View Full Version : WA FS: (1) Desmond Rega spare (Polished, 17x9 +18)

04-09-2014, 06:41 PM
Looking to sell my spare Desmond Regamaster. Had a pair, and then I hit a gnarly pothole and
cracked the driver side wheel past repair. Would make a perfect spare because of the aggressive
GTR sizing. I had a single wheel lined up to make this a pair, and then got flaked on, so I'm just
gonna sell it since I don't need it. I can include a couple spoke decals too if you want them. Just the
one wheel, no tires.

// Regamaster Evo
// Polished (Originally White)
// 17x9 +18
// 5x114.3

One wheel. Looking for $350 + shipping/paypal.


04-10-2014, 12:54 AM
I have one spare silver one same size and offset

04-10-2014, 11:10 AM
My friend has a pair of 17x10 he's trying to sell as well. :D

04-10-2014, 02:40 PM
My friend has a pair of 17x10 he's trying to sell as well. :D

dangg I would've wanted a pair of 17x10's.. But I just bought wheels..

05-01-2014, 05:21 PM
Bump. Still looking to get rid of this.

05-02-2014, 01:11 PM
is that +19 on the rim or effective? Are you running STI hubs or adapters?

05-02-2014, 03:28 PM
They're +18 GTR-specs.

I have Project Kics 10mm adapters in the front, +8 effective.