View Full Version : s13 5 lug conversion perplexed

Mac Nibbles
04-27-2014, 10:33 PM
So I finally got around to installing my 5 lug conversion this weekend on my s13. I purchased it about a month ago from a guy who claimed they were s14 hubs off a s13 parts car. Since I'd done at lest some some research on the swap and knew about the s14 ball joint differences, I made sure to purchase the entire hub/spindle/rotor/lca assembly for both the front and rear. Well I got done bolting up the fronts and I had the following issues:

First, the spindles and everything bolted up no problem. Correct me if I'm wrong but I though the s14 spindles weren't supposed to be able to bolt to the struts without some spacers like these?

Ok so now this leads me to believe the fronts at least are just s13 spindles with conversion hubs? The rotors that came on them were actually just redrilled 4 lugs so that may be a clue...


My issue is that when I went to test fit my wheels, I ran into this problem:


As you can see, my s14 5 lug wheels are wayyy too close to my spring seats. Is this a common issue with the s14 se wheels on s13s?
Doubt I'll have this problem in the rear since the springs aren't as wide but I haven't tried it yet. I think the wheels should fit with coilovers, but I don't have any yet. So is there any way to make my current setup fit or am I basically screwed til I get coilovers?

04-27-2014, 11:30 PM
you're halfway there to a diy already. use the rotors as templates and convert it yourself. save some trouble and money

Mac Nibbles
04-27-2014, 11:38 PM
^ I've seen that thread and I think you misread my post. I've already swapped the entire hub/spindle/lca assemblies onto the fronts. Redrilling my stock front bearings and swapping out the bearings that came with the setup I bought won't affect the offset of the wheels.

04-28-2014, 12:26 AM
ok i reread your whole post again, they're called spacers for a reason right? i would expect it to all fit together but it can move around slightly still. as for the space between the wheel and spring mount, yes thats normal. coilovers fix that with no issues. only you yourself can answer that. either it rubs or it doesnt

Mac Nibbles
04-28-2014, 04:17 AM
So theres actually more space between the front wheel and spring mount than I thought with no rubbing whatsoever. No spacers needed. Also I did a little more investigating and judging by how crusty my new rear bearings look compared to the fronts, I'm guessing what I had purchased from brobro were stock rear hubs and conversion hubs up front. Couldn't tell since I bought the entire spindles assembled without taking em apart. Since my fronts are already swapped, I'm just switching only the hubs in the rear now. and these damn bolts behind the hub are a bitch to get off with the spindles still on the car >:[

04-28-2014, 11:25 PM
Take the rear knuckles off before removing the rear hubs! It will save you some work. Just need a 36mm socket for the axle bolt I believe. When I first swapped the hubs I left the knuckles on. Then later I changed all the bushings so it all had to come off which was much much easier than taking the hubs off with it still on. You need to torque those botls down to about 200 ft lbs I believe. Plus, you got it all assembled already so torque specs don't even matter

Mac Nibbles
04-28-2014, 11:57 PM
I thought about taking the entire knuckles off but the way the mounting bolts are angled didn't leave enough space for a 19mm socket on either side and the biggest metric wrench I have is a 18mm -_-
Getting the bolts off the back of the hub actually ain't too bad once I figured out how to angle the breaker bar/extension and rotate the axle so the grooves on back line up. And I think you meant that its the wheel bearing lock nut on the axle that gets tq down to just under 200 ft lbs. The bolts behind the hub are only 58-72 ft lbs according to the fsm.
Managed to get the passenger side done tonight. The part that actually sucked was the hub being seized onto the axle. Hit it with some pb blaster and a pry bar and the thing finally popped off landing right on my shin... good thing I was sitting cross legged or my balls woulda been dunzo o.O

04-29-2014, 01:53 AM
yeah its probably best not to be listening to someone guessing tq specs haha. hence why i said 'i believe'. get yourself a 19mm wrench for the future. it comes in handy a lot more than you'd think. i was hurting myself w/o one for awhile
and that just sounds lovely..