View Full Version : Puzzled with Market Section?

07-08-2014, 01:05 AM
Okay, so my question aside from "times being tough" which is a horrible excuse btw, why has the bumping rule in the market section been changed? Yes, it is in more favor of the seller, but I FEEL that the old norm of 2 bumps rule was and is more than adequate. That rule has been going on for numerous years without any issue, and why the change now?

Honestly, like my previous thread in the forum suggestion, I adamantly believe there should more of an admin/mod presence in the marketplace. I'm not naming anyone (but hinting through context), but the current main marketplace mod seems to have a conflict of interest. Yes, new reproduction of aero parts are being made and yes you are mutually helping out the community but it should be left at there- either continue being solely a Zilvia vendor or be a marketplace mod, not both. The person is more focused on personal business aspects than actually moderating the thread, which is causing the marketplace to be way too laxed nowadays a.k.a suffering for the worst. It just allows too many rules to be ignored and I feel that the new bump rule is a scapegoat, just to allow that. And the way that the marketplace is going, I highly doubt that rule will be enforced after the "honeymoon" phase of this "new" implication, which will lead to another huge clutter mess....

LIKE I SAID BEFORE!- WE NEED MORE MODS, NOT A CHANGE IN FORUM RULES!! (it only implies that one person can't soley do the job!)

And to all you folks, yes I care that much so give me a cookie! :kiss:


Rest in peace RACERX2K1, your extreme scrutinizing moderating is truly missed! :cry:

End of rant.

Old thread for reference:

s0fa king
07-08-2014, 07:43 PM
Maybe there's not enough market place mods? Or at least not enough participating?

07-08-2014, 07:56 PM
I agree...I was banned recently from market place because I said "I will post pics after holidays or text me for them" no warnings either. Straight ban till the 19th...really? Just for something so silly? Word zilvia...word

s0fa king
07-10-2014, 07:44 PM
I don't want to see a text only thread. If you're selling something at least have a picture or don't start a thread. The market place is already a cluster fuck & then you get lazy people that say text me for this and that.

I'm not trying to bash you personally, but do a LITTLE work if you're trying to make a few dollars.

07-10-2014, 07:46 PM
You sure complain a lot.


Maybe since you care so much and you made some money off Zilvia you should become a premie.

07-10-2014, 09:45 PM
I don't want to see a text only thread. If you're selling something at least have a picture or don't start a thread. The market place is already a cluster fuck & then you get lazy people that say text me for this and that.

I'm not trying to bash you personally, but do a LITTLE work if you're trying to make a few dollars.

That new change, I totally understand and agree with you. But like I said before, will that rule along with the other new rules still be enforced after the "honeymoon" phase of the implication is another story...since the way the current marketplace is enforced is beyond lack luster...

You sure complain a lot.


Maybe since you care so much and you made some money off Zilvia you should become a premie.

Again I'll rebuttal the same reasoning as I stated in my previous thread since you think you're so clever to re-quote yourself, which again does not help nor solve the issue at hand...:goyou:

But that still wouldn't solve this issue wouldn't it? Through some observation, the marketplace mods lately SEEM more in tune with their own for sale threads than actually moderating it so I wouldn't know how becoming a premie member would help at all... but again it's only an observation that I care too much...

On a brighter note, I do thank you dudermagee for caring on what I have to complain about. Thanks there bud! :bow:

07-13-2014, 06:03 AM
Maybe the mods would actually care about what you say if you weren't just another whining freeloader.

07-13-2014, 11:18 PM
Maybe the mods would actually care about what you say if you weren't just another whining freeloader.

On a brighter note, I do thank you dudermagee for caring on what I have to complain about. Thanks there bud! :bow:

07-13-2014, 11:21 PM
I think pictures should be a mandatory requirement as well.

I can also volunteer my time as a mod on the FS pages.

I work from home so time is plentiful and can provide references too. I admin a Fbook group of 20k people and owned a Vbullentin Msg Board as well.

07-14-2014, 01:33 AM
I got banned from marketplace for not posting pics. It was my fault for not reading the rules and guidelines and I agree it is a nessisary rule. But to be banned to 2 weeks! That's a little harsh. I think that moderators can get their point across in a different way, like maybe just closing threads and telling the poster to read the rules before making the thread again.

07-14-2014, 04:51 AM
I think that moderators can get their point across in a different way, like maybe just closing threads and telling the poster to read the rules before making the thread again.

2 weeks is really lightweight, the shortest temporary I generally handed down before this change was 1-3 months.
We did that for years, and the marketplace became a befuddled mess when people DIDN'T READ THE RULES.
We're never going to please everyone, but we must do what we must do to keep things moving as smoothly as possible.