View Full Version : the ban of the hellaflush/stanced modification

07-27-2014, 11:48 AM
it has begun.......


07-27-2014, 11:54 AM
Nobody follows in Canada's footsteps. Good luck, Canada.

07-27-2014, 12:05 PM
Hellaflush is a practice of cosmetic modifications that comes to the detriment of handling and road holding capabilities which consist of:

Lowering the suspension of the vehicle
Installing oversized and offset wheels (offset greater than of the stock wheels)
Installing tires too narrow for the wheels (tire stretching).
These modifications,that affect the geometry of the vehicles suspension, are generally observed by the presence of exaggerated negative camber. This is an overview of the principals of hellaflush and the reason this practice is prohibited.

Yes, they actually used the term "hellaflush." -LOL


07-27-2014, 12:44 PM
Well they already banned RHD cars in Quebec, so this doesn't seem outside of the realm of possibilities. The big ticket grab is going to be "the lowering of your motor vehicle". Even if you're not "stanced", you're still looking at a ticket.

I'm all for getting the unsafe mods, people like to "DIY" on their cars, but where do they stop? Aesthetic modifications? Performance?

07-27-2014, 12:53 PM
Thats pretty ridiculous. Im surprised someone actually looked into this so far, that they understand the whole stance and hellaflush thing. Sounds like an inside job, a rat.

07-27-2014, 12:56 PM
I wonder how pedantic they will be. For instance Volkswagen offers lowering springs for their cars that are made by Eibach. I wonder if they would yield a citation or not, being they are a dealership option and have VW markings.

07-27-2014, 01:07 PM
Never heard of anyone crashing their car because of being lowered or having stretched tires or camber. If anything, those things only make one more attentive to the road.
On the other hand, there are countless videos on YouTube of people crashing stock Mustangs because they are not able to handle the power, or of people losing wheels due to improper maintenance, or whatever other silly causes of accidents.

Granted, there are those who run excessive camber and stretch just for the sake of running excessive camber and stretch to the point where it looks ridiculous, and I am sure those are the types of individuals who ruined it for everyone.

07-27-2014, 01:19 PM
What kind of cars are coming out of Canada to give it such a bad wrap? The picture used on the link is far from stretched, hellaflush, or even slammed.

07-27-2014, 01:23 PM
this looks completely safe to me



So hellaflush style is illegal... does this include Shakotan style? Onicamber? Bippu? is that legal? We need the gov't of Quebec to address Yankii style! and Kyusha? Garuchan style?

07-27-2014, 03:01 PM
best thing the Canadians have done.

hellaflush needs to disappear from the car modding world. fucking worst trend ever done.

07-27-2014, 03:54 PM
best thing the Canadians have done.

hellaflush needs to disappear from the car modding world. fucking worst trend ever done.

Nothing in your build thread convinces me that you're correct.

07-27-2014, 04:01 PM
The issue for me is the fact 0.0000001% of the population is into this type of hobby.

Making a law that bans those mods really tells me the gov is a poorly run institution.

07-27-2014, 05:43 PM
The issue for me is the fact 0.0000001% of the population is into this type of hobby.

Making a law that bans those mods really tells me the gov is a poorly run institution.
Indeed, they should focus on more important issues, such as kids skating on the sidewalks.

07-27-2014, 05:51 PM
Indeed, they should focus on more important issues, such as kids skating on the sidewalks.

and those fucking E-bikes.

Oh what you have a DUI? , No licence? heres a 200 lb scooter you can drive on public roads with a bicycle helmet and no prior training. who needs plates or insurance... :duh:

07-27-2014, 06:03 PM
They are probably sorry. Canada is always sorry.

07-27-2014, 06:16 PM
canda makes it so hard to not make fun of them. I'm not a "Hellaflush" fan but to actually use the term in a law is just ridiculous and the wording of the whole law leaves it up for to much interpretation

07-27-2014, 06:42 PM
best thing the Canadians have done.

hellaflush needs to disappear from the car modding world. fucking worst trend ever done.

Nothing in your build thread convinces me that you're correct.

so then, what IS good about hellaflush?

its fucking retarded

07-27-2014, 06:44 PM
this is Quebec guys, when you say Canada... it's a lot different from the french part of Canada, Quebec.

The French are pricks. It doesn't matter which side of the Atlantic you're on.



They should outlaw stickerbombing!

07-27-2014, 07:10 PM
I'm against hellaflush and everything. I think its ugly as hell and all

...But this is a bit repressive

Then again I'm sure it's hard to drive over all the maple syrup safely in a hellaflush car


07-27-2014, 08:24 PM
I see this as being a gateway to ban any lowering of a vehicle there. But then again it's French Canada, which I could care less about. I just hope it doesn't spread to British Columbia.

07-27-2014, 08:46 PM
I see this as being a gateway to ban any lowering of a vehicle there. But then again it's French Canada, which I could care less about. I just hope it doesn't spread to British Columbia.

Nah, the further you head out west... The less they care about this stuff. Vancity is safe :)

07-27-2014, 09:02 PM
I'm against hellaflush and everything. I think its ugly as hell and all
...But this is a bit repressive

wait wait wait.............

you guys need to have a better understanding of world car laws

you want to talk repressive, HAWAII has us beat by a LONG SHOT with the RECON laws they have

other countries may have MOT or other inspections, but I dont know of any that are more strict than hawaii.. you need a permit for ANY car modification you make

and you guys talk about cali...

07-27-2014, 09:14 PM
Nah, the further you head out west... The less they care about this stuff. Vancity is safe :)

True story.

East coast is VI and crackdown central. Ontario is always on the news for stupid import car crackdowns. Not much going on with the west coast, so I guess people are safe here for now driving their shitty nonfunctional "cool" fitment cars.

For now...

And as for the guys making fun of Canada.. Us Canadians just laugh at you guys, most of you have no idea whats going on outside your "bubble" that is called 'murica.

07-27-2014, 09:52 PM
Nah, the further you head out west... The less they care about this stuff. Vancity is safe :)

i agree with that but once you hit van something in the air makes them stupid again, almost as bad as quebec. bc is one of the provinces that allows the police to seize a vehicle going 50km (31mph) over the speed limit; police get to be judge and executioner without a day in court with that one. bc also allows the crown to forfeit assets without a conviction.

btw quebec is the florida of canada, but full of hot separatist women.

07-27-2014, 10:06 PM

07-27-2014, 10:21 PM
^LOLOL gold

I'm pretty sure every first world country has inspections and more regulation when it comes to vehicles than North America.

I know that stretched tires and lowered suspension is illegal in Australia.

Japan does shakken or whatever every few years and i hear that it's pretty stringent.

I'm almost certain the Germans have a million rules and regulations in this regard.

As far as North America... Generally, we have what? emissions? I think NY state does a yearly inspection...

Living in Florida...regulations? LOL they don't give a shit about your car's functionality or safety--that's on you. I bet one could register a F1 car here.

07-28-2014, 02:31 AM
Living in Florida...regulations? LOL they don't give a shit about your car's functionality or safety--that's on you. I bet one could register a F1 car here.

This is not a lie. I work in the heart of Orlando and good lord do I see some "Rachet spec" sh!t. Some of it I have a hard time believing it gets them to and from whatever they do all day. Melted springs, -89 degrees of camber, 4" tire on 9" rims... I genuinely fear for my life driving near these tards.

07-28-2014, 07:44 AM
all the laws were already here

no stretched tires, no body/frame touching the ground, no tire rubing on fender/body, no excessive camber, no tire poke were allowed before

they just put an article saying what hellaflush is and reminden people that is unsafe ans illegal

nothing new here...

07-28-2014, 08:32 AM
Never heard of anyone crashing their car because of being lowered or having stretched tires or camber. If anything, those things only make one more attentive to the road.

You don't hear them talking because no one is going to publicly say "hey ! i crashed my car because i was too dumb !" Either that, or they are dead.

doing that ruins handling. You may think it makes you more attentive, but if you need to drive on the verge of losing control to be attentive... well, your problem.

On the other hand, there are countless videos on YouTube of people crashing stock Mustangs because they are not able to handle the power, or of people losing wheels due to improper maintenance, or whatever other silly causes of accidents.

Other people being stupid does not allow you to do the same.

Hey, how about making a law forcing mustang drivers and ricers /hellaflushers/stancers/whatever to drive in pair ? Ricer goes first. Mustang goes back. Wait for natural selection to occur and salvage parts.


Granted, there are those who run excessive camber and stretch just for the sake of running excessive camber and stretch to the point where it looks ridiculous, and I am sure those are the types of individuals who ruined it for everyone.

Stretch is excessive by nature, and most ultra negative camber cars are that way so that wheels stay in wheel wells. Or because they are so low they cant add more positive camber than -15°.

Neither of these are good.

Long live Quebec !

(TBH you guys are lucky, we mostly can't even change tyre size without being illegal here)

07-28-2014, 08:38 AM
wait wait wait.............

you guys need to have a better understanding of world car laws

i suppose your right

i just get a sour taste in my mouth when new laws are implimented or put on a ballot to be, that are aimed at a certain group.
regardless of location

whatever, hellaflush is the equivalent of sagging your pants in prison :axe:

07-28-2014, 10:36 AM
Same city (Montreal) trying find sovereignty several times now. If you don't speak French well, and Quebec French, not real France-French even, they'll most certainly give you shit for this. Honestly, they have some of the worst roads I've even driven on in Montreal as it is, so driving hellaflush wouldn't even be fun there. Dope chicks there, great charm and character, but this is pretty lame.

07-28-2014, 11:08 AM
Hey, I heard an airplane went missing again, and that hundreds of people are dying in Gaza.

But yeah...hellaflush is a serious problem.

07-28-2014, 11:43 AM
all i'm sayin is that i would like to have the freedom to modify my car as i wish, as long as i'm not hurting anyone.

07-28-2014, 05:16 PM
Stretch is excessive by nature, and most ultra negative camber cars are that way so that wheels stay in wheel wells. Or because they are so low they cant add more positive camber than -15°.

Neither of these are good.
This is exactly the kind of attitude responsible for these measures.
Someone mentions stretch or negative camber, and everyone automatically throws all lowered cars with stretched tires under the same umbrella with caricatures such as this:

Yes, a car like that should be pulled over immediately, but cars like that make up such a small portion of lowered cars with stretched tires that they are completely insignificant. I cannot vouch for any Honda or Euro scene cars, but in reality most lowered S-chassis with stretched tires and a bit of negative camber are completely reasonable. I have seen plenty of death trap rat rods driving down the freeway while I have yet to see a single car like that Celica out on a public road in person.

Everyone cheering for this, just wait until your 'properly' set up car gets busted under the same law when these measures start spreading. The officers are not going to care if your suspension has been meticulously tuned to achieve the zen of roll center or that your wheels serve a purpose other than looks, all they will see is a lowered import car with aftermarket wheels.

07-28-2014, 08:18 PM
Everyone cheering for this, just wait until your 'properly' set up car gets busted under the same law when these measures start spreading. The officers are not going to care if your suspension has been meticulously tuned to achieve the zen of roll center or that your wheels serve a purpose other than looks, all they will see is a lowered import car with aftermarket wheels.


They see no difference between the "look at me Celica" and this -


07-28-2014, 09:53 PM
All they have to see is the FMIC in some places to have a fix-it ticket field day.

07-29-2014, 09:29 AM
WTT: Health care 4 freedom

Location: Canada

07-29-2014, 12:29 PM
WTT: Health care 4 freedom

Location: Canada

+1 I agree.

07-29-2014, 01:00 PM
Everyone cheering for this, just wait until your 'properly' set up car gets busted under the same law when these measures start spreading. The officers are not going to care if your suspension has been meticulously tuned to achieve the zen of roll center or that your wheels serve a purpose other than looks, all they will see is a lowered import car with aftermarket wheels.

What you fail to understand is that laws weree already there. They were not modified. They are just not applied. That article was just saying police officers need to enforce them on dangerous cars owned by people who either don't care or don't realize it.

I don't know about the US or canada, but here we can stretch a little bit, provided the tyre size is correct. But not much, because beyond that the tyres will noticeably work differently than what they were designed for (and yes, you WANT flex in your sidewalls). We can install 235 width on 9" wheels, 225 on 8.5, 215 on 8 and so on (yes, i said SMALL stretch)

Police officiers also use their brain, if they wanted they could seize and destroy every car that has been modified here. And they dont, as long as you don't drive like a retard, or it does not look dangerous. Or they aren't in a bad mood. Or if they need to give tickets. When it happens, take it like a man, you broke the rules after all...Insurance is another story though.

I have already been pulled in my S13 some times.It has a stock body, but the intercooler and wheels give some hint. The half roll cage, gutted interior and bucket seats can't hide it either.
The guys just wanted to have a look at the car because it looked different and made a cool spitting noise on deceleration (fuel not cut and high timing advance on no load ftw :D )
But i guess if i had been speeding at these times, it would have been another story ...

07-29-2014, 02:46 PM
^This is pretty much how it is everywhere in terms of how police act. Laws are there but little enforcement. Certain tire shops have regulations, I know Discount Tire in my area wont even do like a 225 on a 9. However I think police just use best judgement.

I'm in Washington where things are pretty lax and every time I get pulled over I'm given the laundry list of ticket-able offences I currently run. Exhaust, too low, no plate, dark tint, stretched tires, you name it. I've never been ticketed for these things however considering I have a clean record and haven't been popped doing anything ridiculous in a long time.

It sucks that Canada is using "hellaflush" as a buzzword but it was bound to happen. I don't really see much changing elsewhere. Just don't drive like a dick and keep under the radar. If your blasting around at 100mph on shitty ass parts of I-5 with -5 degrees of camber on all four corners on stretched tires dragging your blastpipes on road reflectors your asking for it and should expect the long dick of the law.

07-29-2014, 03:19 PM
What you fail to understand is that laws weree already there. They were not modified. They are just not applied. That article was just saying police officers need to enforce them on dangerous cars owned by people who either don't care or don't realize it.

I don't know about the US or canada, but here we can stretch a little bit, provided the tyre size is correct. But not much, because beyond that the tyres will noticeably work differently than what they were designed for (and yes, you WANT flex in your sidewalls). We can install 235 width on 9" wheels, 225 on 8.5, 215 on 8 and so on (yes, i said SMALL stretch)

Police officiers also use their brain, if they wanted they could seize and destroy every car that has been modified here. And they dont, as long as you don't drive like a retard, or it does not look dangerous. Or they aren't in a bad mood. Or if they need to give tickets. When it happens, take it like a man, you broke the rules after all...Insurance is another story though.

I have already been pulled in my S13 some times.It has a stock body, but the intercooler and wheels give some hint. The half roll cage, gutted interior and bucket seats can't hide it either.
The guys just wanted to have a look at the car because it looked different and made a cool spitting noise on deceleration (fuel not cut and high timing advance on no load ftw :D )
But i guess if i had been speeding at these times, it would have been another story ...

^ too smart for zilvia

well said