05-01-2014, 05:25 PM
Going for my tune next week and am wanting to get rid of this fake hks ssq first Gen bov. I got it as a part of a deal with other parts. I am hunting for a real legit hks ssq 4 blow off valve. Just the valve, and SS beveled lock ring however I am not expecting to pay full retail ($300) for a legit used one. Obviously have to be in working order.
I want detailed pictures of the bov to authencate it to be a legit hks bov, I will be referring to hks website bov authentication and various google hks bov topics/pictures as a guide. PayPal ready. Faster if you txt me 9209186296. Thanks
I want detailed pictures of the bov to authencate it to be a legit hks bov, I will be referring to hks website bov authentication and various google hks bov topics/pictures as a guide. PayPal ready. Faster if you txt me 9209186296. Thanks