View Full Version : SS Auto Power

06-27-2014, 04:06 PM
So... SS Auto power was having their "Memorial Day Sale". They said "ALL HKS RADIATOR CAPS 20% OFF ETC ETC ETC", I thought hmm I'm bored and it's kinda neat so sure.

Shipping was pretty quick. I bought this and their Type 4 Canards. The canards were decent, but they were too short for S chassis. That's not what this is about.

So I put the radiator cap on. Cool. The day after I put it on, I drove to a place a few hours away. Temps are fine, whatever. This was on a Sunday. That following weekend there is a drift event at the local track (the first time i drove it with the new rad cap was 7 days prior to said event). I went to that. It was a 3 day thing. Keep in mind, I only drove my car like 10 miles between that Sunday and this weekend.

I drift on Saturday and Sunday, no issues, neat. I did one run on Sunday. After that one run, I noticed the temps spiked WAY high. What the hell, I just put a new radiator and fan in this car, WTF?

So I open the hood (obviously) and...


... What the hell? The sticker with all the information and stuff was gone, and there was coolant all over my bay, bubbling out from the cap. All the hoses were fine, the radiator is still perfect, the only place with coolant coming out was the cap. Reeeeaaaaally cool. They sent me a fake, shitty radiator cap.

So I let the car cool down, and I quickly ran and got a stock radiator cap from a friend at the track. When the car cooled down, I put the other radiator cap back on, I start my car, I did one figure eight run (I literally only did half a donut) and I noticed the car had no power. My dad lives 2 miles from the track. I drive the car to his house as slowly and cautiously as I can. As I am pulling onto his street, rod knock. Cool.

Long story short, SS Auto Power sent me a fake radiator cap, my car overheated, and spun a bearing. I hate to make a huge bad post about a fucking radiator cap... but look what something that tiny can do to your motor. Don't buy from SS Auto Power. After this a few friends told me they have been screwing people over forever. I did not know that. So here's a warning...

09-25-2014, 08:36 PM
Damn :/ that sucks dude. sorry to hear that.

09-25-2014, 08:49 PM
Too bad..........