View Full Version : My clutch burned out

10-30-2001, 01:17 PM
Well, Ive decided to keep my car for a while and something like this happens. Anyways, i asked the mechanic and he said putting an ACT on would actually put more stress on the rest of the car. I don't know what i should do. Should I get an ACT? Centerforce?
Clutchmasters? Stock Nissan? I'd like a higher performance one, but, I still want it to be streetable. Any suggestions? Please help.

Also, I hear that a lightened flywheel will help as well, How much does a flywheel cost? and what do you guys recommend?

(Edited by Grant at 12:19 pm on Oct. 30, 2001)

10-30-2001, 02:57 PM
I'd go with the Clutchmaster's Stage II upgrade if I were you. Flywheel will cost you around $285, roughly speaking. They claim some 10 hp increase, but I clearly doubt it's that much. I'd definitely get it.

10-30-2001, 03:38 PM
Tell your Mechanic to suck it.

Get a ACT Street disc for a NA car. Its a very good clutch and will be perfect for the ammount of power you will be putting down. Also it feels the same as the stock clutch.

A flywheel will make the clutch pedal engage a little quicker and will help revs out a little. Depending on the $ situation then dont bother with the flywheel. I love mine but I dont know how worthwhile it is.

Fidanza makes a very good flywheel for about $350ish

10-30-2001, 03:47 PM
I was almost right.  I'd like to see what people dynoed with and without the aluminum flywheel. The weight reduction is about 50%. Revs are definitely easier, gotta second West's post.

10-30-2001, 08:03 PM
if you get a clutch that is way too strong for your car, and you 'drive' like you have a fast car, i could see an aftermarket clutch putting stress on your car, but just saying an ACT clutches in general will put stress on your car doesn't make sense.

and to me, my JUN flywheel was not worth it. if i had a turbo, that would be different. i would have rather put the money towards an ECU.

10-30-2001, 10:46 PM
yeah, I'm not going for a flywheel right now, maybe a fidanza later on, cuz all other brands seem to be $500 or more.

I also found out Sachs makes clutches for my car (they have a oem replacement version and a slight upgrade version for like $120) and I hear they are OEM on VW's and BMW's and a pretty good. should i take that into consideration as well or stick with an ACT?