06-10-2014, 01:47 AM
All prices are without shipping. I will ship either USPS or MPS.
My Contact Info:
[email protected]
iMessage/iPhones +81 80 4790 3217 <its free for iPhones text only
S13 Cusco Tension rods - $100
S13 Nismo Rear Lower Control Arms (Bushings are good) - $100
S13 Pop up head light assy. with motors and housing and lights everything - $200
S13 Rb20 harness its been hacked, you would need to go through it but it was in my s13 rb20 (RHD)- $50
180sx center piece for tail lights - $50
180sx side hatch glass - $75/side
Interior black panels for hatch - $50/side
I'll get more pictures later for now, here's one.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10406814_10202301009748903_4815685865560558023_n.j pg
My Contact Info:
[email protected]
iMessage/iPhones +81 80 4790 3217 <its free for iPhones text only
S13 Cusco Tension rods - $100
S13 Nismo Rear Lower Control Arms (Bushings are good) - $100
S13 Pop up head light assy. with motors and housing and lights everything - $200
S13 Rb20 harness its been hacked, you would need to go through it but it was in my s13 rb20 (RHD)- $50
180sx center piece for tail lights - $50
180sx side hatch glass - $75/side
Interior black panels for hatch - $50/side
I'll get more pictures later for now, here's one.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10406814_10202301009748903_4815685865560558023_n.j pg