View Full Version : Brake Caliper issues

04-19-2014, 10:15 PM
So I have some brake issues and a lot of questions due to them.

So my situation:

I was replacing pads normally on the rear of my car. Everything went smoothly until I had the second caliper off and noticed some differences and ran into issues.

Rear Passenger Caliper:
This is the one with the least extended piston in the picture. I'm not sure whats a normal amount of extension so if someone could tell me if its normal or not I'd appreciate it.(Both pictures are post pressing the brake pedal) This piston screws in normally but the ebrake doesn't push it out(cable isn't really moving, maybe the spring?) and the foot pedal only pushes it less than a cm(maybe thats normal). It doesn't go back in after though.

I'm not sure whats normal there if anything so any help would be appreciated as far as that.

Rear Driver Caliper:
This one is the one pushed out really far. It will not screw in or out at all. When I pull the ebrake the cable for this one moves much more than the other, but the piston is stuck and won't move.

What are my options? Should I try rebuilding either one, or buy new/reman ones? The rebuild kit is $7 and the new/reman calipers are $80+ Also as far as the ebrake is it probably just the cable being stuck on the one side or could the cable itself be bad? I would just unhook it and test it, but I can't for the life of me get the thing off(it doesn't help that I can't turn the spring at all)

For now I just want all my brakes working normally, but in the near future I need to be able to lock my rears somewhat easily(idk if that changes anything)

Pictures are on dropbox...hopefully that works.


04-19-2014, 11:25 PM
1. Rebuild the calipers.
2. Concerning the ebrake, take the cover off of the handle and you will find a nut that will help loosen the cables.

Download a copy of the factory service manual and refer to it often.

04-20-2014, 02:00 PM
Rebuilding was too much of a PITA so I bought some new(reman) ones. Now I have a new issue: the passenger rear caliper seems to work fine, ebrake locks it up, etc. Drivers side caliper however is not working. It bleeds fine and everything is bolted up properly, but neither the foot pedal or ebrake will push the piston. I can visually see that the ebrake cable is pulling on the spring, but the piston doesn't move. Did I probably just get a bad caliper or is something else the issue?

Update: A new caliper fixed it, everything is good now.