View Full Version : gas smell coming from car, but no smoke from exhaust?

06-12-2004, 05:24 PM
im still dealing with my terrible gas mileage, and i think im one step closer. i can smell gas coming from somewhere around my car, maybe engine bay, maybe exhaust.. but i dont see any smoke. car pulls fine, and when i ran ecu for codes, i got a bad knock sensor.. any ideas what could be causing the gas smell???


06-12-2004, 08:17 PM
check around your fuel filter, cause the lines around it are rubber and tend to wear after while...it's just a thought to start at

06-12-2004, 09:47 PM
forgot to mention all my fuel lines have been replaced. i redid my compression check, and compression is within specs. tune ups been done, so im wondering where i could be leaking fuel? hmm.. could my cat have something to do with it? its strange tho, cause my car has great pick up. id assume im running rich, but theres no smoke coming out of my exhaust.. this is such a head ache


06-12-2004, 09:53 PM
maybe theres some gas somewhere, ever think of that?

06-12-2004, 10:05 PM
my friend was saying it might be the seal where the fuel filter is in the trunk. at least thats where he thinks my problem is coming from but i haven't had the time to check yet.

06-13-2004, 04:27 AM
check your fuel lines again. Make sure that they're all tightened all the way. The seal around your sender unit could also be a possibility, mine was a while back. Replaced the seal for 7.15 dealership. Large rubber o-ring. Then found another very slight leak when the motor wasn't running at the fuel line above the intake manifold (SOHC). Then found a gusher at the other rubber hose that runs from the gas filler to the fuel tank. There's a breather hose that fuel started to pour out from. Had that hose fixed and my mileage went back to where it was before the gas stench filled up my car.

06-13-2004, 02:15 PM
hmm.. ill have to do that today. im lucky my bro just got a job at a Nissan dealership as a carsalesman, maybe they'll be able to help, yea.. right. :bash:
ill check out the fuel lines again, thanks guys :) ill keep you posted.


06-14-2004, 11:55 AM
our stanza has the same problem....it freakin reaks of gasoline. more so on the passenger side. its weird.

06-14-2004, 08:40 PM
I got similar stuff, wafts of gas as I walk around the car. there will be nothing, and all of a sudden a burst of gas ... wierd! Im going to check all my lines soon though

06-15-2004, 09:19 PM
I was at the USMC recruiting station for PT, and one of the Gny. Sgts. said that im running rich, even without any apparent smoke. im wondering if i can somehow lessen the pressure to the fuel pump or somethin'. maybe my injectors are so worn, they are shootin too much shit in. hmm..forgot to mention, i traded a shop owner some time on his lift for some time looking over my 300z brake settup. everything underneath is straight, no fuel leaks. maybe water is getting into my tank.. hmm..


06-16-2004, 07:15 AM
maybe you should swap your injectors.

i've also read the engine temperature sensor can cause a rich mixture. the car runs rich when the engine is cold to warm it up. when it reaches operating temp it goes to a better mixture. if the sensor is busted it could be telling your ecu the engine is still cold - thus it runs rich 24/7.

06-16-2004, 07:37 AM
Dude DJ you still having problems with your fuel?

Okay, I remember you replaced the fuel pump cover gasket right? Well, wouldn't hurt to double check that sucker. I mean you'll know if that's your leak cause you'll smell fuel really bad once you pop the metal cover open. Just check wouldn't hurt.

I should point out that checking for fuel is very hard since fuel doesn't leave a very noticable trail on most components of your car besides smell. And since the smell is so strong most times, you can't pinpoint it. I know it can be very frustrating. I'm sure your running rich cause that's how 240's are built. A little rich not too much. But it won't cause the symtoms your describing.

Also do check the fuel lines again, but here's a tip: start the car and let it idle. THEN get under it and following the fuel lines from the filter all the way back to the tank. Look for fresh wet spots. Also check the hoses from your filter to your fuel rail at the same time. Basically if your smelling fuel your leaking it BEFORE it reaches your combustion chambers. Oh and one more thing check the fuel tank for drips...could be that your got a rust spot on your tank and that opened up a teeny tiny hole that fuel is dripping from. And don't just check on the bottom, look on the sides, near your fuel filler door( under the car). Check everywhere!! But like I said it's definitely a PRE-ENGINE leak.
Glad to hear your power is back. You're almost there!!

Good Luck and happy crawling!!!

06-16-2004, 08:10 AM
Dream..yup, im still having problems :bash: . nah, i didnt replace that gasket yet, but im about to. what sux is i havent worked a job in 3 months, and no one will hire my ass hehe. its tough mooching off my mom. i was talking to some people, and they mentioned gas up north(nj, ny, etc) just gives less mileage then southern fuels, but it shouldnt cause such a deficit. =( . i was thinking.. could my fuel become "stale" if theres a rust spot causing air to come in or something? but then the car wouldnt idle right.. hmm. while at PT at Marines, the gunny also mentioned my injectors might just be wearing out and letting in too much fuel, but how likely is that? theres definetly no smoke coming out, but i still get the rich smell coming from exhaust..i replaced my O2 sensor and coolant temperature sensor out at the same time, but once i get an altimeter, ill check on the resistance. *sigh* i can't wait till my car runs well, cause i cant afford an sr for a loooong time :werd: .


06-16-2004, 10:06 AM
Oh well, since you STILL haven't replaced the gasket (shame on you :) ) then I'm sure that's a big culprit. I coulda swore you posted on that last thread that you changed it out. Maybe I'm just losing my mind, again.

I've never heard of an untampered stock injector letting in too much fuel. That usually happens with modified injectors. If anything your injectors would malfunction letting in LESS fuel not more usually due to clogging. Also check your injector seals to see if they're pinched or worn that could be it too.

06-18-2004, 08:33 AM
hey, where could i pick one of those gaskets up, and how hard is the swap??


06-18-2004, 08:58 AM
The gasket in the trunk for the gas tank cover? Go to Nissan and order the part. Sorry but that's probably the only way you're going to get one. It shouldn't be more than 10 bucks.

06-18-2004, 11:13 PM
check the rubber lines by your fuel pump and the o rings on your injectors.