View Full Version : WTB: 95-98 240sx with SR20DET

06-12-2004, 11:46 AM
Im looking for a 95-98240sx with a sr20det preferably a s14 blacktop but redtop is fine. Im located in Northern Virginia so anything on the east coast is what im looking for. Highest ill pay is 9-11k. Must have basic mods!!!!

06-12-2004, 12:15 PM
The car alone isn't worth much less than what you're listing, so I seriously doubt you'll find a Kouki 240SX w/ low miles, an SR20DET, and basic modifications (which you don't outline btw, what IS basic mod to you? exhaust? coilovers? ICE?) for less than 11 grand.

06-12-2004, 12:16 PM
there is a WTB section

06-12-2004, 12:24 PM
Edited for an unfair statement. I apologize.

06-12-2004, 12:43 PM
Methods is my cousins account im using it to find a 240sx i in know way think 240sx are civics are whatever. Second ive seen many 95-98240sx with sr20dets and many mods between 9-11k. The only problem is there all over on the WEST coast. Basic mods is like exhaust, intake and dp.

Here are some examples of 95-98240sx with sr20dets and basic mods



so plz dont post on here tellin me that no one sells them for that price with sr20dets in them because people do,hopefully i can find someone on the eastcoast selling one.

06-12-2004, 01:00 PM
someone please move this to WTB section ??

06-12-2004, 01:05 PM
I wouldn't call 140,000 miles on a chassis and 60,000 miles on an engine low miles, which if you READ my post you would notice I said.

06-12-2004, 01:15 PM
dude, i got an idea, stfu and get off this thread unless your selling what my cousin wants, and sadly 240sx are becoming civics in the sense that everyone and there nephews have one, thats that, dont reply, please please just go away

06-12-2004, 01:17 PM
dude, i got an idea, stfu and get off this thread unless your selling what my cousin wants, and sadly 240sx are becoming civics in the sense that everyone and there nephews have one, thats that, dont reply, please please just go away

that ideas cool hahahahahhahahh welcome to ZILVIA home of :rant2:

06-12-2004, 01:21 PM
at least im getting replys, the other 240sx forums suck balls no one ever responds anyway plz someone just help me find a s14 with a sr20det on the east coast.

06-12-2004, 01:23 PM
Oh... what's that? I feel a reply comin' on!!!!!!!!! I was going to listen to you, but then I remembered that I don't really give a rat's ass. I don't live to please you, or your cousin, so sorry. And the only reason that 240SXs are becoming anything like Civics is because lazy tards like your cousin are busy trying to buy up the remaining S-chassiss, but are too godamn stupid to take the time, effort, and intelligence to actually do their own work. If he's such a WONDERFUL addition to the 240SX community why doesn't he buy up a Zenki S14, drop in a redtop and a few bolt-ons, then tune it HIMSELF instead of buying one already made by somebody who knows what they're doing and has put in the wrench time on a car that they love. :fawk2:

06-12-2004, 01:35 PM
most people dont do it themselves, sadly enough, and someone who hasthe time/money/patience to do a swap for themselves, well more power to them, but for someone who doesnt, and can get what they want for a price they want, shouldnt have to worry about someone like you making stupid points for stupid reasons. oh btw, who the fucks suppose to buy those cars then huh? this time, please please do yourself a favor, and stop talking out your ass

06-12-2004, 01:38 PM
I'm not talking. It's the internet genius, I'm typing.

06-12-2004, 01:38 PM
Iceyman this is methods is cousin, yea the one you called dumb and "buying up all the s-chassis" because there are no more left in the USA :jerkit:. I have a job that i work 30-40 hours a week and we only have 3 cars at our house between 4 people. I cant buy a car then have it down for 2 weeks to swap in a sr20det i need to get a car asap. So i want a 95-98240sx with a sr20det and theres nothin wron with that. Also we never said you had to plz us, but whatever anyway if you have nothing positive to post stfu and leave. Still looking for a 95-98240sx with a s13 redtop/blacktop or s14blacktop.

06-12-2004, 01:41 PM
Fine, look for the car all you want. I'm not PREVENTING you from buying one, I'm simply interjecting my opinion. And if you want me to shut the fuck up, then obviously me shutting the fuck up would please you, thereby your request for me to shut the fuck up is a request for me to please you.

06-12-2004, 06:40 PM
damn.. i didnt know a wtb forum post would be so violent.. neways.. i have a s14 with redtop and s15 front end conversions and a shitload of mods but im looking for a higher price... im in kansas.. im probably gonna post it up for sale soon... closer to july tho... dont really wanna sell it yet.. gotta cuz im moving for college soon and need the money.. gonna get an element!!!!!! neways... as for 240sx becoming the next civic.. its true even tho most of us dont wanna believe it... ive talked to so many honda guys (non ricer either...the ones that drive 12-13 sec hatchbacks with stock 15 wheels).. and they are like, keep an eye out for a 240sx for me.. forget that.. if i find a clean s chassis, im buying it!! haha... anyways, everyone wants a 240sx now.. so its inevitable man.. o yea, i dont blame people for buying swapped cars.. damn i spent a year fixing my car.. did the 2 sr20det swaps, the conversion and several modifications with no other car to drive, full time college, and 35 hours of work each week.. it sucked.. had to drive my girls civic most of the time.. sure i learned a lot but if i were to get another 240sx, i would buy one swapped.. it sucks trying to find time to swap ur car..

06-12-2004, 06:53 PM
i got one perfect for u, im in south carolina pm me

06-13-2004, 07:37 AM
BTW, unless you consider Soutch Carolina the "East Coast" none of the sales you mentioned were out here. These cars go a lot cheaper out on the West Coast due mostly to their availability and the lack of concern about rust that we have here.

06-13-2004, 10:20 AM
Iyceman.....do us ALL a favor...........


By accusing him of being a ricer you are in NO position to be saying shit. You make yourself look bad. Please, there are cars out there for the price he is asking. Let the man post in peace. So, next time before you open your ignorant mouth, think it out before you post it. You obviously have no clue what cars are going for and what people are willing to take vs what they are asking.

In the end, a car is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

:gives: about what YOU think iyceman. seriously grow up.

06-13-2004, 10:23 AM

message length

06-13-2004, 11:20 AM
I'm not opening my "ignorant mouth", I live in NY, and I haven't seen an SR20DET S14 w/ low miles go for anywhere near 11K in a very long time IN NY. I apologize for any MISINFORMATION I stated due to not thinking that he might not be in NY, however unless you are my next door neighbor don't tell me that I'm speaking out of ignorance about car prices in my damn area. I've been looking for a decent 240SX in this area for quite a while, I know how much they sell for. However, I fully apolgize for not thinking that prices where YOU are may be very different from where I am.

06-13-2004, 11:43 AM
WOW, you just don't get it do you?

06-13-2004, 11:52 AM
W/E, I apoligize for my part in all this. I shouldn't have jumped in and started shooting my mouth off, it was dumb and immature of me. I'm making peace, say what you like, I'm not gonna say another ill word to anyone involved in this. Cool? Good luck finding what you're lookin' for man.

06-13-2004, 05:07 PM
okay change in plans, im still looking for a s14 with a sr20det, but i am also looking for a s13 coupe (NO FASTBACKS) with an sr20det. So i will buy either or, but my price for the s14 will be between 9-11k like i priced before and for the coupe no higher than 9k.

06-13-2004, 08:01 PM
OMG! Both of you shut the hell up, and argue in PM. Any more of this crap and I'm going to temporarily ban you two. And both of you need to read the "Rules and Guidelines". Don't flame, bash, or trash other people's threads. If you don't have the car he's looking for, simply don't post. If you do, but want more money, post/pm him. This isn't rocket science. It's the golden rule and basic humanity.
This is a worthless thread, and next time, post in the right goddamned forum!