View Full Version : s14 sr20 ac lines

03-11-2014, 12:01 PM
my dad recently gave me and my brother his zenki
with a sr20 black top the car is basically done driving and what not
one of the only problems is that it need the ac lines
i dont have the original s14 lines nor the sr20 lines
i have asking many guys who have dont the swap
they all have told me just make it or modify the s14 one
i have easy access to s14 lines
but idk what mods will have to be made
so should i make it if so what size lines and fittings are needed
if i should mod an s14 one

what should i mod in it

i dont have either at the moment so
i basically want to no which easier and more inexpensive

03-12-2014, 05:47 PM

The easiest way to make it all work, is to use my adapter brackets. You use the KA compressor and lines (so you keep them all stock) and then use my kit to adapt it to the SR20. Super easy to do, 30 minute job at most to complete.

Shoot me a PM if you have any other questions, I can help ya out at any time with AC questions
