toluene (yeah, the paint thinners)


07-07-2004, 10:39 AM
yeah octane boost is laame...we have 94 octane here at sunoco...and if you go otu of the city area you can find sunoco's w/ race gas at the pump!

07-07-2004, 10:53 AM
My friends mom filled up on gas one day without looking at what pump she was at. It was 101 ocatane race gas that was like $2.60 a gallon (a couple years ago) and she was driving a Ford Expedition. It was hillarious.

07-07-2004, 02:43 PM
I think this is going to be more of a whos a better driver race. One car doesn't dominate the other one in power but they aren'y exactly even. so it comes down to the drivers just like every race :)

07-07-2004, 04:57 PM
don't you know a 240 with stock SR is the fastest vehicle in the universe?
Kid Zelda routinely drives ACROSS THE PACIFIC and back everyday, because I see him all the time.
Seriously, you can break the sound barrier... -and if you have FMIC, you can escape Earth's gravity.

07-07-2004, 05:01 PM
if he has any mods he'll at least give you a good run. old stock cobras run like high 13's. i wonder how many people that know about those motors run their mouths... i've seen plenty of 10 second stock blocked PRE-03 cobras (and at least one 8 second one). a cobra with any mods will probably give you a good run and if there are any heavy mods you're pretty much doomed.

better hope he don't have a blower ;)

another thing, "marginally fast" for the 03 cobra? they run 13 flat-12 second time slips completely stock... not to mention the 500RWTQ i've seen on a cobra with only like 4 mods. the torque curve on that thing was practically non-existant... 500rwtq at just about every RPM.... insane in da membrane.