View Full Version : Dont know the next step..

06-21-2014, 08:27 PM
Hi, i bought a 91 hatch with a supposedly bad head gasket.. saved up a grand to get it done. Mechanics said the head waas good.. but i needed a new maf, airbox, cap and rotor, plugs and wires, new fuel filter, and lines. Go to pick it up and runs like crap.. can't go over 10 mp.. and bogs like a bronco guy wants more time but he had a week with it and coulsnt figure it out..
So i test everything to make sure he did it right.. test the ecu no codes.. test my tbs and its bad so i replaced that too finally have a good idle but bogs at 1700

So now i need help do i replace my ecu or..?

Primo's Silvia
06-21-2014, 11:26 PM
Try another ecu
Sounds like something fried the sensors?

anti tyler
06-22-2014, 08:16 AM
Sounds like limp mode. Bad signal from the MAF to the ecu restricting the RPM's

Have you replaced the MAF like you originally said it needed?

06-22-2014, 08:38 AM
Yeah ima try to test it with someone else's ecu

I replaced everything so im really thinking its the ecu...i ran out things to replace

06-22-2014, 09:30 AM
I had a problem with an old ka I had bogging and it turned out to be a leak in the intake passed the maf. There for it was pulling in unregistered air. Check your entire intake set up for holes leaks cracks what ever.