View Full Version : Chase Bay's InBay Brake Kit and Brake Booster Elimiator

04-30-2014, 05:09 PM
Hey guys just recently purchased chase bay's brake booster Elimiator and brake line inbay kit for my S14. I was wondering if there's any instructions to install the inbay kit. The brake booster was easy. But the only thing I have found on the internet pertaining to the brake line kits is for there interior kit. I haven't found anything yet. Could someone point me in the right directions. This is the links to the items I have purchased

BBE - https://www.chasebays.com/product/nissan-240sx/chase-bays-brake-booster-eliminator

Inbay - https://www.chasebays.com/product/nissan-240sx/chase-bays-brake-line-relocation-for-bb-eliminator-inbay--nissan-240sx-s13--s14

Thank you in advance. I've been trying to contact chase bays and there customer service takes at least 3 days if not more to get back to me.

04-30-2014, 06:22 PM
http://www.chasebays.com/content/downloads/CB%20240sx%20Booster%20Delete%20Brake%20Line%20Rel ocation%20Kit%20Install%20Guide.pdf

Right under "Install Guides" on Chasebays website. :rolleyes: