View Full Version : Send them back?

07-29-2014, 10:22 AM
So, the thousands of children/illegals from central America is a raging topic again.

I personally could not stomach sending children back to be forced into gangs and die in a warzone. Any of us here would do the same that they are doing. By us just trying to throw away the problem by sending thugs back there for the past 20 years has continued to magnify the problem of mass crime.
I don't understand why we can accept thousands from Cuba but not anywhere else in a humanitarian crisis? We could do so much more but the racism and greed is out of control in my opinion

If we should have invaded anywhere it should have been central america. This is our own backyard and its only going to get worse

And ol Gov Perry just now after a decade wants to send troops. I think its a political move for office.

What are your views?

07-29-2014, 11:13 AM
I believe this is an extremely touchy topic. It's almost impossible to remain neutral on this topic.

But I will highly agree with you the racism and greed being out of control.

In my opinion, there is ultimately no kind of solution to this problem with a favorable compromise. Central America for fact is known for it's corrupt politics and lack of government control over its country. I could say "It's Mexico and etc. problems, let them fix it, send all immigrants back" but it's truly not that simple. Central America has a STRONG presence of drug cartels, gangs and paramilitary factions. This problem I do believe we cannot solve in THEIR homeland. Everyone wants us too, but we can't.

The reasoning most of the immigrants are leaving is for that reasoning. Most want a better life than what they're currently experiencing. I think truthfully the problem is, do we want to take the responsibility of saving them? the kids? the women?

This point of this entire immigration problem becomes blurred. We have to keep in my mind, not everything in the media we see is entirely true. There are immigrants that have came over, who is extremely violent, bringing in drugs, committing crimes against other Americans, creating potentially big gang problems for cities.

Simply there is just too many factors to effectively decide what's the best thing to do. We could bring and provide sheltering and stability for the kids and children...BUT, what about their separation from their mothers? their fathers? the safety condition of the shelter we could provide? rape? molestation? child abuse? racism? There just too many factors to effectively diagnose a solution to this problem.

07-31-2014, 02:22 PM
We can solve the problem.

Legalize all drugs.

Bam, no more cartel or drug gangs.

Creates jobs and more tax money.

07-31-2014, 02:51 PM
I just don't understand why they don't fight against the gangs. They are running away instead.

08-02-2014, 03:11 AM
I just don't understand why they don't fight against the gangs. They are running away instead.

I got into a fistfight with 7 guys with guns once.
I was murdered on the spot

08-02-2014, 07:25 AM
Lets bring every countries children here and just drop them off at the boarder.

Tax dollars can support them, right? Just like tax dollars already support a corrupt government, endless welfare and food stamp recipients...

Hell, while we're at it, lets adopt a foreign country and send them billions of dollars in "AID".



08-02-2014, 11:47 AM
Some of these kids really do have a rough life, but then again so do the other millions of kids that you DONT hear about.

I as an immigrant from mexico coming from a immigrant family, we feel for these kids because at one time that was us, but no one gave my family humanitarian aid or a refugee home we had to PAY just like every other immigrant to become residents later to become citizens. if anyone has ever gone threw this process than you know its alot of money and the main thing WE PAY TAXES.

So i think they should send them back. how can countries not give a shit about THERE citizens because of gangs? corruption? Fucken do something about it we dont ask other countries to fix our gang and corruption problems. I really feel sad when i see these kids on tv i ask myself where the hell are there parents at? the only people who are gona the shit end of the stick is the U.S tax payers and it will open a huge door for other countries and more immigrants to rush kids moms baby's to the border that for the most part DONT PAY TAXES. its like when Fidel Castro opened up the cuban harbor to let people go and he sent all the criminals.

Bottem line i feel sad for the KIDS, but its not fair to the TAX payers and other people who have been threw the system and earned there place in the U.S.

08-02-2014, 07:53 PM
I got into a fistfight with 7 guys with guns once.
I was murdered on the spot

hahaha, sig worthy

08-02-2014, 08:21 PM
Send them to Detroit or Atlanta. Pretty sure that is the equivalent of sending them back.

08-02-2014, 09:32 PM
Send them to Detroit or Atlanta. Pretty sure that is the equivalent of sending them back.

Maybe Detroit... People actually still live in and travel to Atlanta for reasons they will not regret immediately upon arrival.

08-03-2014, 06:01 PM
People actually still live in and travel to Atlanta for reasons they will not regret immediately upon arrival.
I don't believe you.

08-03-2014, 06:11 PM
I don't believe you.

I'll be sure to send you pics when I go in September

08-04-2014, 06:55 AM
Atlanta is not NEARLY as bad as Detroit. Our state can actually pull their own weight.

08-04-2014, 07:53 AM
Hell, while we're at it, lets adopt a foreign country and send them billions of dollars in "AID".

Take all the money from Israel and give it to Mexico's 2 uncorrupted government officials to fix their country.

We are trying to perform open heart surgery on Mexico with a spork and confused why it isn't helping... all while arguing about whether we should be using a fork or spoon instead...

But, Israel... GIVE THEM ALL THE MONEY! :facepalm:

08-04-2014, 09:09 AM
Israel is at least an ally.

What about all the money we give to Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc? They wipe their asses with it and turn around and use it to fund groups that only exist to kill Americans when given the chance.

08-04-2014, 12:30 PM
We shouldn't be sending any US tax dollars to any other country. And Mexico effectively disarmed most of their citizenry, so naturally the criminals will be the primary ones with guns. I remember reading about some vigilante group in Mexico that obtained some firearms and was going after the cartels. Don't know how far they got, but that would be a start to turning around the corruption in their country.

08-04-2014, 01:06 PM
Send them back. More than half of them won't have anything positive to contribute to the U.S.
It is pretty cruel with the fact that they are children but still, can't go around the world trying to help everyone out.
I believe no other country but their own can fix themselves. That will take people to stand up and fight for their safety, they are only facing other humans just like them.

08-04-2014, 01:17 PM
Send them back. More than half of them won't have anything positive to contribute to the U.S.
It is pretty cruel with the fact that they are children but still, can't go around the world trying to help everyone out.
I believe no other country but their own can fix themselves. That will take people to stand up and fight for their safety, they are only facing other humans just like them.


would have been great for the folks at immigration to turn your whole family away because of their opinion that you would not have anything of value to add to this country.

I love how people are against people trying to come to this country by any means possible yet dont realize the hypocrisy of this belief. 99% of the US population wouldnt be here if nobody immigrated.

legalize drugs, black markets fall apart

slash defense budget invest proactively in other countries and on our own domestic/infrastructure issues.

ban lobbyist groups from participating in legislation.

I know its a hard pill to swallow but gasp! the US is actually the main reason for a lot of problems in the world.

08-04-2014, 06:15 PM
We shouldn't be sending any US tax dollars to any other country. And Mexico effectively disarmed most of their citizenry, so naturally the criminals will be the primary ones with guns. I remember reading about some vigilante group in Mexico that obtained some firearms and was going after the cartels. Don't know how far they got, but that would be a start to turning around the corruption in their country.

Agreed. Funneling money and guns *cough*operationfastandfurious*cough* is not going to help rid the Mexican govt of corruption.

08-05-2014, 03:58 AM
Some of these kids really do have a rough life, but then again so do the other millions of kids that you DONT hear about.

I as an immigrant from mexico coming from a immigrant family, we feel for these kids because at one time that was us, but no one gave my family humanitarian aid or a refugee home we had to PAY just like every other immigrant to become residents later to become citizens. if anyone has ever gone threw this process than you know its alot of money and the main thing WE PAY TAXES.

So i think they should send them back. how can countries not give a shit about THERE citizens because of gangs? corruption? Fucken do something about it we dont ask other countries to fix our gang and corruption problems. I really feel sad when i see these kids on tv i ask myself where the hell are there parents at? the only people who are gona the shit end of the stick is the U.S tax payers and it will open a huge door for other countries and more immigrants to rush kids moms baby's to the border that for the most part DONT PAY TAXES. its like when Fidel Castro opened up the cuban harbor to let people go and he sent all the criminals.

Bottem line i feel sad for the KIDS, but its not fair to the TAX payers and other people who have been threw the system and earned there place in the U.S.

Clearly what we've been doing for the past 20 years hasnt been effective at all.
Once we send them back they will just give it another try once again. This time more likely as a hardened criminal.
Parents are sending their children along with their life savings to escape death. So for those of you who were lucky to immigrate here and say they aren't sacrificing is completely ridiculous. In central America, it's getting to the point that either the youth joins a gang or dies. You we're lucky and had much better circumstances than others. Because you were able to do something is never a justification why a million others can.
This has not even remotely close to what Fidel Castro did. Children don't equal hardened criminals

What's fair for the taxpayers is irrelevant right now. It's going to cost you alot more in the future than what it would now. Eventually it's going to get so bad we're going to have to hit this problem head on. Or just continue to ignore it and the number of illegals trying to make it through the border by 1000.

Take all the money from Israel and give it to Mexico's 2 uncorrupted government officials to fix their country.

We are trying to perform open heart surgery on Mexico with a spork and confused why it isn't helping... all while arguing about whether we should be using a fork or spoon instead...

But, Israel... GIVE THEM ALL THE MONEY! :facepalm:

Lobbying at its finest
Send them back. More than half of them won't have anything positive to contribute to the U.S.
It is pretty cruel with the fact that they are children but still, can't go around the world trying to help everyone out.
I believe no other country but their own can fix themselves. That will take people to stand up and fight for their safety, they are only facing other humans just like them.
We shouldn't be sending any US tax dollars to any other country. And Mexico effectively disarmed most of their citizenry, so naturally the criminals will be the primary ones with guns. I remember reading about some vigilante group in Mexico that obtained some firearms and was going after the cartels. Don't know how far they got, but that would be a start to turning around the corruption in their country.

You don't become the most powerful country in the world by acting isolationist. Sorry but hegemonies are the world police. With great power comes great responsibility(cheesy but true). And yeah you can't help everyone. But in this situation why would you not? I can't change the channel without seeing someone complain about the violence, higher taxes etc. Complain, complain, complain, but do nothing.

There has to be direct action with these governments to help/force them solve the problems, instead of sending money to corrupt politicians

Just think of the trillions of dollars we could of spent in the Americas and how much better this side of the world would be right now. I guarantee they would have better economies and we would have far less trouble from illegal immigration and gang violence

08-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Luck had nothing to do with it player.:picardfp:
theres people that want to work, and people that dont want to work.
those that work EARN.

But i see what your getting at, if you give these kids a chance they will have a HUGE chance at life, but that just opens the door to give people a reason to send waves of kids to the border and some one is going to have to pay for it.
and if you really think some of the "kids" at the border havnt killed anyone before leaving home your very mistaken.

and to the dude that said that the citizens started arming themselves and fought the cartels YES!!!! your 100% correct they did turn the tide on there local cartel BUT!!!!! they took over there business and they are now Under new managment.

08-05-2014, 07:49 PM
Luck had nothing to do with it player.:picardfp:
theres people that want to work, and people that dont want to work.
those that work EARN.

yeah it had a lot to do with it. I guarantee if you weren't born into a certain life and able to meet the many certain circumstances you wouldnt be here legally

Im am no way doubting that what your family had to do was extremely difficult however if you don't meet the long list of certain criteria, you will have no chance of legal immigration.

But i see what your getting at, if you give these kids a chance they will have a HUGE chance at life, but that just opens the door to give people a reason to send waves of kids to the border and some one is going to have to pay for it.
and if you really think some of the "kids" at the border havnt killed anyone before leaving home your very mistaken.

And yes someone is going to have to pay for it. That's the cost of ignoring problems that we caused.

and to the dude that said that the citizens started arming themselves and fought the cartels YES!!!! your 100% correct they did turn the tide on there local cartel BUT!!!!! they took over there business and they are now Under new managment.

im all for it, but cartels have big money and bigger guns. Unless they get some help in the future it's not going to turn out good for them, especially if major cartels get involved

08-10-2014, 02:26 AM
Israel is at least an ally.

What about all the money we give to Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, etc? They wipe their asses with it and turn around and use it to fund groups that only exist to kill Americans when given the chance.

I agree on that point AFSil80 but we shouldn't help israels weird nutcase ideals

To me..at least it seems:
the US sends AID (payments, fighter jets, missiles, guns) to other countries to do its dirty work and favors....
American leaders believe in this idea sadly:
nothing to be gained , nothing to be spent.

that's were the greed of this country comes in, that you guys pointed out.
they spend it terribly on themselves and try to look good, and we pay it..
Good citizens with a terrible goverment, may the Gods help us.:kiss:

08-10-2014, 06:36 PM
We send Israel money and technology so they don't nuke everyone.

We give out work visa's like candy.

Border jumpers are one problem. But Visa overstays account for 35-50%(depending on who's numbers of course) of illegal immigrations.

The kids coming in are like 1% of the people crossing the Mexican border. It's a great story for the press and politicians to trump up. It's only really noteworthy because most of them get caught. That's why it's so taxing on the border patrol.

09-03-2014, 06:19 PM
You have a point. Its interesting how this is, I wish we found a way to have the system work better.

09-03-2014, 07:05 PM

would have been great for the folks at immigration to turn your whole family away because of their opinion that you would not have anything of value to add to this country.

I love how people are against people trying to come to this country by any means possible yet dont realize the hypocrisy of this belief. 99% of the US population wouldnt be here if nobody immigrated.

legalize drugs, black markets fall apart

slash defense budget invest proactively in other countries and on our own domestic/infrastructure issues.

ban lobbyist groups from participating in legislation.

I know its a hard pill to swallow but gasp! the US is actually the main reason for a lot of problems in the world.

lol so much ignorance.

So I take it you are volunteering your paycheck to help support those children?

12-27-2014, 08:21 PM
Lets bring every countries children here and just drop them off at the boarder.

Tax dollars can support them, right? Just like tax dollars already support a corrupt government, endless welfare and food stamp recipients...

Hell, while we're at it, lets adopt a foreign country and send them billions of dollars in "AID".




Why do we burden our country with endless help and contributions when our own country is in need ?

You have to help yourself before you can help others.

Ever had advice from a guy without a job ?