View Full Version : 92 240sx running issues

07-08-2014, 03:57 PM
hey guys and gals.
ok I might as well start.

I have a 92 Nissan 240sx convertible
the car starts fine. and seems to idle fine also.
runs cool. no codes.

I bought this car with this issue.
if I rev the engine while parked with no load everything seems fine.
but once a pull out to drive it. the car has no power and starts to get engine ping. I tried playing with the timing to eliminate the ping. when I retarded the timing the ping went away, but the power loss was even worse.
if I advance the timing back I get some power back but the pinging returns.

when I bought the car it did have some codes. it had a distributer sensor code. a maf sensor code, I fixed both codes but to no avail.

please ant help or ideas would be appreciated

now lets brain storm and get this solved

07-08-2014, 04:04 PM
Check fuel pressure

07-08-2014, 04:05 PM
Most code issues cause rich state.

07-08-2014, 04:05 PM
Also check for a vacuum leak.

07-08-2014, 04:32 PM
running rich woundnt cause it to ping though would it?
ive double and triple checked for vacuum leaks nothing....
I have not checked the fuel pressure, ill check that asap.
would that cause a ping though?

07-08-2014, 04:32 PM
im also getting ready to replace the knock sensor

07-14-2014, 04:52 PM
need help bump