View Full Version : NC OEM s13 Passenger Chuki Side Skirt

06-03-2014, 04:24 PM
Selling a passenger side Chuki side skirt. Driver's side was damaged beyond repair and I couldn't find a single so I had to buy a new pair.

Red spots are just paint chips, my guess is the skirt was previously touched up with spray paint so my gray paint didn't stick there. There's one small crack at the front of the side skirt, not noticeable and easily repairable if you want to fix it. No dents or cracks at the front or back and the rocker panel trim tabs are still there, it's actually in better condition than the pair I bought, it's just dirty and needs paint.

Asking $120. Contact me via text at 757-788-9847, PM, or reply to this thread. Located in Raleigh NC.

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