View Full Version : have a s14 ls1 wire question.

s14 ls1
04-23-2014, 09:54 PM
so im thinking bout buying this harness http://www.speartech.com/product_p/24xharnessdbw.htm and im concerned about it not having my windshield wipers connectors and fuse box connectors. how should i become about this?

04-24-2014, 10:50 AM
That is for the motor only. That harness will control nothing on any chassis besides the fuel pump. It's a standalone. If it's like any other ls standalone harness you give it switched ignition, batt pos, and ground. Then figure out the fuel pump and that's it. It will not tie into the car side I.e. lights wipers etc. I'm running a psi harness on my swap and left/modified the Nissan harness independent of the motor harness.

04-24-2014, 05:55 PM
For that price you can harness from Wiring specialties and they include a harness for the wipers and fuse box interface is built into the main engine harness.

04-25-2014, 05:07 AM
No it doesn't. The WS harness ties into the stock fuse box plugs and dash plugs just like an sr20 harness would. If the sr20 harness in an s14 doesn't control wipers etc then neither would the ls version. On the s13 the wipers lights etc are all part of the CHASSIS HARNESS which is independent of the motor harness. I would have to imagine the s14 is the same. Read the FSM PLEASE!

04-25-2014, 04:21 PM
No it doesn't. The WS harness ties into the stock fuse box plugs and dash plugs just like an sr20 harness would. If the sr20 harness in an s14 doesn't control wipers etc then neither would the ls version. On the s13 the wipers lights etc are all part of the CHASSIS HARNESS which is independent of the motor harness. I would have to imagine the s14 is the same. Read the FSM PLEASE!

Sir, I've purchased that exact harness, the wiper harness is separate but is included in the price, the fuse box interface is built into the main ls harness.