07-21-2014, 05:59 AM
Hey members,
I'm looking for the a/c line that connects to the top of the compressor and leads towards the firewall. I pulled on mine a little to hard and leaked all the frion out. Lmk if you have one lying around.
Added photos...
This is the line I messed up. It has a connection to the compressor, a little bend that leads to a small cylinder and then goes all the way to the firewall.
I'm looking for the a/c line that connects to the top of the compressor and leads towards the firewall. I pulled on mine a little to hard and leaked all the frion out. Lmk if you have one lying around.
Added photos...
This is the line I messed up. It has a connection to the compressor, a little bend that leads to a small cylinder and then goes all the way to the firewall.