View Full Version : S13 SR20DET will not crank after T.O. bearing/rear main seal replacement

06-30-2014, 10:20 AM
Hey guys - been lingering for quite some time (since roughly 2004) and just ran into a problem that I have yet to see covered with an S13 SR20DET in a S14 chassis.

Basically, was able to take care of the throwout bearing and rear main seal in about 2 hours, got everything hooked up, and was able to start the vehicle and drive it out the shop. Was able to shut it down and crank it again 2 other times in the lot area I was (did not exceed 25-30 MPH).

Once I went to leave and drove down the road for some food, I noticed my vehicle would not crank when leaving diner.

- Everything on dash illuminates.
- Fuel pump primes
- no movement from starter
- No clicking of any time

Is there anything on the trans that would keep the vehicle from starting? Is there anything I could have knocked loose during trans removal/install? I've done it quite a few times and never ran into this problem, so I'm a bit baffled as to what has happened. Also, SR trans, not KA.

Thanks for the help, guys!

06-30-2014, 11:08 AM
Is the positive power plug attached to the starter? Every now and then the my electric plug would come unattached from the starter. This would cause the the starter not to fire which equals no crank. The plug is on the top side of the starter closest to the knock sensor

06-30-2014, 11:10 AM
Is the positive power plug attached to the starter? Every now and then the my electric plug would come unattached from the starter. This would cause the the starter not to fire which equals no crank. The plug is on the top side of the starter closest to the knock sensor

Actually just messaged the owner of the car (we are about 30 min drive from one another) to verify that plug is in place and secure. Thank you for verifying that this is something that could happen.

07-05-2014, 07:20 AM
There is also a thing blank wrote with, I believe a male single wire fitting, on it, this is the solenoid start signal. It gets loose sometime and had been know to slip off. While you are checking the power line look fir that one as well the power line goes into a bolt. The solenoid. Signal is a wire coming out of the smaller part of the started. You can even see it looking down from above at the starter.

07-07-2014, 08:33 PM
x2 on the starter solenoid wire, I've had mine come off, when it does there's no clicking from the starter when turning the key.