View Full Version : Enthusiasts Against Visual Inspection

06-12-2004, 07:59 PM
As someone who is adamantly opposed to both the CARB's exempting process and the subsequent need for visual inspections, I have decided to start a petition. The final wording will be drawn up later, but I want to know who's for an anti-visual-inspection petition; you must be of legal voting age or will be of age by November. Please send your name and city (in California, please) to my yahoo address, [email protected] I am planning on sending the final draft of the petition to both the SEMA Action Network (of which I am a member) and to Governor Schwarzenegger himself. Maybe we can work together to rid this state's emission testing of unneeded and frankly stupid laws. Thank you.

06-12-2004, 08:03 PM
If I think there would be even the smallest remote chance of this happening I would, but it will never happen.

Andrew Bohan
06-12-2004, 09:53 PM
i know some camaro guys who are writing letters about this to their assemblymembers. that might be an idea too.

anyway, i'm in.

06-13-2004, 12:21 AM
long hard battle. Good luck.

06-13-2004, 12:28 AM
Don't say "If it had a chance, I'd do it." Because the next sentence to follow is "But I won't, and therefore am denying you the chance, also." Shit guy, just write an email. People can change things. Even stupid ideas get passed, like some god-aweful expensive mag-rail or bullet train or monorail thing that spans Tampa to Orlando got passed. $4 Billion of Florida money bieng put to use replacing a 30 minute drive down a dedicated interstate from Tampa to Orlando. So if enough people bitch, no visuals will hit the ballot. Then it goes to vote. I'm sure you'd get everyone's vote because a visual is a bullshit idea. Smog it. Pass or fail. Not "Well.. it passes, but..". So yea, don't be a douche. Take out 30 seconds of your busy, miserable life and sign it, to give other people a chance.

06-13-2004, 12:47 AM
hey I'm all for it, I just don't have the energy and time to start it. If someone writes it, I'll sign it.

06-13-2004, 01:09 AM
I know none of us like the visual, but it's there for a reason, even though that might be a stupid one. You bag on me and call me a douche for expressing my opinion, and call my life miserable? What do you have to base that on, do you personally know me? Maybe I should call you a loser for spending so much time on a messageboard, but I wont because I know thats your cup of tea, and you probably have much knowledge and have helped the community flourish. Next time if you feel like bashing me do it through PM, no need to do it in-thread.

06-13-2004, 01:44 AM
Are you telling me, in all honesty, that your comments don't make you look like an asshole? If you reread your post, and don't think you were an asshole, and get ONE person to agree with you, I'll take it all back. Its 30 seconds of time. One lousy email. And you won't do it because "it won't happen". Just think. The 2000 presidency was decided by less than 200 votes. Votes work the same as petitions. Sure, I was harsh. But you're either an asshole, lazy, or both. And it's 3am. What else can I do?

06-13-2004, 02:36 AM
The Vis is an important part of the smog test however.

Not all emissions are from the tail pipe, visual DOES do something, like it or not.

06-13-2004, 05:27 AM
How the fuck would looking at an engine change what your car poops out the tailpipe. I understand they can see if non-OEM parts are being used but as long as it meets the emissions standards who cares?

06-13-2004, 09:10 AM
How the fuck would looking at an engine change what your car poops out the tailpipe. I understand they can see if non-OEM parts are being used but as long as it meets the emissions standards who cares?
There comes the question of where the blowoff valve is venting to, is it atmospheric or is it going back into the intake? Not all emissions are "pooped out the tailpipe"

06-13-2004, 09:17 AM
All I have to say is if they can pass a law that says people cannot smoke on beaches then theres a possibility to pass a law that can give some leniency on visual inspections.

06-13-2004, 09:48 AM
just wondering. but does anybody LIKE our clean air in sunny cali?

06-13-2004, 10:04 AM
Our air is clean?

This measure would not increase the level at which a car may pollute; in fact, it does not even touch the actual smog laws. It will only ask that the government respect our right to modify cars as we see fit as long as we still pass the smog test. I would be all for paying an extra $100 a year to receive a "visual test exempt" sticker, but that's a different petition for a different time. (Reason for being: money talks, and there are lots of enthusiasts who wouldn't mind paying a relatively measly sum for lenience.)

PHLIP- That is a good point, but have there ever been any studies which have come to the conclusion that a measurable amount of pollution is exhaled by a blow-off valve? I do not know of any, but if you do please link me.

06-13-2004, 10:07 AM
There comes the question of where the blowoff valve is venting to, is it atmospheric or is it going back into the intake? Not all emissions are "pooped out the tailpipe"
Blow off valves blow of fresh air. If you have a blow off valve vented to atmosphere on a car with a MAFS, it will run rich as it meters air that doesnt go into the engine, and that will be picked up by a sniffer test.

Maybe you meant an atmospheric wastegate?

06-13-2004, 08:06 PM
wastegates, fuel vapor emissions, PCV, oil catch cans...there is alot of stuff under the hood that can pollute.

Its alot easier to enforce laws that keep EVERYTHING out of the engine bay than to have to test every little do-dad that people bolt onto their car. It gets worse when people half ass install their parts.

06-13-2004, 09:07 PM
Maybe you meant an atmospheric wastegate?
Yeah, my bad, typing what I was thinking instead of what I meant... Call it what you want, but damn near none of this shit applies to us in NC, they only look for whether or not you have the proper emissions control stuff (or at least what appears to be, ask Steeles about his test pipe and hollow cat) and put you on the sniffer.

06-14-2004, 12:35 AM
Ok. Its really simple to look and see what is not hooked up. Hell, Midas even saw my open-dump wastegate and refused to touch my piping (this was 2 years ago when I couldn't weld). Other than that, vacuum lines going to nothing, wires hanging out. If they can look at every part of your motor and ask for CARB EO #s on aftermarket things, they can skip that and just look for unrouted items.
I think it would save time and hassle. If this sort of visual happened in Florida, I'd be happy to re-route my wastegate into my exhaust, and I'm sure other people would be too.

06-14-2004, 02:06 AM
im not for or against this, sure id like to not have visual emmisions, but think, if we didnt, other things do pollute, what if u have a leak u didnt kno about and say you went to the emmisions place and they caught it, u fix it right, lets say u goto the emmisions place with that same leak and u have ur no visualization test so they jus sniff you, you dont kno about the leak, they dont cuz they dont check, and ur ridin home with ur kid in the car, and all of a sudden ur 5 ft in the air because ur engine blew up cuz u had a leak sumwhere..... laws are laws, they were placed there for a reason..... be it your own good, the safty of you, others and your children, and their childrens children, ect.... when i decide to become a father, i dont want to blow up/harm/pollute the air that myself and my kids breath in everyday and later down the road have some illness because of it. they have visual testing because their professionals(sp?) and they might cautch something that could turn out to be an unfortuanate accident.... /end thread, point proven....

06-14-2004, 08:12 PM
... what the hell?

Andrew Bohan
06-14-2004, 08:21 PM
check for leaks yourself if you're so worried about it.
checking for leaks once in two years isn't doing much

06-15-2004, 01:42 AM
it was jus a example, what if YOU YOURSELF miss something that a proffesional is trained to look for?? if you want emmisions gone, move.... go sumwhere where there isnt emmisions....

06-15-2004, 10:24 AM
wastegates, fuel vapor emissions, PCV, oil catch cans...there is alot of stuff under the hood that can pollute.

Its alot easier to enforce laws that keep EVERYTHING out of the engine bay than to have to test every little do-dad that people bolt onto their car. It gets worse when people half ass install their parts.

This is true. Visual inpection is an important part of the SMOG program. But as long as there are no HC's being vented out to the atmosphere because of oil cap breathers, disconected EVAP canisters, or missing gas cap etc., it shouldn't matter what kind of header you are using or if you have an exposed air filter<---lamest law of all. It's not a black and white issue, and you cant just do away with visual inpsection, but there needs to be a compromise and for now that compromise is to buy Carb legal products.

This is the way I think it should work.

Keep the Carb products. Some people will spend the money and sacrifice performance just so they dont get hassled by cops. This is the best use of carb legal products. The police officer doesnt know how clean/dirty your car is running so at least they can tell if your mods are "legal". A smog check center on the other hand has a smog machine and can tell you how your car is running. In this situation carb numbers are stupid. If the machine says you're running clean that should be the end of it. If you get pulled over and your mods arent carb approved, then you should be reffered to a test only center, not the refferee. Once you go and pass your test, you should keep the records in your car so you cant get hassled for the next year. When a cop pulls you over, just show him the smog papers.

edit Just had a thought..you could get your test done then disconnect your cat or somthing stupid. So cops should have mini-sniffers in their car. Nothing with exact numbers, but at least they can tell if your car is a gross polluter. Maybe something like a breathalizer with a bar that goes to red meaning they can send you to a refferee. Something similar to this is happening in LA(my cousin told me i dont know if he's full of shit or not)
He says they have sniffers on offramps and on ramps now that take a sample of your exhuast and if it's a gross polluter , it takes a picture of your license plate then you get pulled over down the road and given a ticket to go get a smog check.