View Full Version : 805 SOxPROPER oxnard meets

SR Skid_Kid
04-10-2014, 04:35 PM
Just thought id share a new meet that just started and would like to see a more NISSAN dominant presence at this meet (just because im biased ;) You can follow them on instagram @soxproper for updates on the meet. The address is 3250 s. Rose Ave. Oxnard CA, 93033 OXNARD COLLEGE PARK it is a big empty lot next to the skate park. It happens every 1st and 3rd sunday of the month at around 3:00pm, there might be a PCH cruise as well but check the instagram postings for updates on that. On the next upcoming meet on the 20th a BBQ/potluck is being planed also, again check instagram updates for reassurance on the BBQ. PLEASE NO HOONING AROUND OR ACTING LIKE AN ASS offenders will be reported.

A little pic of the small group of s-chassis that were at the meet... one or two others showed up after but it was just me and my two like minded homies

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b329/crzydrftrguy/IMG_20140407_104159.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/crzydrftrguy/media/IMG_20140407_104159.jpg.html)

as you can tell there was a small turnout for team NISSAN at this meet
hopefully this can help bring more NISSANs to this meet.