View Full Version : CA to repeal 30 yr old smog exemption!!! ACT NOW!

06-15-2004, 03:52 PM
Taken from c4ag


California Emissions Exemption Repeal Bill To Be Considered by

Senate Transportation Committee

This may be our last chance! As you are aware, A.B. 2683, the California legislation that would repeal the state's current rolling emissions test exemption for vehicles 30 years old and older passed in the California Assembly and will now be considered in the Senate. The bill would repeal the current pro-hobbyist exemption and replace it with a law requiring the permanent testing of all 1976 and newer model vehicles. A hearing in the Senate will likely be scheduled for June 29th. We must double our efforts to contact the Senate Transportation Committee!

Contact members of the Senate Transportation Committee (List Attached) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to A.B. 2683

Phone Calls Work Best!

Our arguments are the same:

Existing law in California exempts all vehicles 30-years old and older from emissions testing.

California's current emissions testing exemption recognizes the minimal impact of vehicles 30-years old and older on vehicle emissions and air quality.

Vehicles 30-years old and older constitute a small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction.

Antique and classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven (about one-third the miles each year as a new vehicle).

Legislators and regulators are feeling the heat from a failed effort to meet air quality goals and are looking for a convenient scapegoat. The old car hobby should not carry the burden of their mistakes!

Act Now! Please send copies of your e-mails to Steve McDonald at [email protected]

California Senate Transportation Committee

Senator Kevin Murray (Chair)
Phone: (916) 445-8800
[email protected]

Senator Tom McClintock (Vice-Chair)
Phone: (916) 445-8873
[email protected]

Senator Roy Ashburn
Phone: (916) 445-5405
senator.as[email protected]

Senator James Brulte
Phone: (916) 445-3688
[email protected]

Senator Liz Figueroa
Phone: (916) 445-6671
[email protected]

Senator Dean Florez
Phone: (916) 445-4641
[email protected]

Senator Betty Karnette
Phone: (916) 445-6447
[email protected]

Senator Bill Morrow
Phone: (916) 445-3731
[email protected]

Senator Don Perata
Phone: (916) 445-6577
[email protected]

Senator Jack Scott
Phone: (916) 445-5976
[email protected]

Senator Nell Soto
Phone: (916) 445-6868
[email protected]

Senator Jackie Speier
Phone: (916) 445-0503
[email protected]

Senator Tom Torlakson
Phone: (916) 445-6083
[email protected]

Email spamming list:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Cliffs Notes:

Email everyone on the "email spamming list" and say "NO TO A.B. 2683" or else we will have to smog 30 year and older cars in CA.

06-15-2004, 03:58 PM
Fuck I hate CARB... This state is going to hell...

06-15-2004, 04:01 PM
let em do it...... so thos v8 muslce cars can get punished just like fellow swaped 240 owners... hmm but wait... wat about the old 510' and others with the rb's and sr's.???? ... hmm

06-15-2004, 04:05 PM
emails sent, they are not going to win this or else im moving, im looking foreward to the day the 280zx turns 29

06-15-2004, 04:12 PM
Here is the email I'm sending, feel free to modify to your liking.

Subject: NO TO A.B. 2683

To whom it may concern,

I have recently learned about AB 2683 and very strongly disagree with what it is attempting to do. Existing law in California exempts all vehicles 30-years old and older from emissions testing. California's current emissions testing exemption recognizes the minimal impact of vehicles 30-years old and older on vehicle emissions and air quality. Vehicles 30-years old and older constitute a small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction. Antique and classic vehicles are overwhelmingly well-maintained and infrequently driven (about one-third the miles each year as a new vehicle). Legislators and regulators are feeling the heat from a failed effort to meet air quality goals and are looking for a convenient scapegoat. The old car hobby should not carry the burden of their mistakes!

Many hobbyists including myself are fed up with what the state of California is doing to us and are seriously contemplating leaving this state if it continues to punish us for what we love to do. Please do not allow this to happen. We all love this great state but it is becoming increasingly clear that the state does not want us here!

Please say NO to AB 2683!

06-15-2004, 04:46 PM
The problem is, this new bill would have little to no affect on 'Muscle' cars, because most of them are older than 76 anyway. This law effects newer cars, like ours, that aren't sheilded by the old bill yet anyway, so we wouldn't notice a difference anyway (at least not for another 15+ years).

The other problem is, California hates the new breed of tuners (that's us) so our plees will fall on deaf ears. If they didn't hate us, they wouldn't have a visual inspection.

Although I applaud your effort, don't be suprised if this new bill passes easily.

06-15-2004, 04:55 PM
some one needs to talk to Arnold... he would be on our side couse his hummers (sp) are a pollution to ?? hehe

06-15-2004, 04:58 PM
Emailed and cross-posted to several forums.

06-15-2004, 05:04 PM
when i become a lawyer, some CARB heads will roll...blackmail, assassination...i'll find a way

06-15-2004, 05:31 PM
when i become a lawyer, some CARB heads will roll...blackmail, assassination...i'll find a way

I start law school in the fall... Give me 3 years... CARB is going to be my worst enemy :D.

06-15-2004, 08:25 PM
yah the states goin to hell, cause they want cleaner air. shit I wish I could live in a state with crappy air. Please insert flame below.

on the other hand though I do understand, cars are pretty much my only hobby and would suck shit to have to find a different hobby such as knitting or something, of course stealing would be my hobby too if it was leagal.

06-15-2004, 10:31 PM
haha yah mjjstang, cars pretty much my main hobby too. Government actions are wack!! heard they tryin to eliminate free email saying that regular post offices are seeing a decrease in mail.

06-16-2004, 06:12 AM
The tuners of California need a spokesperson!

Someone famous who loves cars as much as you do, and is willing to voice an opposition to these laws in a public television broadcast.

Like Jay Leno or something... That way you can get more people to say "NO"