View Full Version : 805LIDE @ Oval 4/27/14 presented by JustDRIFT!

03-14-2014, 08:22 PM
To Register:
Email/Paypal: [email protected]
Call/Text: 805-6124466

Facebook event page:

We are back for the second time this year! Get your cars ready fellas!

Oval Speedway Course
$95 Per Driver
20 Driver Cap
First Timer - OK!
Multi-Car Tandem - OK!
Instruction Available!

Be sure to get here by 8AM for drivers meeting porfavor.

If you came to February's event we were OVER FILLED and still had plenty of track time for everyone to run out of tires! And we try to staff these events so you have a good time staging in the lane!

Come back and have some more fun with us at the oval! Invite your friends, or family to come out everyone is welcome!!!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v204/Tony777/805LIDE/Apri27FINAL_zpsc2880454.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Tony777/media/805LIDE/Apri27FINAL_zpsc2880454.jpg.html)