View Full Version : DA204SX/ joe wu

03-07-2014, 06:19 PM
Hi zilvians, i have been a member here for some time. and all my customers are happy customers, and iam a striaght up guy, i don't lie and all my past cutomers can voch for me.

But when some bitch ass tries to get over on me and steal my money/items it really grinds my gears. so iam sending a warning out to not deal with DA240SX otherwise known as joe wu. this scheming bitch purchased some items from me-rb25

powersteering pump-
power steering bracket
and adjuster-
And some valve cover bolts.
for a total of $175.00 shipped.

so somehow maybe because he can't speak fucking english, he thinks i included a crank dampner. i texed this guy and talked to him on the phone and the agreement was for those items at that price. he then receives the items and figures out he made a mistake. i then told him i would trade him the bracket for the damper with no extra charge.

i don't hear back from the bitch and then i go and sell the dampner to another customer. then yesterday with no communication he goes through his bank(not paypal) and says he didn't receive any items. so hes basically trying to steal my items and my money.

i never recorded the tracking numbers before because people have never tried some little dick move like this to steal from me. but now i have to keep a record of my tracking numbers through paypal. i just give the seller the tracking number direct, then they are happy, now i have to do more work because of this little dick twerp!!


03-08-2014, 09:36 AM
the same guy ripped me off with injectors he sold me. claimed it was deatschworks 550cc and it turns out to be some kind of sard looking injectors.

03-08-2014, 12:04 PM
yes this guys a total Bitch. won't answer his phone and communication has ceased!

03-12-2014, 10:10 AM
just bumping this. be on the look-out this bitch still gets on here daily!!

03-12-2014, 12:20 PM
He sells a ton of stuff on Houston240sx.. ill beware from buying from him :-/. sucks when a local guy trys to rip off people.. not like there's enough crooks in Houston as it is


03-12-2014, 12:24 PM
he lives in nyc so yes watch this mother-fucker!!

05-16-2014, 11:48 AM
so i finallly made it to nyc and went to this persons place. And finally got some closure. Apparently on his side of things he was out of town and couldn't communicate, iam out of town and i always communicate.

so the issue at hand has been resolved this thread can be closed....

10-24-2014, 11:08 AM
So wait, you went to his place personally in NYC?!?!?! That's' some balls bro, this car community has some pretty seedy and shady looking people. Wouldn't want to show up at someone's door and get greeted with the barrel of a pistol.

Glad all worked out in the end.

10-28-2014, 05:47 AM
yes, iam from there and iam not scared of anyone. it shockingly was not a seedy part of town, actually quite the opposite

10-28-2014, 02:09 PM
He led me to some place south of delancey st .I think i made a left on chyrstie st or allen st but I can't remember. Then someone else on here said he lived further uptown. The guy never got back to me after ripping me off.

10-29-2014, 08:29 AM
was that his shipping address he gave you? I actually got the place where he lived. I will say "he had a door man" so hes not strapped for cash and I scratch my head as to why he would want to rip someone off?