View Full Version : Another Beheading

06-18-2004, 03:27 PM
Yep, another american has been beheaded. Someone needs to end this bullshit by taking the people who killed him, and chopping their balls off with a rusty pair of sizzors and then saw their head off with it. Then tape it and show it publicly and LIVE! Do this to every single terrorist we find. :madfawk: :mad: :rl:

06-18-2004, 04:07 PM
fuck it, pull out all of the troops and nuke the whole fucking place. i know this is a sensitive subject, but hey, what else is going to work like that, look what happened around 50 yrs ago with Japan. They quit immediately and became one of the best countries in the world. The Japanese are extremely polite and intelligent and recovered beautifully. I seriously doubt that the Arabs will be able to do the same, but we could all go over there after that and all of us will run the oil industry. Just my opinion, no harsh feelings either way.

06-18-2004, 04:32 PM
Any one know if it was that same guy that was captured recently? I just got off work and jumped on here so i didn't have time to check out the news yet? Damn this shit is getting out of hand..what is this world coming too. :bite:

06-18-2004, 04:53 PM
yeah anyone got a CNN link or something?

This is why I'm not traveling anymore, If I want to see a far away land I'll go to Disney World where no one is gonna kid nap me and cut my head off.

Someone needs to catch those guys and put the smack down.

06-18-2004, 05:01 PM

Come to think of it, what the heck are amricans doing over there anyway??? :loco:

06-18-2004, 06:22 PM
forget nuking. we should go over there and baptize everyone.

06-18-2004, 06:48 PM

Them god damned people need a wake up call, what better than a nuke? I tell ya, this shit would end if after a few live showcases of showing terrorists having their nuts chopped off, put in their mouth, and sew their mouth shut, then beat them with whips with nails on the tips of them, and then skin their damned skin off with a cheese grater.

06-18-2004, 06:58 PM
::Edit:: Not appropriate.

06-18-2004, 07:05 PM
fuck it, pull out all of the troops and nuke the whole fucking place. i know this is a sensitive subject, but hey, what else is going to work like that, look what happened around 50 yrs ago with Japan. They quit immediately and became one of the best countries in the world. The Japanese are extremely polite and intelligent and recovered beautifully. I seriously doubt that the Arabs will be able to do the same, but we could all go over there after that and all of us will run the oil industry. Just my opinion, no harsh feelings either way.

this has to be one of the best displays of STUPIDITY and absolute ignorance I have EVER read, in my MANY years of reading online bullshit.

"look what happened around 50 yrs ago with Japan. They quit immediately and became one of the best countries in the world. The Japanese are extremely polite and intelligent and recovered beautifully."

You absolute fucking moron. Was Japan BAD in the past? Is it because we nuked them that they all of a sudden became smart and polite? Jeeeez, maybe we should nuke your stupid ass.. maybe you will be more polite, intelligent.. and hopefully you'll recover beautifully.

I swear, some idiot terrorists decide to chop a fucking head off.. ONE fucking head.. TEN fucking heads.. and all of a sudden, we're supposed to take action and nuke an entire country?

Im at a complete loss for words.

06-18-2004, 07:16 PM
Hey, if I hang out at the paintball place down the street from the house, I place myself directly in danger of being hit with a paintball... You go near a FUCKING war zone to work, you place yourself in danger of becoming a POW, people kill POWs all the time...
His family will receive insurance money and his medal, next subject please.

06-18-2004, 07:45 PM
Hey, if I hang out at the paintball place down the street from the house, I place myself directly in danger of being hit with a paintball... You go near a FUCKING war zone to work, you place yourself in danger of becoming a POW, people kill POWs all the time...
His family will receive insurance money and his medal, next subject please.
except for this was in Saudi Arabia and this guy isn't a soldier. We're not at war with Saudi Arabia...this guy was not a soldier. That means he wasn't a POW -- he was a hostage. Even if he was a POW, what about the geneva convention? Have you seen how we treat our POWs (im not talking about the Abu whatever it's called prison..that was an isolated incident. take a look at camp X-ray on guantanamo bay for example..theyre treated very well)? Also, I don't know about you, but execution is one thing. Fine. Shoot the guy, at least thats quick. Sawing someone's fucking head off is animal. I don't know if you saw the Nick Berg video...but the man was completely concious throughout the whole thing...screaming in pain. I mean, I'm not trying to start an argument, but doesn't this piss you off even in the smallest way? They'd have absolutely NO reservations about doing the exact same thing to you based solely on the fact that you're a westerner (you bloody infidel you).

06-18-2004, 07:46 PM
Well this is realy sad because i know ppl at work that have meet and worded with the guy. Some of the guys on my team at work was liveing in Saudi last year and its crazy. Its real sad and even though its another kidnapping and killing, nukeing them is fucken retarded... And to even mention Japan u fwking retard!! That was some thing completly diffrent. Any ways if they wanted to send me over there to work.. there is no amout of money that would make me accept.

On a side note if i was to get kidnapped i would fight back and risk the chance of getting gunned down then get my head chopped off... well anyways.

06-18-2004, 08:01 PM
On a side note if i was to get kidnapped i would fight back and risk the chance of getting gunned down then get my head chopped off... well anyways.
except its not quite that easy because they would likely beat the piss out of you to a point where resistance wouldnt even be an option. its also hard to fight back blindfolded and with your hands and feet bound. its likely that your arms/hands and legs would be broken too.

oh and for everyone jumping on the dude about the nuking comment: i highly doubt he was being serious with that. its obviously a stupid idea. he was just being emotional about something that pissed him off.

06-18-2004, 08:12 PM
Whoa, calm down guy you are reminding me of Bush Jr!

06-18-2004, 08:24 PM
Whoa, calm down guy you are reminding me of Bush Jr!

Bush doesnt have the balls to do what i propose. Besides, i am calm, im not ranting or heated. I am upset though, because the U.S. won't do jack shit about this, all they do is talk. Also, fuck human rights and the geneva convention, these terrorist don't give a damn about either of those things, so why should we use the geneva convention on them? Lastly, Bush is a pussy, Kerry is a pussy, no one gets my vote. :wavey:

06-18-2004, 08:58 PM
I am upset though, because the U.S. won't do jack shit about this, all they do is talk.
Just "talk" eh? Hmm, I sure do recall thousands of deaths caused by the US within the last couple of years.

NUKE their asses!? :wtf:
Isn't WMD supposibly the reason they invaded Iraq!?! Holy shit, mind control really does work!!!

06-18-2004, 09:02 PM
except for this was in Saudi Arabia and this guy isn't a soldier. We're not at war with Saudi Arabia...this guy was not a soldier. That means he wasn't a POW -- he was a hostage. Even if he was a POW, what about the geneva convention? Have you seen how we treat our POWs (im not talking about the Abu whatever it's called prison..that was an isolated incident. take a look at camp X-ray on guantanamo bay for example..theyre treated very well)? Also, I don't know about you, but execution is one thing. Fine. Shoot the guy, at least thats quick. Sawing someone's fucking head off is animal. I don't know if you saw the Nick Berg video...but the man was completely concious throughout the whole thing...screaming in pain. I mean, I'm not trying to start an argument, but doesn't this piss you off even in the smallest way? They'd have absolutely NO reservations about doing the exact same thing to you based solely on the fact that you're a westerner (you bloody infidel you).
Isolated incident my ASS that was one that made it to see the light of day, and you are guilty of believeing bullshit if you think that happened to be the only case of mistreatment of prisoners... And you are right, we are NOT at war with Saudi Arabia, but I stand firm in my statement that I will be damned if I EVER set foot near enough to a warzone to where I run the risk of being abducted, held prisoner (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=prisoner) (that is a link, check the definition, not all prisoners of war are enlistedmen) killed and then beheaded. And on that subject, yes I saw Nick Berg's body beheaded... I will offer you a small fact, coming from a family with 4 RN's and having seen various mammals slaughtered for human consumption (subsequently the reason I haven't eaten red meat in 5 years+ now): blood flowing through the jugular is among the highest pressure blood flowing through the body, so naturally when it is cut, blood should SPRAY all over the damn place, not just run out as I recall seeing. Next, think of how YOU would respond with a knife to your neck; you'd freak smooth the fuck out and your own actions would likely get your neck cut before anyone had a chance to cut you. Let's say you're totally calm, NO HUMAN BEING will maintain docility of any level when their head is being sawed off with a kitchen knife, that man didn't buck, if at all, near enough for me to agree that he was not already dead when they cut his head off.
Geneva convention? Do radicals ( I refuse to call them terrorists until I see proof of terrorist acts) operate under the rules of the geneva convention? Did your president not just wait 15 fuckin months to decide that the rules of the Geneva convention apply to this war, many of which had already been verifiably and very stupidly commited to incriminating footage to prove no less?
Does it piss me off personally? Well, I don't agree that any man should be dealt with in such a manner without providing sufficient provocation to do so BUT I cannot say that I agree with the conflict that led to the necsssity of his being there, nor will I concede as if I don't know he had a choice otherwise or that Lockheed is paying those contractors upwards of $160k/year to take on the risk of working in these areas. That, to me, means that he placed the value of his life at $160k a year and was not sure how long he would need to word before cashing in. Pissed? No, I didn't lose anyone...
Disgusted at the disregard for human life? Sort of, he didn't have to be there...

06-18-2004, 09:19 PM
well, your opinions are all valid, however i do disagree with some of them (respectfully though, as it seems you disagreed with mine). isolated or not, there is no comparison between the injustices of the abu whatever prison incident and the execution of hostages. while literally this man was held as a prisoner, i refuse to believe he was a prisoner of war. also, "prisoner" has a connotation of a criminal. these men were far from that. they were hostages (def. from dictionary.com: A person held by one party in a conflict as security that specified terms will be met by the opposing party.) now im not going to sit here and try to analyze whether nick berg or this new man were dead or not before their heads were cut off (i tend to believe they werent) because i really dont know the science behind it, but what i do know are that these guys were not combatants, and beheading someone (even if they are already dead) does show a complete disregard for humanity. also, as far as i know, this new man wasn't in Saudi Arabia due to war in iraq, but because of Lockheed's business there. again, i dont know all of the details behind it.

i guess what it comes down to for me is that the acts committed by these terrorists (which is what i will call them, because that's what they are...remember september 11th, us embassy bombings, uss cole bombing, 1993 WTC bombing, etc?) are inhumane and disgusting. i cannot fathom people being that blinded by hate that they would see that to be an acceptable way of achieving their goals. i regret that we didn't raid the place sooner, but i take comfort in knowing that the sick fuck who did this is now dead himself.

06-18-2004, 10:30 PM
... In which case we I will offer my agreement to disagree, while not totally on all points made, in opinion with you and will leave it at that... Trust, some other overly emotional, conveniently newly patriotic and wholly ignorant fuck will suggest some bullshit solution to the problem, watch and see

06-18-2004, 10:40 PM
haha fair enough. yeah, these discussions can never stay still for long. someone always thinks they have the solution to the world's problems.

06-19-2004, 12:21 AM
If we nuke them, they will nuke us in retaliation.

06-19-2004, 12:41 AM
If we nuke them, they will nuke us in retaliation.

Which arab country has ICBM's? IIRC, NONE of the arab countries have them. The only country in the middle east that has nuclear weapons that i kno of is Isreal. We are allies with Isreal so it wont be too much of a problem. All in all, we couldn't retaliate with nukes. I propose my punnishments. :wiggle:

06-19-2004, 12:43 AM
Which arab country has ICBM's? IIRC, NONE of the arab countries have them. The only country in the middle east that has nuclear weapons that i kno of is Isreal. We are allies with Isreal so it wont be too much of a problem. All in all, we couldn't retaliate with nukes. I propose my punnishments. :wiggle:

I was talking about those suicide bombers, dirty bombs.

06-19-2004, 07:22 AM
I was talking about those suicide bombers, dirty bombs.
Suicide bombs count as nukes now? Damn, I need to read more.

06-19-2004, 10:38 AM
Suicide bombs count as nukes now? Damn, I need to read more.

That's not what I meant, I'm talking about what if one of those nuts get their hands on some nuclear material and does one of those suicide bombing in a crowded satidum or something.

06-19-2004, 10:50 AM
honestly if we stayed out of the middle east since the beginning we wouldnt be in this mess right now, notice how america only helps other countries only when it benefits us. i doubt this country would get involved with anything just to be a bunch of nice guys or a moderator...im not siding with the terrorists by any means but in my honest opinion we should have never sent troops into the middle east....ever

06-19-2004, 10:57 AM
But blind-folding arab prisoners in our jails is fucking tantamount to torture. What the fuck ever. :jerkit:

06-19-2004, 11:01 AM
i hope you know they werent just blind folded

06-19-2004, 11:23 AM
Shoot the guy, at least thats quick. Sawing someone's fucking head off is animal. I don't know if you saw the Nick Berg video...but the man was completely concious throughout the whole thing...screaming in pain. I mean, I'm not trying to start an argument, but doesn't this piss you off even in the smallest way?

who cares about pain as long as it doesnt become TORTURE. When your dead, do you sit there and wonder.. "well.. getting shot is a 3/10 in the pain factor, but man.. cutting my head off is like a 10/10.. please shoot me next time" -- you dont, because youre DEAD.

Yes, suffering is not good.. BUT, it doesnt matter as long as you're dead. I dont think pain matters when you are dying quick. Pain only matters when they stab you in the gut and now you're left there bleeding to death for a total of 1 week or something.

06-19-2004, 11:29 AM
as long as it doesnt become torture? I consider what they did to him a form of torture even though most consider it an "execution" which shouldnt involve pain. The point of an execution is to end a life, not to cause pain or to make a point. But what's funny is we were blamed for Iraqi POW "abuse". hah fags.

06-19-2004, 11:39 AM
i think all this abuse and beheading is all just a bunch of propaganda, i bet you this type of stuff happens all the time but since now were slowly losing support for this war the government needs something to help sway the country into supporting the war. the government has the media on a leash so i hardly give much merit to anything i hear on tv these days.

06-19-2004, 11:48 AM
I'm well aware dude, I was making a point. To the best of my knowledge other than the reports of beatings, which I don't agree with at all, nothing overly terrible has occured. I'm sorry, but I don't think solitary confinement, embarassing people, and the like is "cruel and unusual". Shit worse than that happens to our own citizens in jail here all the time, and no one gives a rat's ass.

06-19-2004, 12:11 PM
Guys, I was not being serious about nuking them. It is just the fact that I have a cousin that is a green beret and he has been over there now for about 4 YEARS!!! He has come so close to death many times during this time of war and it is really pissing me off that this is taking so damn long. Every time that he comes home to visit, he tells us of a story about a car bomb exploding right next to him and killing his 3 friends. I am sure that when this is over he is going to have a fucked up mentality about the way we live life over here compared to over there. Fuck it, i dont know what is best right now, but I know we dont need to be arguing over some little bullshit like this.

06-19-2004, 01:27 PM
i think all this abuse and beheading is all just a bunch of propaganda, i bet you this type of stuff happens all the time but since now were slowly losing support for this war the government needs something to help sway the country into supporting the war. the government has the media on a leash so i hardly give much merit to anything i hear on tv these days.
you do realize that all of these pictures and videos are being released on al qaeda websites right? that has nothing to do with our government.

also to olds13: sure..dead is dead, but its humiliating to the family and friends. at least leave the man with some dignity, and im sure theyd like to have the body back for burial. theres a reason why we execute the criminals who recieve the death penalty here with lethal injection.

06-19-2004, 02:57 PM
also to olds13: sure..dead is dead, but its humiliating to the family and friends. at least leave the man with some dignity, and im sure theyd like to have the body back for burial. theres a reason why we execute the criminals who recieve the death penalty here with lethal injection.

just because WERE attempting to be humane doesnt mean we ARE humane. What makes you think the person, after they are dead, will THANK you for taking the more gentle approach? People need to realize that our bodies are just that, temporary vehicles of transportation for our souls. Sure, you can cut our heads off and chop our dicks off whatever.. but it all makes no difference, its just a body.

My friends and family will remember me for being ME, not for my body and its burrial. One day when I am dead, they will say "mike.. that motherfucker always talked shit.. what a dick.. rest in peace bastard." It doesnt matter if the coffin is filled or empty. I dont know why people get so wrapped up in physical attachment.. like a body or a car, its all temporary.. so just enjoy things/life while you have them... nothing lasts forever.

06-19-2004, 03:40 PM
what you're saying is completely true. to the dead person, in the end it honestly makes no difference. like i said, dead is dead. the way i see it though, is that it's more a matter of the family having to be put through that. i can't even imagine what thats like.
the thing that bothers me most about the whole situation is not the method in which they killed him, but the fact that he posed no threat to them from the beginning. he was just a regular business man on his way to work. in fact, it's not even as if he was an "evil infidel" as they believed. apparently he was very interested in the Saudi culture and was a student of Islam himself.

oh well. nothing can change what's already done. it makes me sick to think that this is becoming a regular occurance, though.

06-19-2004, 06:50 PM
I will agree with Mike one this one; when I am gone, some people will remember me as the brutally and unapologetically honest person, much to the point of being an asshole... There will be people that thought it was entertaining and remember me as a funny guy who liked to laugh and drink a lot of beer. Thing is that I want ALL of those people to show me that while I am here, seeing as how it won't mean a thing when I leave.

06-19-2004, 07:53 PM
I hope they don't bring up any connections that this guy has with Al-Qaeda....

06-19-2004, 08:05 PM
if people saw life the same way i try to envision it, they would try to appreciate each and every day that they are alive. they wouldnt have to plan people into their busy lives by scheduling "quality time" because in reality, quality time is the time you spend with someone doing absolutely nothing (whatever type stuff). People wouldnt be heart-broken when loved ones die because they would know that they are in a better place and that the other person will always be in their heart. its the empty people who feel guilty for not spending sufficient time with their loved ones, who overlook the day-to-day activities you share with people, the good and the bad.. all of that.. makes life worthwhile.

so.. regardless if you die of natural causes, or if you die of something slow and sad or brutal, the point is to appreciate what you have NOW.

06-19-2004, 08:28 PM
I hope they don't bring up any connections that this guy has with Al-Qaeda....
err...he was the leader of al-qaeda in saudi arabia...what are you talking about?
mike- that's probably a good lesson for a lot of people to learn. sadly, it still doesn't make it easy when you lose someone close to you, but ultimately it would be comforting.

06-19-2004, 08:50 PM
err...he was the leader of al-qaeda in saudi arabia...what are you talking about?

Your joking....right?

what I was talking about....is I hope next week we don't get some news that this guy has some connections...thus leading to a conspiracy about his death...thus covering up the very very little we know about what's REALLY going on in Iraq.

06-19-2004, 11:35 PM
all other countries look at us like we are pussies cause we dont do shit when people do shit to us. who the fuck cares. Maybe we should take one of their pussy ass pows and fuck with their bodys cut their nuts off and cut their toung and shove it up their asshole. who cares they do it to our people why not we do it to them. flame me but remember i dont give a fuck what you think.

06-20-2004, 03:25 AM
if people saw life the same way i try to envision it, they would try to appreciate each and every day that they are alive. they wouldnt have to plan people into their busy lives by scheduling "quality time" because in reality, quality time is the time you spend with someone doing absolutely nothing (whatever type stuff). People wouldnt be heart-broken when loved ones die because they would know that they are in a better place and that the other person will always be in their heart. its the empty people who feel guilty for not spending sufficient time with their loved ones, who overlook the day-to-day activities you share with people, the good and the bad.. all of that.. makes life worthwhile.

so.. regardless if you die of natural causes, or if you die of something slow and sad or brutal, the point is to appreciate what you have NOW.

That have got to be the nicest post you've ever made since I've been on Zilvia. You are nice after all.

06-20-2004, 09:45 AM
Your joking....right?

what I was talking about....is I hope next week we don't get some news that this guy has some connections...thus leading to a conspiracy about his death...thus covering up the very very little we know about what's REALLY going on in Iraq.
oooh i thought you were talking about the people who killed him...not that actual guy himself. nevermind.

and mjjstang: that would lower ourselves to their level. that's what we're fighting against.

06-20-2004, 01:05 PM
im just sayin that what we are doing now is not working so what are we supposed to do just keep watchin people die.

06-20-2004, 03:50 PM
if we get the hell out of there i bet you there wont be anymore beheadings, its like having some random guy moving into your backyard pissing and shitting all over the place, im sure you wouldnt like that either. i think the first step for all this to end is to get the fuck out of there.

06-20-2004, 04:01 PM
Right, so that all the men and women who have died did so for nothing? That sounds kinda like French military planning to me.

06-20-2004, 05:31 PM
if we get the hell out of there i bet you there wont be anymore beheadings, its like having some random guy moving into your backyard pissing and shitting all over the place, im sure you wouldnt like that either. i think the first step for all this to end is to get the fuck out of there.

:ghey: Are you really an american? No wonder this country is so weak. I suppose you would want the military to leave flowers to the terrorist while they leave, with a note that says "We're sorry."

06-20-2004, 05:47 PM
nothing we do will be right, there is nothing we can do it is like the recycle sign, u know the triangle shaped out of three arrows that keeps going around, its endless there is nothing to do, bush fuck us and we cant get unfucked.

FastBack 240
06-20-2004, 07:02 PM
nothing we do will be right, there is nothing we can do it is like the recycle sign, u know the triangle shaped out of three arrows that keeps going around, its endless there is nothing to do, bush fuck us and we cant get unfucked.

Please explain how bush has fucked you. Was it in the kisser? Let me know when you figure it out. He has fucked up in some areas of his foriegn policies but in others he has been successful. Just something to think about before blurting out random post whore comments.

And to your comment MJJ how does the world look at us as cowards? Just because we are trying to sustain a fucked country and there are just a bunch of fucking rebels shooting anti aircraft missiles at our troops means we cant handle it? Lets retaliate and grab a pow and kill them. That will solve everything. You cant always react to a situation like some fucking ignorant bastard. Pick up a newspaper and read into whats happening in the world then get back to me.

06-20-2004, 09:03 PM
i just think this is all gnna end up like vietnam, the fighting isnt going to stop until we peace out of there.

and i am an american, im allowed to disagree with the war, theres no crime in that

06-20-2004, 09:06 PM
Please explain how bush has fucked you. Was it in the kisser? Let me know when you figure it out. He has fucked up in some areas of his foriegn policies but in others he has been successful. Just something to think about before blurting out random post whore comments.

And to your comment MJJ how does the world look at us as cowards? Just because we are trying to sustain a fucked country and there are just a bunch of fucking rebels shooting anti aircraft missiles at our troops means we cant handle it? Lets retaliate and grab a pow and kill them. That will solve everything. You cant always react to a situation like some fucking ignorant bastard. Pick up a newspaper and read into whats happening in the world then get back to me.

:Owned: :Owned: :Owned: :Owned:

STANG, if u reply to this you're just a big ghey


06-20-2004, 09:40 PM
sorry i dont like bush, I would rather see a president who passed english class and can speak bupublcilcly. and fuck 200 hp v8 engines. Plus I dont care what either of you guys think. ur opinion is dog shit to me. just as mine is to you. and fastback I do feel bad for you that your dad has brainwashed you into kissing ass to bush. my sympathy to you.

FastBack 240
06-20-2004, 09:50 PM
WOW!!!! Very intelligent answer. Keep reading. BTW thought u said my comments dont mean shit to you. I must be wrong cause I know you got red when you read my post. :loco: You loose. Good day sir. :fawkd:

06-20-2004, 10:15 PM
(singing to myself to the tune of cha cha cha) I dont fucking care i dont fucking care i dont fucking care. and you lose becuase you spelt lose, LOOSE and dont edit it to look cool. is bush paying you to suck ass.

btw quit posting shit bout how bush is so cool and shit, i know ur gonna respond again and be like bush this bush that mjjstangs a tool fuck moron uninformed pussy bitch cunt fag. ive heard it all.

FastBack 240
06-21-2004, 12:28 AM
wasnt gonna step that far into it but o well.....never once did I say I loved bush or was in favor of his decisions. Im just stating the facts.

06-21-2004, 12:37 AM
Im just stating the facts.

saying bush has messed up, but has been mostly successful, is an opinion. you have one, everyone else has one. its what YOU think.

06-21-2004, 07:29 PM
the romans were one of the most civilized empires ever wanna know what they'd do? they'd say "okay, for every one of us we'll kill ten of you". simple as that. no juries, no whining committees, no stupid bleeding heart liberals to sway the vote. LAW was LAW. you kill one their countrymen ten of your's dies. don't like it? don't piss the people in control off.

and i'm back with a new name. the archangelprez account MYSTERIOUSLY became defunct so this is my new name.

06-21-2004, 08:45 PM
Really don't like how the world is becoming...its seriously going downhill at an increasing pace...

06-21-2004, 09:18 PM

06-21-2004, 09:48 PM
Really don't like how the world is becoming...its seriously going downhill at an increasing pace...
ill definitely agree with that, and im not just talking about world affairs. pop culture, morals, everything. its supposed to be 60 year olds bitching about that kinda stuff...not 18 year olds, but i guess i was just born a few decades too late. (i still maintain that i was meant to be in Led Zeppelin, i was just born in the wrong decade)

06-22-2004, 12:35 PM
the romans were one of the most civilized empires ever wanna know what they'd do? they'd say "okay, for every one of us we'll kill ten of you". simple as that. no juries, no whining committees, no stupid bleeding heart liberals to sway the vote. LAW was LAW. you kill one their countrymen ten of your's dies. don't like it? don't piss the people in control off.

and i'm back with a new name. the archangelprez account MYSTERIOUSLY became defunct so this is my new name.

Gotta agree with you, the fuckin Romans were awesome. Their society was based and subsisted on enslaving conquered nations. Wish I had a couple of Iraqi slaves about this time, my car's getting dusty. Slavery was fuckin cool too, damn liberals made that shit look bad, but it worked for 200 years for us and countless centuries for Romans. Then some assholes tried to rock the boat and thought that human lives were equal, what the hell were they smoking. We all know who's superior. The Republic owns, so you bleeding heart Plebians should know your position in the food chain.

But then I realize I drive a Nissan 240sx.

06-22-2004, 01:22 PM
sorry i dont like bush, I would rather see a president who passed english class and can speak bupublcilcly. and fuck 200 hp v8 engines. Plus I dont care what either of you guys think. ur opinion is dog shit to me. just as mine is to you. and fastback I do feel bad for you that your dad has brainwashed you into kissing ass to bush. my sympathy to you.
After writing THAT you talk about wanting a president who can speak properly? You wouldn't know a well formed sentence if it jumped up and shoved a broom up your ass.

06-22-2004, 01:38 PM
willow> That have got to be the nicest post you've ever made since I've been on Zilvia. You are nice after all.

yeah well, i am sure that blowjob i received earlier probably had something to do with my unlifted attitude.

serious.. a blowjob a day keeps the anger away. either that or dirty dirty sex keeps your girlfriend in check. :)

06-22-2004, 01:58 PM
bush = crap
reagan = crap
romans = crap

whats wrong with you people..

06-22-2004, 04:58 PM
And yet I get crap when I trash-talk liberals. :goyou:

06-22-2004, 05:28 PM
iyceman go fuck urself or better yet go fuck ur sister faggot. I dont have to worry about how I type in a fucking forum. Last time I checked part of the job application process wasnt where potential employers check your fucking internet type records so why the fuck should it matter how I type. do you think that I give a shit how I appear to you. who are you turd. and go buy a civic, nissan will never love you.

BTW: you forgot a comma after the word THAT.

06-22-2004, 05:31 PM
this is why i don't discuss politics with my friends :)

06-22-2004, 05:34 PM
romans = crap

:rofl: you only think that because you're Greek, man!

06-22-2004, 05:49 PM
Shoot the guy, at least thats quick. Sawing someone's fucking head off is animal. I don't know if you saw the Nick Berg video...but the man was completely concious throughout the whole thing...screaming in pain. I mean, I'm not trying to start an argument, but doesn't this piss you off even in the smallest way?

who cares about pain as long as it doesnt become TORTURE. When your dead, do you sit there and wonder.. "well.. getting shot is a 3/10 in the pain factor, but man.. cutting my head off is like a 10/10.. please shoot me next time" -- you dont, because youre DEAD.

Yes, suffering is not good.. BUT, it doesnt matter as long as you're dead. I dont think pain matters when you are dying quick. Pain only matters when they stab you in the gut and now you're left there bleeding to death for a total of 1 week or something.

That's soooo easy to say. Feeling it is different. What pain have you suffered?

06-22-2004, 05:49 PM
you only think that because you're Greek, man!

yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

06-22-2004, 06:17 PM
Gotta agree with you, the fuckin Romans were awesome. Their society was based and subsisted on enslaving conquered nations.

conquering, yes, enslaving all?... no.

Wish I had a couple of Iraqi slaves about this time, my car's getting dusty.


Slavery was fuckin cool too, damn liberals made that shit look bad, but it worked for 200 years for us and countless centuries for Romans.

a- we didn't enslave people we just bought em
b- north american slaves were treated subhuman while others were just another class of people. granted it wasn't right either way but still... try to work on your historical accuracy.

Then some assholes tried to rock the boat and thought that human lives were equal, what the hell were they smoking.

how did you take my statement of one good roman policy all the way to their conquering nature which then lead to some rant on slavery?!

so basically, since i'd like our boys to not take any guff over there you're implying that i'm a racist. yeah, good job there numbnuts.

06-22-2004, 06:25 PM
kaka are you serious about the whole slavery thing.

06-22-2004, 07:04 PM
Speaking as a no american i have to say...

DUDE! what the hell is wrong with you guys (not all) why u have to feel superior? why the stupid nuke and slavery comments, man sometimes i think if USA get 2 or 3 G W bush like presidents in a row usa will become worst than nazis or something like that (some guys here sounds like it), really, think about it.

06-22-2004, 07:10 PM
finally someone w some sense about america and doesnt even live here.

06-22-2004, 07:12 PM
iyceman go fuck urself or better yet go fuck ur sister faggot. I dont have to worry about how I type in a fucking forum. Last time I checked part of the job application process wasnt where potential employers check your fucking internet type records so why the fuck should it matter how I type. do you think that I give a shit how I appear to you. who are you turd. and go buy a civic, nissan will never love you.

BTW: you forgot a comma after the word THAT.
Wow, you're cool, you can be a bad-ass over the internet. I wish I was as cool as you. Wouldn't having sex with my sister make me an incestuous person as opposed to a homosexual? Score one more for Mr. E-thug. I don't give a rat's ass whether or not you type properly but you aren't really in a position to start talkin' shit about people's grammar skills when you seem to have a hard time getting through a single sentence without making writers across the globe whince in pain. As for your question, "Who are you turd?": well last time I checked I was Kent L., 24 year old writer from Western NY, graduated as a film major from Itacha University in 2002. That's who I am. Hope that answers your eloquently worded question. I'd rather not buy a Civic, and I must admit, you're probably right; a large corporation such as Nissan probably doesn't love me, since I'm a starving artist who can't afford to buy their products. Oh, and another thing, there was no need for a fucking comma after the word that. You're a dumbass, don't try to lecture me on how to fucking write. You will fail.

06-22-2004, 07:12 PM
a- we didn't enslave people we just bought em
b- north american slaves were treated subhuman while others were just another class of people. granted it wasn't right either way but still... try to work on your historical accuracy.

You got me all wrong I totally agree with you. Except for the above quote. I'm sure buying negroes doesn't equate to slavery for us. I mean I know we shouldn't even call it slavery, but if call it something else like "class differences" then all the colored people would start shouting racism and inequality this and that. People forget that poor whites trying to get to America had to pay their share crossing the Atlantic through indentured servitude. So why can't we equally call poor negroes indentured servants as well? I think there's a double standard here, don't you?

Rome is cool, just make sure you include why it's cool. Just helping you out bud. The devil's in the details as I always say.

As far killing 10 for every one of ours, I think were batting better numbers than that. To this date 9,436-11,317 Iraqis dead to our measly 848 soldiers, and that's just counting Iraqi civilians. Awesome #'s, and nothing to be ashamed of. To prove that we're actually killing, not just innocent men, women and children, I have some cool mpegs of resistors being shot. If you want I can post the links were I got them, one is from an helicopter and another from snipers. It’s hilarious.

Nothing is really off topic in my brain fart, but just in case my accuracy is off the mark please be truthful, honest, sincere and kindly point it the right direction. I like how you deconstructed my inane/insane ramblings. But how in the world did you know my nuts were numb, and why the hell are you interested in my nuts!! If you’re a fuckin queer please reply promptly.

06-22-2004, 07:15 PM
Speaking as a no american i have to say...

DUDE! what the hell is wrong with you guys (not all) why u have to feel superior? why the stupid nuke and slavery comments, man sometimes i think if USA get 2 or 3 G W bush like presidents in a row usa will become worst than nazis or something like that (some guys here sounds like it), really, think about it.
Please explain to me how us not liking it when foreign terrorists behead our citizens is us being "superior"?

06-22-2004, 07:22 PM
kaka are you serious about the whole slavery thing.
I'm seriously serious, but all you guys need to get more serious otherwise someone's feeling might get hurt if they think you're just brain fucking them.

06-22-2004, 08:26 PM
I'm seriously serious, but all you guys need to get more serious otherwise someone's feeling might get hurt if they think you're just brain fucking them.

Sorry but this is zilvia. People have a "talk trash" attitude and don't give a rat's ass about anything posted here. If you want to have a serious intellectual conversation with someone pm them or post somewhere else.

06-22-2004, 08:50 PM
That's not entirely true. If people try to offer up opinions in a serious manner I'll respect it and be more than happy to discuss it. I only get rowdy when someone makes a comment on how many branches my family tree has (or lacks), or my sexual orientation as it pertains to small rodents. It's kind of hard to carry on a respectful debate when someone always breaks down to "suck a fuking dick icyman, you fagot! no on fuukign cares what yo say you cat fucker".

06-22-2004, 09:09 PM
iyceman, I am just typin away on a fucking forum, a forum that only a bunch of 240 owners and a few others frequent. I am in no position where I have to speak or type professional. On the other hand, speaking skills are a fucking nice thing to have when you have to address and run a country. The only reason Bush was elected was because of his father. He has no skills. And when it comes time that I need to type or speak professionaly, I will. Im not trying to be a "e-thug". I just dont think your in the position to tell me what to do.

06-22-2004, 09:16 PM
Please explain to me how us not liking it when foreign terrorists behead our citizens is us being "superior"?

Regardless of what's going on now...many nations percieve us to have cocky attitudes. Sometimes...I look back (and now)...and I can understand where they are coming from and why they (other nations) think we feel the need to be "superior".

You have to go out of the country....actually the continent to really see how people view America and get a good example of what I'm talking about. Personal experience is the only way you can really understand.

06-22-2004, 10:14 PM
I lived in Sweden for 4 years man, I know what you mean. However, I'm sure despite the fact that half the world hates the French, the French don't agree with them, so I'm not going to just bow down as soon as someone else tells me my country is trying to act cocky, etc...

Stang, I never told you what to do, I pointed out that your sentence structure sucked. Somehow you turned around and started talking shit about how I should have sex with my sister, buy a Honda, and accept that a car manufacturer didn't love me, then commented about 3 times how you don't care what anybody says. My comment that you were an E-thug was solely because you act big and bad on the forum, getting hostile with everybody, yet you seem to have a hang-up on my comment on your grammar. You defended yourself on that topic; good job, but my problem with your completely out of proportion hostility has NOTHING to do with whether or not you can write.

FastBack 240
06-22-2004, 11:28 PM
Iraqi insurgents beheaded the South Korean. Lets get off the topic of fucking each others sisters insestous acts and buying honda's.

06-22-2004, 11:53 PM
Let's see now how people will react to a South Korean being beheaded

06-23-2004, 12:56 AM
Please explain to me how us not liking it when foreign terrorists behead our citizens is us being "superior"?

they not forgein, they are in they country, US knows iraqis hate them, US are the forgein ones, why US over there in first place? no weapons of mass destruction... free iraq???? come on! that is pretty lame scuse to screw up and make a war.

there is a problem (not only in US) with people lately, there is a lot of hate around... people HAVE to hate something.... anything... music, people, life stlyle, anything O_o sooner or later u hate something =/

P.S: wonder if i said what i wanted O_O ??????

06-23-2004, 06:42 AM
You got me all wrong I totally agree with you.

okay, i'm racist and i believe that the white man should own everyone. i also believe that the easter bunny visits once a year to hide eggs all over the world.

I'm sure buying negroes doesn't equate to slavery for us.

it doesn't equate to us enslaving them but still i see your point. there was nothing wrong with it and we should be proud of it...

If you want I can post the links were I got them, one is from an helicopter and another from snipers. It?s hilarious.

rock on!

But how in the world did you know my nuts were numb,


and why the hell are you interested in my nuts!! If you?re a fuckin queer please reply promptly.

i hate to bust your bubble of wishful thinking but i'm not.

dude... just rub one out and take a nap... it'll be okay.

06-23-2004, 07:10 AM
it doesn't equate to us enslaving them but still i see your point. there was nothing wrong with it and we should be proud of it...

wtf are you smoking. did you not read into his sarcasm? were you trying to be funny or some shit? that comment is 100% out of line.

06-23-2004, 07:49 AM
Kaka, I will chalk your musings up to one or more of a few things:
1. You're young and ill informed
2. You're terribly racist and think that attempting to justify it is the way to not appear racist
3. You're unfortunately ignorant and just don't know better
4. You're blissfully ignorant and just don't see why the world doesn't see things your way, which makes you a biggot...

... Let's take it from the top, the romans were an awesome society because they enslaved people? You wish you had a couple of Iraqi slaves yourself in order to do what that you couldn't do for yourself? I'll tell you what, if slavery was so damn cool, I got some shit around the house I SHOULD be doing myself and just don't feel like doing, how about you come over, we'll say I own you and I will feed you ONLY enough to keep you alive, will barely clothe you, FORGET ABOUT SHOES ASSHOLE, and I will stand over you all day with a very large stick, which I will very gratuitously use should you decide you need a break. I, on the other hand, will enjoy a bigass glass of lemonade all day. Trying to get smart and leave when I run in to piss or take a nap? That's cool, my brother will be chilling on the roof of the house with a rifle, and he's a damn good shot. Having thoughts of getting an opinion? Tell you what, when I want to hear your opinion I will beat it out of you. Thank you very much, there is slavery.

What's next, someone mentioned the bullshit I previously addressed, but they had you all wrong, which you turn and support with some potentially coarse language. "Negroes," sounds real close to "nigger" when I hear it... "Colored," call me that shit in public and your night ends in the emergency room, I promise. Do I concede that poor whites have it just as bad as poor blacks do? Of course I do, but I still stand behind the fact that I have and take advantage of what is available to me, I am 24, non college graduate, I made $36k last year and it had nothing to do with bleeding heart liberals. CHeck the symbol in my avatar, it means "self determination," maybe more people should exercise it. Double standard? I miss the double standard as it applies in such a situation, now ask that fucking state trooper why he's stopped me 3 times and still not had anything to actually ticket me for, then I will discuss a double standard, but that would be one you have no leverage to bitch about, seeing as how you got the long end of that stick...

... You were given not just one, not just two, but at LEAST 3 people offer you an out, since what you seemed to be saying was ignorant, unrealistic and just downright dumb. You respond with attempted, but equally ignorant attempts at justification, then with insults... Do the world a favor dude, hang yourself.

06-23-2004, 07:51 AM
wtf are you smoking. did you not read into his sarcasm? were you trying to be funny or some shit? that comment is 100% out of line.
Nah, I think you are the one missing the sarcasm here, all of Makoto's responses were in a generally smartassed nature, including that one.

06-23-2004, 07:52 AM
i hope some big black guy beats the shit out of you -- Kaka

06-23-2004, 07:53 AM
i hope some big black guy beats the shit out of you -- Kaka
I just got off the scale, I was 236, does that count as big enough?

06-23-2004, 09:02 AM
Nah, I think you are the one missing the sarcasm here, all of Makoto's responses were in a generally smartassed nature, including that one.

oh well... if ur not offended then i guess i definitely don't have a reason to be. *shrug*

06-23-2004, 11:02 AM
hey phlip, i used to be archangelprez till my account mysteriously stopped working.

yeah, the guy went off on some retarded tangent that had dick to do with one minor policy i thought would show the world we had some balls.

eh, screw it, i got hot pockets to eat.

06-23-2004, 11:16 AM
oh well... if ur not offended then i guess i definitely don't have a reason to be. *shrug*
No, I actually found Matako's responses entertaining, it was the dickery that led up to it that bothered me... Not offended, just pissed that someone would actually say some shit like that on a public forum, I know there are plenty of people who think a lot worse, but I respect THEIR keeping it private

hey phlip, i used to be archangelprez till my account mysteriously stopped working.

yeah, the guy went off on some retarded tangent that had dick to do with one minor policy i thought would show the world we had some balls.

eh, screw it, i got hot pockets to eat.
Well then, it makes even more sense, someone fully accustomed to my approach to responding to idiots... You didn't ask any of the mods what happened to your name?

06-23-2004, 11:39 AM
"Hello, operator"
"Yes, my name is--"
"I'm sorry, the government you have elected is inoperative, I repeat INoperative..."
"Yeah, but--"
"Please hang up and try again, November 2004, goodbye"

06-23-2004, 12:37 PM
couldnt have said it better

btw...phlip you qualify if u need money for a plane ticket its on me

06-23-2004, 02:29 PM
Phlip remind me to kick you square in the nuts this weekend for wasting 20 minutes of my time reading this drivel. we'll go to hooters drink some beer harass some waitresses eat some wings and then I can kick you. right in the balls. I'll wear my timbalands. it'll be great. much better than reading this

06-23-2004, 06:17 PM
No, I actually found Matako's responses entertaining, it was the dickery that led up to it that bothered me... Not offended, just pissed that someone would actually say some shit like that on a public forum, I know there are plenty of people who think a lot worse, but I respect THEIR keeping it private

Well then, it makes even more sense, someone fully accustomed to my approach to responding to idiots... You didn't ask any of the mods what happened to your name?

see the thing is, i wanted to change that name to this a long time ago but no mods responded to my question in the technical forum so i'm not all that worried about the old account. post counts don't mean dick to me.

BUT should the same thing happen to this one i might have to seek out and destroy somebody with a texas size flaming :)

06-23-2004, 06:29 PM

06-23-2004, 07:48 PM
Well back on topic, there seems to be more to this then the story being told. If everyone knows about the recent events in Saudi they will know that security for any diplomats have like doubled weeks b4 the kidnapping. And they also told every american to leave the country if they fear for their lives. Being as Lockheed management is greedy fucks, they ignored the Saudi Arabian officials advice. Not only did they not take their ppl out they left them liveing in Town with NO security at all. This kidnapping was not ment 100% to piss off america. There was another Lockheed employe that got shot and killed that morning because he resisted. Since all the diplomats are liveing in secured areas, they have to go after the free americans working in and out of Saudi military compounds. There is a prince that (i guess you can say) had a contract with Lockheed to work on their equipment. So this attack was inpart also aimed at the royal family. His wife being a women got to go on Saudi TV!!!! To plee with the terrorist, have you guys got any ideal how many strings got to be pulled for a.. how do you say infidel to appear on Saudi TV. Well besides this Lockheed might be in for a lawsuit because of the cheap ass manager that put his guys out in the open... I wonder whats gona happond now after the South Korean guy got chopped... sigh

06-23-2004, 08:37 PM
So this attack was inpart also aimed at the royal family. His wife being a women got to go on Saudi TV!!!! To plee with the terrorist, have you guys got any ideal how many strings got to be pulled for a.. how do you say infidel to appear on Saudi TV.
it's no secret that Bin Laden's goal is to overthrow the ruling family in Saudi Arabia so he can become the new ruler there. dont be surprised to see an increasing number of attacks against the royal family there.
also, the Saudi's are (supposedly) friends of the USA, so again, it's not a surprise that his family was allowed to go on TV there to plea for his life.

06-23-2004, 09:32 PM
Well im happy you agree with me... but like i said this is just extra news that im sure more then half of the US ppl dont even know about. All they are thinking is fuck them nuke them... with out understanding any of the politics involved. The guy that died worked under lockheed for the prince at that place for 10 years. Im sure he knew some of the family. Being "friends" with the US im sure had some lil effect. Im just sharing since the topic is about the man that got killed. Even though americans are being kidnapped and killed, its not always about the USofA. Unless they are in Iraq ofcorse. Just dont get too caugh up in the moment and think that they are the "EXACT" same incidents (the beheadings that is). Like take the Korean guy for example, how does killing him effect the US. Just scroll up 4 pages, how much of it is ppl talking like they know the diffrence between their lil toe and their penis.

06-25-2004, 06:44 AM
i know the difference between my pinky toe and penis!

it was hard at first cause they're both HUGE.

06-25-2004, 11:23 AM
okay, i'm racist and i believe blah, blah, blah i'm gay. blah, blah, dude... just rub one out and take a nap... it'll be okay.


It's hilarious. It is hilarious.

"It's is a contraction for it is or it has.
Its is a possessive pronoun meaning, more or less, of it or belonging to it."

Actually, "they're" would have been more apropiate. But who gives a fuck, you guardian of grammer you.


By the way, don?t take this shit too personally, otherwise you?ll get a headache trying to thinking up of a witty response so you can own me or something. It?s the lounge, relax and laugh a bit, otherwise it isn?t entertaining.

Kaka, I will chalk your musings up to one or more of a few things: i'm gay.

God I hate liberals. Where's bajaman when you need him (inside joke).

I stole this dribble from someone, but I thought it appropiate in this case.

Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.


Per G.G., Chief of Ordnance."

Edit: Damn I had a lot of grammatical errors in my previous post, but to question a correct one is just fuckin sad. Where the hell are my taxes going to!

06-25-2004, 12:38 PM
By the way, don?t take this shit too personally, otherwise you?ll get a headache trying to thinking up of a witty response so you can own me or something. It?s the lounge, relax and laugh a bit, otherwise it isn?t entertaining.

dude, idunno if you realize this but you're like david pickin a fight with goliath minus the rock chucker and ammo... anyhow, i wonder why those question marks are there.... could you have spellchecked within mircosoft word before making your grammer flame? i think so.

it's kinda funny how you pick phlip and i to flame. it's like a default "you lose" scenario (:

later, kid.